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Express + RabbitMQ


Installation & Setup

To setup the node project

npm init -y

For the rest of the steps, we will be shifting to pnpm.

Installing express

pnpm i express @types/express 

Installing typescript

pnpm add typescript tsx -D

Installing dotenv

pnpm i dotenv --save

Installing ts-node

pnpm i typescript ts-node @types/node --save-dev 

Creating tsconfig.json

pnpx tsc --init

Installing body-Parser

pnpm i body-parser @types/body-parser

Installing nodemon

pnpm i nodemon --save-dev

Installing package for RabbitMQ, amqp protocol

pnpm i amqp
pnpm i @types/ampq -D

Installation : RabbitMQ

For installation of rabbitmq we will be using docker. To setup and run rabbitmq, here the command for that:

docker run -it --rm --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=user -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=password rabbitmq:3.13-management

In order to acces the management console, go to localhost:15672, and enter the username -> user and password -> password.

Architecture of Rabbit MQ


Aysnc Job Manager


Observation on RabbitMQ

  • Too many abstractions -> too many protocols (AMQP, HTTP....) -> Keep it simple -> Message Queue

  • Complex systems -> slow adoption

  • Push Models -> complex!!

  • Redis > RabbitMQ (in terms of Pub/Sub models)

  • Does not scale good, as pushing too many messages, increases load on the consumer(consumer can't process messages this fast). Now we increase load on the server to slow down the pushing process(maximum queue limit). Unnecessary complexity on the server side.

  • Kafka -> long polling model (pushes the complexity on the consumer -> letting them consume the messages when ever they want -> acknowledgement problem)

  • YT has problem with notifications -> push based model

  • Redis handles this issue effectively, as Redis is used for caching and situated deep in the backend -> number of clients on Redis < number of clients on RabbitMQ