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D-Voting/DELA setup w/ Docker Compose


The files related to the Docker environment can be found in

  • docker-compose/ (Docker Compose files)
  • Dockerfiles/ (Dockerfiles)
  • scripts/ (helper scripts)

You also need to either create a .env file in the project's root or point to another environment file using the --env-file flag when running docker compose.

The environment file needs to contain

DATABASE_PASSWORD=XXX                       # choose any PostgreSQL password
DB_PATH=dvoting                             # LMDB database path
SESSION_SECRET=XXX                          # choose any secret
PUBLIC_KEY=XXX                              # public key of pre-generated key pair
PRIVATE_KEY=XXX                             # private key of pre-generated key pair
NODEPORT=2000                               # DELA node port

There are two Docker Compose file you may use:

  • docker-compose/docker-compose.yml for the currently released version, or
  • docker-compose/docker-compose.debug.yml for the development/debugging version

You can either run

export COMPOSE_FILE=<path to Docker Compose file>

or pass the -f/--file <path to Docker Compose file> argument to choose between the files.

Using the currently released version will pull the images from the GitHub container registry.

If you instead use the development/debugging version the images will be build locally and you can debug your developments.


docker compose up

(possibly with the -f/--file argument) to set up the environment.

/!\ Any subsequent docker compose commands must be run with COMPOSE_FILE being set to the Docker Compose file that defines the current environment.


docker compose down

to shut off, and

docker compose down -v

to delete the volumes and reset your instance.

Post-install commands

To set up the DELA network, go to scripts/ and run


/!\ This script uses docker compose as well, so make sure that the COMPOSE_FILE variable is set to the right value.

To set up the permissions, run

docker compose exec backend npx cli addAdmin --sciper XXX
docker compose down && docker compose up -d

to add yourself as admin and clear the cached permissions.