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Tag, don't type

The problem

I'm not a fan of Haskell's ability to introduce type synonyms: too often are they used instead of actual new data types in order to introduce abstraction. A type is a label we assign to values in order to know (and let the compiler know) which operations can act on it, and type synonyms violate that very principle.

It took me a long time until I realized that any type in GHC with "type" in its name is likely literally a synonym for Type. This phenomenon allows many layers of indirection, which hides the place one might find documentation about what the type represents behind one of the many layers, making you play the "find the Haddock comment" game.

But type synonyms are at their worst when it comes to their use to encode different invariants of a data type. GHC has types with invariants similar to "after phase X, there are no Nothings left", and encodes this fact via giving the temporally different values different type labels. This is terrible, since the typechecker offers no help at all in this scenario: it will happily "convert" between values that mean entirely different things. This is, in essence, a dynamic type system, where the user has to know what values are legitimate.

To summarize:

  1. type hides the contained data from the programmer's eyes
  2. type can introduce many layers of indirection, scattering documentation and actual data constructors
  3. Invariants encoded in type are completely invisible to the compiler, and by extension to the inexperienced (as in new to a codebase) user as well

A possible solution

We can solve some of the above problems with a well-known type:

newtype Tagged t a = Tagged { unTagged :: a }

On Hackage, this is available in the tagged package.

This type carries a payload of type a, and a tag t, whose values are completely ignored by the program (also known as a phantom type).

How is this beneficial to solving our problems?

  1. Tagged t a makes it clear that the contained data is a, noting is hidden.
  2. Tagged t a cannot introduce layers of indirection implicitly. Sure, you can have a Tagged t (Tagged s a), but then it's still clear that your data is a, and it's hidden in plain sight behind two tags.
  3. A Tagged t a is an entirely different type to the compiler than a Tagged s a, and the compiler will not implicitly convert between the two. However, the programmer can write a function Tagged t a -> Tagged s a easily (how?) to make the conversion explicit.

Now we can translate our GHC type synonyms:

type PredType    = Type
type TcPredType  = PredType
type TcRhoType   = TcType
type TcSigmaType = TcType
type TcTauType   = TcType
type TcType      = Type

into these:

-- Empty data types to be used as tags
data PredType
data TcPredType
data TcRhoType
data TcSigmaType
data TcTauType
data TcType

-- Now you can use ...    --   Instead of ...
Tagged PredType    Type   --   type PredType
Tagged TcPredType  Type   --   type TcPredType
Tagged TcRhoType   Type   --   type TcRhoType
Tagged TcSigmaType Type   --   type TcSigmaType
Tagged TcTauType   Type   --   type TcTauType
Tagged TcType      Type   --   type TcType

It is perfectly clear that all of them mean some form of Type, although with maybe a different connotation. The documentation of the invariants would go to the empty data types, which is a single place, and no worries of chasing definitions.

Nothing's for free

There are downsides of this approach of course, so it's not a no-brainer solution.

  • You will have to wrap and unwrap thigns in Tagged, or use predefined convenience functions to do it for you. Whatever the case, there will be a certain amount of syntactic noise.
  • Tagged does not share a's instances. You can easily write all the instances so that Tagged t a behaves the same way as a, but you will have to do this for each type class again.
  • There are very good use cases for type, such as being able to write lenses without depending on lens; this is something Tagged cannot help you with.

Take-away messages

  • Use type sparingly, and if you really need that shortcut, try to keep it as local as possible.
  • Using Tagged makes many things explicit that using type in its stead makes implicit.
  • Keep asking yourself whether a handful of Tagged and unTagged make your codebase worse than a new reader making innocent mistakes because of a misunderstanding of which values are allowed in certain places.