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242 lines (172 loc) · 8.87 KB

File metadata and controls

242 lines (172 loc) · 8.87 KB
title author date output
Dean Koch
June 10, 2020

This is the initial setup script for reproducing the rasterbc dataset. It downloads some shapefiles to define boundaries, and sets up configuration details for GIS processing.

# download again to rewrite existing files? = FALSE

# load the helper functions
## [1] "data directory H:/git-MPB/rasterbc/data exists"
# create the source data directory and metadata list
collection = 'borders'
cfg = MPB_metadata(collection)
## [1] "borders source subdirectory exists"
## [1] "source data storage: H:/git-MPB/rasterbc/data/borders/source"
## [1] "borders mapsheets subdirectory exists"
## [1] "mapsheets data storage: H:/git-MPB/rasterbc/data/borders/blocks"

The metadata get filled in as we go. At the end of the script, we save this list to data.dir

cfg.filename = file.path(data.dir, paste0(collection, '.rds'))

source information

These data are from the National Topographic System (NTS) of Canada (Natural Resources Canada). The web url below points to an ftp directory containing a zip archive with shapefiles for provincial borders, and for a tiling of BC's geographical area into smaller blocks (or mapsheets, indexed by a number-letter code). The Open Government Licence - Canada applies.

# define the source metadata
cfg.src = list(
  # url to download from
  web = '',
  # filename strings of the shapefiles for BC provincial border and SNRC mapsheets 
  fname.prefix = c(prov = 'prov_territo', 
                   snrc = 'nts_snrc_250k'),
  # feature names to save = c(NTS_SNRC = 'NTS_SNRC',
                NAME_ENG = 'NAME_ENG', 
                NOM_FRA = 'NOM_FRA')
# update the metadata list
cfg = MPB_metadata(collection,, cfg.src=cfg.src)

From the provincial border polygon we will construct a binary raster indicating whether the grid cell lies in BC (prov); In addition we store the latitude and longitude for each cell (latitude, longitude) in separate layers. Copies of the reprojected provincial border and mapsheet polygons will be saved as shapefile.

# set up the source and output filenames
varnames = setNames(nm=c(names(cfg$src$fname.prefix), lat='latitude', long='longitude'))
cfg$src$fname = setNames(paste0(file.path(cfg$src$dir, cfg$src$fname.prefix), '.shp'), varnames[c('prov', 'snrc')])
cfg$out$fname$shp = setNames(paste0(file.path(data.dir, cfg$out$name, varnames[c('prov', 'snrc')]), '_std.shp'), varnames[c('prov', 'snrc')])
prefix.tif = setNames(file.path(data.dir, cfg$out$name, varnames[!(varnames %in% 'snrc')]), varnames[!(varnames %in% 'snrc')])
cfg$out$fname$tif$full = setNames(paste0(prefix.tif, '.tif'), varnames[!(varnames %in% 'snrc')])

prefix.tif gives the first part of the filenames that will later be assigned to each of the mapsheets, along with a suffix of the form '_<SNRC-code>.tif'. First we need to download and open the SNRC shapefile to find out which mapsheet codes are relevant.


This is a relatively small zip archive (12.2 MB, or 55.1 MB uncompressed)

# check if we need to download it again:
if(!all(file.exists(cfg$src$fname)) |
  #+ eval=FALSE
  # download the zip to temporary file (12.2 MB), extract to disk
  borders.tmp = tempfile('borders_temp', cfg$src$dir, '.zip')
  download.file(url=cfg$src$web, destfile=borders.tmp, mode='wb')
  borders.paths = unzip(borders.tmp, exdir=cfg$src$dir)
  #' verify that the two source files listed in `cfg$src$fname` are among the extracted files
  all(cfg$src$fname %in% borders.paths)
} else {
  print('using existing source files:') 
## [1] "using existing source files:"
##                                                        prov                                                        snrc 
##  "H:/git-MPB/rasterbc/data/borders/source/prov_territo.shp" "H:/git-MPB/rasterbc/data/borders/source/nts_snrc_250k.shp"

Once the files are downloaded/extracted, the script will use the existing files instead of downloading them again (unless is set to TRUE)


First, prepare a mask for in-province pixels and save it to disk (20.2 MB):

# load the provincial boundaries polygons and NTS/SNRC blocks, reprojecting to crs(bc.mask.tif)
prov.sf = sf::st_transform(sf::st_read(dsn=cfg$src$fname['prov']), MPB_crs()$epsg) 
snrc.sf = sf::st_transform(sf::st_read(dsn=cfg$src$fname['snrc']), MPB_crs()$epsg)

