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269 lines (195 loc) · 12.3 KB

File metadata and controls

269 lines (195 loc) · 12.3 KB



  • Quit lying to transpiled ES6 module environments


  • Improve stack trace handling
  • Test against Node 7
  • Update docs in various places
  • Move thallium/match to clean-match (new package)
  • Move thallium/assert to clean-assert (new package, still aliased)
  • Move core of thallium/assert to clean-assert-util (new package)
  • Empty configs are now supported
  • Add t.hasReporter for the CLI
  • Run a test.js file by default as well as test/**
  • Print object diffs on assertion failures
  • Add a complete DOM reporter (patches welcome for making it look better)
  • Support reattempting tests via t.attempts/reflect.attempts
  • Support failable tests via t.failable/reflect.failable
  • Several bug fixes


  • Unbreak PhantomJS
  • Fix a typo


  • Add hookError.rootPath for more informative error handling
  • Reorder hook error events to not disrupt the hierarchial assumptions it would otherwise not allow within reporters (the built-in ones rely on it extensively)
  • Be more informative with the output of hook errors
  • Space consecutive subtests in the spec reporter


  • Improve internal error printing when initializing CLI
  • CLI arg parsing bug fix


  • More TypeScript fixes


  • Check/fix broken TypeScript definitions


  • Check/fix broken TypeScript definitions


  • Fix unusual error message duplication caused by not trimming them correctly.
  • Add OS X/macOS support
  • Fix broken TypeScript definitions for the built-in reporter options and the VoidReporter/VoidPlugin types.
  • Retain the default width when the terminal reports a width of zero columns.
  • Make errors discernable without color in the dot reporter.


  • Missed other files... :( (Hopefully, I got everything this time)


  • Missed another file...


  • Missed a file...


Special shout-out to @zubuzon for picking off numerous bugs littered throughout! 😄

There is a thallium-migrate.js bundle and another thallium/migrate module to assist in migrating across the many changes. The latter monkey-patches most of the old API back in to thallium itself. It doesn't help that this is a far bigger update than what would be typical of a major update, since I pretty much redesigned the core API.

Here's an explanation of what changed:

Things added

  • Most normal test methods also have related reflect methods.
  • Most reporter environment variables are now configurable in the browser bundles.
  • The assert.closeTo (was t.closeTo) now uses a tolerance instead of a raw difference, and has a sensible default.
  • reflect.isLocked for checking that a test is locked.
  • reflect.current to get a reflect for the current test.
  • The CLI now has a default config, in case you don't have one. It simply registers the spec reporter.
  • There now exist proper "before each", "after each", "before all", and "after all" hooks. The first two run on every test, but the last two only run on the test they're defined in.
    • There is now a new hook event for when errors occur in these.
    • They have full reflect support, including adding, removing, and testing for existence.
  • Plugins may now remove reporters. It is not exposed normally because it's very rare for the end user to want to remove a reporter.
  • is the new plugin factory, and it returns the result of the callback.
  • child reflect instances now can find their name, index, and children.
  • An options file is now optionally accepted by the CLI.
  • thallium/r now has its own namespace index.js module.

Things changed

  • Support for Node pre-4 is now gone.
  • Support for PhantomJS 1.x is now gone.
  • reflect instances are now persistent per-test.
  • This now requires a Promise polyfill for environments that don't have it (e.g. PhantomJS).
  • All tests are now both async and blocks. You can return a promise that resolves when done for async support.
  • The reporter type-checking methods (e.g. report.start) are now type-checking getters with somewhat better names (e.g. report.isStart).
  • The report and location factories are now in thallium/internal, with the report constructors in a namespace. The old ones are available after loading thallium/migrate.
    • The hook events are also available here.
  • Most of the properties no longer throw if they're not the "active" test.
    • As a side effect, reflect.checkInit is deprecated, but available after loading thallium/migrate.
  • t.only's filter is now determined at runtime.
  • t.timeout and t.slow are now getter/setter properties.
  • report.value is now report.error across all types.
  • Root reflect and child reflect instances are now of two different types, and don't share all the same methods.
    • You can use reflect.isRoot to differentiate these two.
  • Reporters may now only be changed at the root, not in children. This includes the new reflect.reporter and reflect.removeReporter methods.
  • The built-in reporters now exclusively use write, and no longer use print. So print is now ignored as an option.
  • t.reporter is no longer variadic, and now automatically invokes the reporter with the optional second argument. This has no thallium/migrate support, because I have no way of checking whether the reporter is the returned function or the factory itself.
  • t.reporter caches based on the factory now.
  • reflect.reporters is removed in favor for reflect.hasReporter.

Things removed

These things are deprecated and removed, but the old behavior is available after loading thallium/migrate, unless specified otherwise or it being a complete file removal.

  • The first parameter of t.test is deprecated, and will be removed in 0.4. Just use the global instance now, which also knows when it's in a subtest, and it tracks the current test (available in reflect.current) to use, even in subtests.

    • The inheritance entailed by that first argument is similarly deprecated, and will be removed in 0.4.
  • The done argument for reporters (and associated built-in reporters' options) no longer exists, and it is not available with thallium/migrate. Use a promisifying utility instead.

