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Acme is designed to work with environments which implement the dm_env environment interface. This provides a common API for interacting with an environment in order to take actions and receive observations. This environment API also provides a standard way for environments to specify the input and output spaces relevant to that environment via methods like environment.action_spec(). Note that Acme also exposes these spec types directly via acme.specs. However, it is also common for Acme agents to require a full environment spec which can be obtained by making use of acme.make_environment_spec(environment).

Acme also exposes, under acme.wrappers, a number of classes which wrap and/or expose a dm_env environment. All such wrappers are of the form:

environment = Wrapper(raw_environment, ...)

where additional parameters may be passed to the wrapper to control its behavior (see individual implementations for more details). Wrappers exposed directly include

  • SinglePrecisionWrapper: converts any double-precision float and int components returned by the environment to single-precision.
  • AtariWrapper: converts a standard ALE Atari environment using a stack of wrappers corresponding to the modifications used in the "Human Level Control Through Deep Reinforcement Learning" publication.

Acme also includes the acme.wrappers.gym_wrapper module which can be used to interact with OpenAI Gym environments. This includes a general GymWrapper class as well as AtariGymWrapper which exposes a lives count observation which can optionally be exposed by the AtariWrapper.


An important building block for any agent implementation consists of the parameterized functions or networks which are used to construct policies, value functions, etc. Agents implemented in Acme are built to be as agnostic as possible to the environment on which they will be applied. As a result they typically require network(s) which are used to directly interact with the environment either by consuming observations, producing actions, or both. These are typically passed directly into the agent at initialization, e.g.

policy_network = ...
critic_network = ...
agent = MyActorCriticAgent(policy_network, critic_network, ...)

Tensorflow and Sonnet

For TensorFlow agents, networks in Acme are typically implemented using the Sonnet neural network library. These network objects take the form of a Callable object which takes a collection of (nested) tf.Tensor objects as input and outputs a collection of (nested) tf.Tensor or tfp.Distribution objects. In what follows we use the following aliases.

import sonnet as snt
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

tfd = tfp.distributions

While custom Sonnet modules can be implemented and used directly, Acme also provides a number of useful network primitives which are tailored to RL tasks; these can be imported from, see networks for more details. These primitives can be combined using snt.Sequential, or snt.DeepRNN when stacking network modules with state.

When stacking modules it is often, though not always, helpful to distinguish between what are often called torso, head, and multiplexer networks. Note that this categorization is purely pedagogical but has nevertheless proven useful when discussing network architectures.

Torsos are usually the first to transform inputs (observations, actions, or a combination) and produce what is commonly known in the deep learning literature as an embedding vector. These modules can be stacked so that an embedding is transformed multiple times before it is fed into a head.

Let us consider for instance a simple network we use in the Impala agent when training it on Atari games:

impala_network = snt.DeepRNN([
    # Torsos.
    networks.AtariTorso(),  # Default Atari ConvNet offered as convenience.
    snt.LSTM(256),  # Custom LSTM core.
    snt.Linear(512), # Custom perceptron layer before head.
    tf.nn.relu,  # Seemlessly stack Sonnet modules and TF ops as usual.
    # Head producing 18 action logits and a value estimate for the input
    # observation.

Heads are networks that consume the embedding vector to produce a desired output (e.g. action logits or distribution, value estimates, etc). These modules can also be stacked, which is useful particularly when dealing with stochastic policies. For example, consider the following stochastic policy used in the MPO agent, trained on the control suite:

policy_layer_sizes: Sequence[int] = (256, 256, 256)

stochastic_policy_network = snt.Sequential([
    # MLP torso with initial layer normalization; activate the final layer since
    # it feeds into another module.
    networks.LayerNormMLP(policy_layer_sizes, activate_final=True),
    # Head producing a tfd.Distribution: in this case `num_dimensions`
    # independent normal distributions.

This stochastic policy is used internally by the MPO algorithm to compute log probabilities and Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergences. We can also stack an additional head that will select the mean of the stochastic policy as a greedy action:

greedy_policy_network = snt.Sequential([
    networks.LayerNormMLP(policy_layer_sizes, activate_final=True),

When designing our actor-critic agents for continuous control tasks, we found one simple module particularly useful: the CriticMultiplexer. This callable Sonnet module takes two inputs, an observation and an action, and concatenates them along all but the batch dimension, after possibly transforming them if either (both) [observation|action]_network is (are) passed. For example, the following is the C51 (see Bellemare et al., 2017) distributional critic network adapted for our D4PG experiments:

critic_layer_sizes: Sequence[int] = (512, 512, 256)

distributional_critic_network = snt.Sequential([
    # Flattens and concatenates inputs; see `tf2_utils.batch_concat` for more.
    networks.LayerNormMLP(critic_layer_sizes, activate_final=True),
    # Distributional head corresponding to the C51 network.
    networks.DiscreteValuedHead(vmin=-150., vmax=150., num_atoms=51),

Finally, our actor-critic control agents also allow the specification of an observation network that is shared by the policy and critic. This network embeds the observations once and uses the transformed input in both the policy and critic as needed, which saves computation particularly when the transformation is expensive. This is the case for example when learning from pixels where the observation network can be a large ResNet. In such cases, the shared visual network can be specified to any of DDPG, D4PG, MPO, DMPO by simply defining and passing the following:

shared_resnet = networks.ResNetTorso()  # Default (deep) Impala network.

agent = dmpo.DMPO(
    # Networks defined above.
    # New ResNet visual module, shared by both policy and critic.
    # ...