# create a mask for in-province pixels (setting reference extent and resolution)
ref.tif = raster::crop(MPB_crs()$tif, prov.sf[prov.sf$PROV_TERRI=='BC',1], snap='out')
bc.sf = prov.sf[prov.sf$PROV_TERRI=='BC',1]
# replace character column with numeric, rasterize, and write
bc.sf$PROV_TERRI = 0
bc.mask.tif = fasterize::fasterize(sf=bc.sf, raster=ref.tif, field='PROV_TERRI', fun='any')
raster::writeRaster(bc.mask.tif, cfg$out$fname$tif$full['prov'], overwrite=TRUE)

Next, build a list of NTS/SNRC codes that overlap with BC landmass

# find which SNRC codes intersect with BC, Yukon, Northwest Territories
bc.blocks.idx = sf::st_intersects(sf::st_geometry(prov.sf[prov.sf$PROV_TERRI=='BC',1]), sf::st_geometry(snrc.sf), sparse=FALSE)
yt.blocks.idx = sf::st_intersects(sf::st_geometry(prov.sf[prov.sf$PROV_TERRI=='YT',1]), sf::st_geometry(snrc.sf), sparse=FALSE)
nt.blocks.idx = sf::st_intersects(sf::st_geometry(prov.sf[prov.sf$PROV_TERRI=='NT',1]), sf::st_geometry(snrc.sf), sparse=FALSE)
omit.blocks.idx = yt.blocks.idx | nt.blocks.idx |$NAME_ENG)

There seem to be some overlap/imprecision issues with the provincial border polygons: some of the coastal mapsheets (see below, in blue) are missing from this intersection (in yellow). I add them back manually...

missing.blocks = c('102O', '103O', '114O', '104C', '114I', '114P', '114O')
plot(st_geometry(bc.sf), col='yellow')
plot(st_geometry(snrc.sf)[bc.blocks.idx & !omit.blocks.idx], add=TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(snrc.sf)[snrc.sf$NTS_SNRC %in% missing.blocks], add=TRUE, col='blue')

incl.blocks.idx = bc.blocks.idx & !omit.blocks.idx | snrc.sf$NTS_SNRC %in% missing.blocks
incl.features.idx = which(names(snrc.sf) %in% cfg$src$

... and save reprojected/simplified version of the source shapefile data (1.1 MB).

sf::st_write(snrc.sf[incl.blocks.idx, incl.features.idx], cfg$out$fname$shp['snrc'], append=FALSE)
sf::st_write(bc.sf, cfg$out$fname$shp['prov'], append=FALSE)

Now reload these files to overwrite the (larger) source shapefiles in memory: The NTS/SNRC codes in cfg$out$code should match those in the NTS mapsheet collection for BC (PDF link).

snrc.sf = sf::st_read(cfg$out$fname$shp['snrc'])
prov.sf = sf::st_read(cfg$out$fname$shp['prov'])
cfg$out$code = snrc.sf$NTS_SN

Create latitude, longitude layers via sp package (takes around 5 minutes), then save to disk (622 MB)

# load the in-province mask (raster), convert to points dataframe 
bc.mask.tif = raster::raster(cfg$out$fname$tif$full['prov'])
bc.coords.df = data.frame(raster::coordinates(bc.mask.tif))
sp::coordinates(bc.coords.df) = c('x', 'y')
sp::proj4string(bc.coords.df) = raster::crs(bc.mask.tif)

# reproject to lat/long, apply mask, and write
bc.coords.df = sp::spTransform(bc.coords.df, CRS=sp::CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80'))
raster::writeRaster(raster::mask(raster::setValues(bc.mask.tif, bc.coords.df$y), bc.mask.tif), cfg$out$fname$tif$full['latitude'], overwrite=TRUE)
raster::writeRaster(raster::mask(raster::setValues(bc.mask.tif, bc.coords.df$x), bc.mask.tif), cfg$out$fname$tif$full['longitude'], overwrite=TRUE)

Finally, split these layers up into mapsheets corresponding to the NTS/SNRC codes (638 MB)

# reload the mapsheet polygons 
snrc.sf = sf::st_read(cfg$out$fname$shp['snrc'])

# function call to crop and save blocks (writes )
cfg.blocks = MPB_split(cfg, snrc.sf)

# update metadata list `cfg` and save it to `data.dir`.
cfg = MPB_metadata(collection,, cfg.out=list(fname=list(tif=list(block=cfg.blocks))))
saveRDS(cfg, file=cfg.filename)

Metadata (including file paths) can now be loaded from 'borders.rds' located in data.dir using readRDS().