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Custom output formatter schema

This document provides the schema of the output formatter, with which you can write your own custom output formatter.

Signature of your own output_formatter

To write your own custom output formatter, follow the signature below:

from djl_python.output_formatter import RequestOutput

def custom_output_formatter(request_output: RequestOutput) -> str:
    #your implementation here

RequestOutput schema

The RequestOutput class is designed to encapsulate the output of a request in a structured format. Here is an in-depth look at its structure and the related classes:

    RequestOutput <|-- TextGenerationOutput
    RequestOutput *-- RequestInput
    TextGenerationOutput "1" --> "1..*" Sequence
    Sequence "1" --> "1..*" Token
    RequestInput <|-- TextInput
    class RequestOutput{
        +int request_id
        +bool finished
        +RequestInput input
    class TextGenerationOutput{
        +map[int, Sequence] sequences
        +int best_sequence_index
        +list[Token] prompt_tokens_details
    class Sequence{
        +list[Token] tokens
        +float cumulative_log_prob
        +string finish_reason
    class RequestInput{
        +int request_id
        +map[str, any] parameters
        +Union[str, Callable] output_formatter
    class TextInput{
        +str input_text
        +list[int] input_ids
        +any adapters
        +any tokenizer
    class Token{
        +int id
        +string text
        +float log_prob
        +bool special_token

Detailed Description

  • RequestOutput: This is the main class that encapsulates the output of a request.
  • TextGenerationOutput: This subclass of RequestOutput is specific to text generation tasks. Right now this is the only task supported for custom output formatter. Each text generation task can generate multiple sequences.
    • best_sequence_index: index of the best sequence with the highest log probabilities. Please use this, when you are trying to look up the output sequence.
    • map[int, Sequence] - represents sequence_index and it's respective sequence.
    • Note that, right now, only one sequence will be generated. In the future release, multiple sequences generation will be supported.
  • Sequence : Represents a sequence of generated tokens and it's details
    • has_next_token() and get_next_token() methods function like an iterator. In iterative generation, each step produces a single token.
    • get_next_token() advances the iterator to the next token and returns a Token instance along with details indicating whether it is the first token (is_first_token) and whether it is the last token (is_last_token).

How will your custom output_formatter called?

It's crucial to understand how your custom output formatter will be called before implementing it.

  • Your output formatter will be invoked at each generation step for each request individually.
  • Upon receiving the requests, DJLServing batches them together, performs preprocessing, and starts the inference process.
  • Inference may involve multiple token generations based on the max_new_tokens parameter. At each generation step, your custom formatter will be called for each request individually.


Here is an example of a custom output formatter:

from djl_python.output_formatter import TextGenerationOutput
import json

def custom_output_formatter(request_output: TextGenerationOutput) -> str:
    Replace this function with your custom output formatter.

        request_output (TextGenerationOutput): The request output

        (str): Response string

    best_sequence = request_output.sequences[request_output.best_sequence_index]
    next_token, is_first_token, is_last_token = best_sequence.get_next_token()
    result = {"token_id":, "token_text": next_token.text, "token_log_prob": next_token.log_prob}
    if is_last_token:
        result["finish_reason"] = best_sequence.finish_reason
    return json.dumps(result) + "\n"