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File metadata and controls

23 lines (18 loc) · 955 Bytes


DeepForge Component Overview

DeepForge is composed of four main elements:

  • Client: The connected browsers working on DeepForge projects.
  • Server: Main component hosting all the project information and is connected to by the clients.
  • Compute: Connected computational resources used for executing pipelines.
  • Storage: Connected storage resources used for storing project data artifacts such as datasets or trained model weights.

Component Dependencies

The following dependencies are required for each component:

  • Server (NodeJS LTS)
  • Database (MongoDB v3.0.7)
  • Client: We recommend using Google Chrome and are not supporting other browsers (for now). In other words, other browsers can be used at your own risk.


After installing DeepForge, it can be helpful to check out configuring DeepForge