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deathstar edited this page Nov 23, 2012 · 26 revisions

Commands | Configuration | GeoIP Installation | QServ Installation

server-init.cfg Configuration

You can configure your QServ Server using just the server-init.cfg file provided.

serverdesc "QServ Unnamed" - the description of the server for the server list

adminpass "qserv" - the admin password used with #invadmin (adminpass) and /setmaster (adminpass)

Note: If the welcome message (MOTD) is not showing up, reduce the amount of lines or text in the "welcomemsg". welcomemsg "Welcome to this server" - The welcome message for incoming clients

operators "Admin" - set the admin/operator(s) of the server

serverport 10000 - the server port

tkmsg "You were killed for fragging your teammate" - message when teamkill is committed

pingwarnmsg "your ping is higher than this servers ping limit of 550; please lower your ping" - message when clients ping is too high

maxclients 16 - the maximum amount of clients allowed to connect

serverbotlimit 20 - the max bot limit (veto'd for admins)

addspreemsg 20 "is" "AMAZING!" - a kill-spree message at 20 kills that says (name) is amazing

addbanner "Problems? Visit us on IRC: ^f4#c2 ^f7@ ^"

addbanner "Type ^f1#help ^f7for a list of commands"

bannermillis 100000 - intervol between banners

enableirc 0 - change to 1 to enable IRC (disabled by default)

irchost - the IRC server

ircchan #Shockzone - the IRC channel

ircbotname QBot - the botname for IRC

irc_operators "DeathStar and Jonlimle" - the operators called on IRC when #callops command is issued, set to (none) to disable

qservinfo "Server is running ^f4QServ ^f34.0 ^f7- ^" - echo message for #info command

teamkill_penalty 1 - suicide clients for fragging teammates (0 to disable)

msg_to_console 1 - echo what people type on the server to console

shotguninsta 0 - substitute shotguns for rifles in instagib

botname "Bot" - a different botname

swaretext ":[]" - text when someone swares

enablegeoip - set to 1 to GeoIP which gets the country of clients on connect

enablestopservercmd - allows #stopserver command for admins if enabled

qservversion "Running QServ" - the text echoed for the "#getversion" command

conteleport - echo to console when someone teleports

advanced configuration

Since QServ is written partially in C++ and Lua, it is easily moddable. Lua is a fairly simple language and changing things should be pretty easy to do. Most lua scripts for QServ are in the qserv/scripts directory, open the file with a text editor and change what you want.

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