  • The built-in reporters no longer accept a print method option, and it is not available with thallium/migrate. They now exclusively use write.

  • t.async is removed, since t.test now itself has async support.

  • t.async's done callback is deprecated in favor of just using promises.

  • thallium/core is deprecated, as thallium now has most of the rest stripped out.

  • thallium/assertions is deprecated, and the automatic load when calling thallium is removed. Use the independent thallium/assert instead

    • The loose deep matching is gone. It was slow, complicated, and hardly useful.
    • Some of the redundant methods were removed. The deprecation warnings can point you to what to move to.
  • t.use and t.reflect are deprecated in favor of, which is more flexible, albeit non-caching.

  • Inline tests are completely removed, and are not available with thallium/migrate. Migrate to block tests before updating.

  • Generator test body support is deprecated. Wrap your test with co, migrate to async functions, or similar instead.

  • is deprecated with no need for replacement.

  • bin/thallium and bin/_thallium are both removed entirely. bin/tl now respawns itself.

  • The reflect.scheduler method is removed.

  • reflect.runnable() and other useless, obsolete checkers are deprecated with no need for replacement.

    • Note that these are named things like isRunnable instead in the migration utility. It's an easy find/replace operation.
  • The block property in reporters is no longer used. If you need that functionality back, use this utility to group a set of reporters:

    // This may need translated to ES5, and will only work in Node 6+ and the latest
    // Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
    function combine(...reporters) {
        function clone(report) {
            return Object.assign(
        return report => reporters.reduce(
            (p, reporter) => p.then(() => reporter(clone(report))),
  • report instances are no longer plain objects, and they no longer have all the properties.


Many minor bug fixes and improvements. Here's a few of them:

  • It doesn't bork up over a global install.
  • It handles .tl.js/etc. directories and similar (i.e. it exists, but isn't a file) more gracefully.
  • Report inspections are a little more helpful now.
  • Dropped a couple dependencies, uses Node's internal module resolution directly for --require/etc.


  • thallium/thallium.js is now correctly published...


  • t.matchLoose, t.deepEqualLoose, and friends now removed due to lack of use case.

  • Deep equality algorithm is much faster now.

  • Expando properties on arrays/RegExps/etc. are no longer checked. This will no longer throw:

    var re = /foo/g = "bar"
    t.match(re, /foo/g)
  • Several issues with deep equality algorithm fixed:

    • Typed arrays, DataViews, and ArrayBuffers are fully supported
    • This now throws as expected: t.match(new Error("foo"), {message: "foo"})
    • This now throws as expected: t.match(new Error("foo"), new TypeError("foo"))
    • Errors are compared with their prototypes checked to be equal, like what t.deepEqual does normally.
  • ES2018 async functions now used in docs/examples/tap-reporter.js

  • Examples cleaned up a little.

  • Reporters and the CLI should now be less broken on Windows, as those no longer use raw newlines.

  • The CLI is significantly faster while loading the config and --require stuff.


  • Deep equality algorithm now checks correct set of keys for thrown vs unthrown errors.


  • Cycles are now detected in the deep equality assertions
  • RegExps are now checked in the deep equality assertions
  • Deep equality algorithm cleaned up


  • Fix config resolution bug when custom config.files is used.
  • Fix errors when util.inspecting reports.
  • Globs won't bork over directories.
  • Things like --require --require foo:foo/register will now work as expected.
  • Some internal refactoring.


  • Don't warn about inline tests containing just child tests.
  • Use fresh Bluebird copy
  • Don't depend on diff (for now)
  • Optimize dependencies a little.


Bug fixes in the built-in reporters


Fixing more npm mistakes... :-(


Forgot to update package.json...


  • Make t.throws errors make more sense.
  • Make reporter API more concise.
  • Restructure internals a bit.
  • Add, reflect.loc, and reflect.extra. Note that location objects and extra call data objects are now instances you can create from this call. If you use t.deepEqual/t.notDeepEqual to test these, you need to use this instead of plain objects.

The reporter event API has changed significantly. Previously, it used a type property to dictate its type, but it now has the following methods:

  • ev.type() - What used to be ev.type, and is here for cases when you need to pretty-print the event type name.
  • ev.start(), ev.enter(), ev.leave(), ev.pass(),, ev.skip(), ev.end(), ev.error(), and ev.extra() - Easier, faster, and new preferred way to check types. They check the type of their namesake (e.g. ev.start() tests if the event is a start event).
  • It also implements ev.inspect() for a more useful output for util.inspect, where you'd otherwise get an unhelpful arbitrary integer that the type is based on and useless garbage for some events (i.e. start events don't have a useful value, duration, or slow).


  • Add browser support
  • Add browser bundle (works in Node as well)
  • Clean up several implementation details
  • Don't set the timeout if an async test fails synchronously


Infinite loop fix (caught shortly after last publish)


Fix type-related bug regarding skipped tests.


Fixed outdated --help(-detailed) output.


Initial alpha release

I know there were some releases prior, but I wouldn't have even trusted them with toy projects. They were too unstable, and there was way too much churn under the hood.