In this case, the policy_ and critic_network act as heads on top of the shared visual torso.

Internal components

Acme also includes a number of components and concepts that are typically internal to an agent's implementation. These components can, in general, be ignored if you are only interested in using an Acme agent. However they prove useful when implementing a novel agent or modifying an existing agent.


These are some commonly-used loss functions. Note that in general we defer to TRFL where possible, except in cases for which it does not support TensorFlow 2.

RL-specific losses implemented include:

Also implemented (and useful within the losses mentioned above) are:


An Adder packs together data to send to the replay buffer, and potentially does some reductions/transformations to this data in the process.

All Acme Adders can be interacted through their add(), add_first(), and reset() methods.

The add() method takes actions, timesteps, and potentially some extras and adds the action, observation, reward, discount, extra fields to the buffer.

The add_first() method takes the first timestep of an episode and adds it to the buffer, automatically padding the empty action reward discount, and extra fields that don't exist at the first timestep of an episode.

The reset method clears the buffer.

Example usage of an adder:

# Reset the environment and add the first observation.
timestep = env.reset()

while not timestep.last():
  # Generate an action from the policy and step the environment.
  action = my_policy(timestep)
  timestep = env.step(action)

  # Add the action and the resulting timestep.
  adder.add(action, next_timestep=timestep)


Acme uses Reverb for creating data structures like replay buffers to store RL experiences.

For convenience, Acme provides several ReverbAdders for adding actor experiences to a Reverb table. The ReverbAdders provided include:

  • NStepTransitionAdder takes single steps from an environment/agent loop, automatically concatenates them into N-step transitions, and adds the transitions to Reverb for future retrieval. The steps are buffered and then concatenated into N-step transitions, which are stored in and returned from replay.

    Where N is 1, the transitions are of the form:

    `(s_t, a_t, r_t, d_t, s_{t+1}, e_t)`

    For N greater than 1, transitions are of the form:

    `(s_t, a_t, R_{t:t+n}, D_{t:t+n}, s_{t+n}, e_t)`,

    Transitions can be stored as sequences or episodes.

  • EpisodeAdder which adds entire episodes as trajectories of the form:

    (s_0, a_0, r_0, d_0, e_0,
     s_1, a_1, r_1, d_1, e_1,
     s_T, a_T, r_T, 0., e_T)
  • SequenceAdder which adds sequences of fixed sequence_length n of the form:

      (s_0, a_0, r_0, d_0, e_0,
       s_1, a_1, r_1, d_1, e_1,
       s_n, a_n, r_n, d_n, e_n)

    sequences can be overlapping (if the period parameter = sequence_length n) or non-overlapping (if period < sequence_length)

Acme contains several loggers for writing out data to common places, based on the absract Logger class, all with write() methods.

NOTE: By default, loggers will immediately output all data passed through write() unless given a nonzero value for the time_delta argument when constructing a logger representing the number of seconds between logger outputs.

Logs data directly to the terminal.


terminal_logger = loggers.TerminalLogger(label='TRAINING',time_delta=5)
terminal_logger.write({'step': 0, 'reward': 0.0})

>> TRAINING: step: 0, reward: 0.0

Logs to specified CSV file.


csv_logger = loggers.CSVLogger(logdir='logged_data', label='my_csv_file')
csv_logger.write({'step': 0, 'reward': 0.0})

To save trained TensorFlow models, we can checkpoint or snapshot them.

Both checkpointing and snapshotting are ways to save and restore model state for later use. The difference comes when restoring the checkpoint.

With checkpoints, you have to first re-build the exact graph, then restore the checkpoint. They are useful to have while running experiments, in case the experiment gets interrupted/preempted and has to be restored to continue the \experiment run without losing the experiment state.

Snapshots re-build the graph internally, so all you have to do is restore the snapshot.

Acme’s Checkpointer class provides functionality to both checkpoint (with the objects_to_save argument) and snapshot (with the objects_to_snapshot argument) different parts of the model state as desired.

 model = snt.Linear(10)
 checkpointer = utils.tf2_utils.Checkpointer(
     objects_to_save={'model': model},
     objects_to_snapshot={'model': model})
 for _ in range(100):
   # ...