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File metadata and controls

45 lines (31 loc) · 1.8 KB


Configuration of deepforge is done through the deepforge config command from the command line interface. To see all config options, simply run deepforge config with no additional arguments. This will print a JSON representation of the configuration settings similar to:

Current config:
  "blob": {
    "dir": "/home/irishninja/.deepforge/blob"
  "mongo": {
    "dir": "~/.deepforge/data"

Setting an attribute, say blob.dir, is done as follows

deepforge config blob.dir /tmp

Environment Variables

Most settings have a corresponding environment variable which can be used to override the value set in the cli's configuration. This allows the values to be temporarily set for a single run. For example, starting the server with a different blob location can be accomplished by setting blob.dir can be done with:

DEEPFORGE_BLOB_DIR=/tmp deepforge start -s

The complete list of the environment variable overrides for the configuration options can be found here.



The path to the blob (large file storage containing models, datasets, etc) to be used by the deepforge server.

This can be overridden with the DEEPFORGE_BLOB_DIR environment variable.


The path to use for the --dbpath option of mongo if starting mongo using the command line interface. That is, if the MONGO_URI is set to a local uri and the cli is starting the deepforge server, the cli will check to verify that an instance of mongo is running locally. If not, it will start it on the given port and use this setting for the --dbpath setting of mongod.