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Matrix Factorization for Sequential Data

Matrix factorization is used in recommender systems, topic modeling, data compression, and anomaly detection. It is useful for learning latent representations of fixed entities. Sometimes, such entities are changing with respect to time. In such cases, we can extend conventional matrix factorization methods to sequential matrix factorization.


Matrix factorization deals with the following problem.

$X = WH$

Here we deal with the problem where you have a sequence of data

$X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$

each with a decomposition of

$X_i = W_i H$

subject to a transition rule based on transition matrix $T$

$W_i = W_{i-1}T + W_{i-2}T^2$

$H$ is the feature basis, which is consistent over the entire sequence, and $W_i$ is the condensed representation of $X_i$ on the feature basis spanned by the rows of $H$

Loss Function

The loss function for optimization is the distance (e.g., frobenius norm) of the predicted values of $X_i$ from their true values, as provided by the data. The trainable variables are $T, W_i, H$. The optimization objective is the long expression below.

$ \underset{W_i, H, T}{\mathrm{argmin}}; \alpha\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \left\lVert W_i H - X_i \right\rVert^2 + (1-\alpha)\frac{1}{N-2}\sum_{i=3}^N \left\lVert W_i H - (W_{i-2}T^2H + W_i T H) \right\rVert^2 + \beta\sum_{i=1}^N \left\lVert W_i \right\rVert_{2,1}^2 + \kappa\left\lVert H \right\rVert_{1,2}^2 + \eta\sum_{\mathrm{all\ elements}}\left\lVert \mathrm{relu}([W, H]) \right\rVert^2 $

The first term is the compression loss, or how much data is lost going from the raw representation to the condensed representation. The second term is the transition loss, or how well the transition rule is able to predict the next step, given a compression scheme. The third and fourth terms are weight decay regularizers aimed at getting better generalization. They have a 1-norm in the axis corresponding to the features to enforce sparsity, and a 2-norm in the other axis. The final term is a nonnegativity enforcer, which has zero loss for positive values. The relative importances of each loss term are given by the coefficients $\alpha, \beta, \kappa, \eta$

Data exploration, scaling, and normalization

Typically graph features (such as those extracted by ReFeX) can contain large variations in the values. To make the optimization work, we must first normalize the graph features values. To do this, we and mean normalize each feature's marginal distribution. Some feature distributions are also log-scaled. We show the data exploration and normalization process in this notebook

A gif of all the nonzero feature marginal distributions is shown here. The data comes from features extraction from a graph of transactions at a financial institution.


Inactive row feature

We define a row to be inactive if it contains all zeros for a particular time step. We added an additional column which is 1 if the row is inactive for that time step, and 0 otherwise. If a particular node is inactive for all time steps. We define a row to be dead if it is inactive for all time steps. If a row is dead, we remove it from the data.

Row-wise unit normalization

We unit normalize each row in $X_i$ as follows

$X_{i,\mathrm{row}\ j} \leftarrow \frac{X_{i,\mathrm{row}\ j}}{||\frac{X_{i,\mathrm{row}\ j}||}$



  • tensorflow 1.9 (haven't tested on other versions)
  • numpy

Running the code

The code is self contained within the file.

Computation graph visualization

An interactive tensorboard of the constructed computation graph is in the following link

Screenshot of high level graph

tensorboard high level

The main feed-forward computations are enclosed within the $forward$ block.

tensorboard zoom in


General (negative values allowed) matrix factorization yields the following training curve. $crit$ stands for criterion, which here is the mean-squared-error (MSE) of all the trainable parameters. The training criterion goes way down, indicating that the optimizer is working well. There is a bit of generalization performance, as the test criterion does down about 15%, but better regularizers and more data can make this improve more. The interactive version of these plots are here

general matrix factorization training curve