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Development Setup


Mydis is built using many technologies such as Go, gRPC and others. To use these technologies, you'll need to setup a development environment. The instructions were written for macOS, but should be adaptable to other platforms. If you are able to successfully setup a development environment on another platform, please update this documentation with the steps required and submit a pull request.

Install Go

To install Go and related tools on macOS, it is recommended to use Homebrew. You can find installation instructions on their website. Once it's installed, you can continue to follow these steps:

  • brew install make go glide protobuf go-delve/delve/delve

If you already have these packages installed, please update them to the latest version: brew upgrade make go glide protobuf go-delve/delve/delve.

Next you'll need to setup a workspace. The first thing to do is setup your $GOPATH. Find a suitable location for the top-level folder for your Go projects (example: ~/Code/Go). Create the $GOPATH environment variable in .bash_profile:

  • echo export GOPATH=~/Code/Go >> ~/.bash_profile (you can replace ~/Code/Go with a different path if you prefer)
  • Create the $GOPATH directory, if it doesn't already exist
  • Inside $GOPATH, create these subdirectories: bin, pkg, and src
  • Add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH:
    • echo export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin >> ~/.bash_profile

NOTE: You will need to restart any existing Terminal sessions for these changes to take effect.

Install gRPC

The Protocol Buffer compiler was installed in the previous section, so now we need to install the gRPC and gRPC Gateway packages along with their protoc compiler plugins:

go get -u{proto,protoc-gen-go}
go get -u
go get -u

When using go get on these packages, it will pull from the master branch and doing so will cause a lot of things to break since the latest versions of all three libraries are currently incompatible with one another. It is best to force the use of the version that Mydis currently uses. After running the go get commands above, run the following:

cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout v1.0.4
cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout 84398b94e188ee336f307779b57b3aa91af7063c
go install
go install
cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout 4bd1920723d7b7c925de087aa32e2187708897f7
go install

Clone This Repo

The recommended destination for this repo is $GOPATH/src/ you can clone using the Git CLI:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone

Download Vendored Packages

You will need to download dependencies using glide within the mydis directory:

  • glide install

NOTE: Some users may get some errors using the above command. If this happens, try running it again before submitting a new issue.

Protocol Buffer/gRPC Changes

After changing anything in the mydis.proto file, run make to generate new mydis.pb.go and files.


Go develop! Don't forget to submit a pull request when you're ready.