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Ensure soccer initializer sets position of walker correctly regardles…
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…s of walker initializer.

This replaces the assumption that the walker pose initializer sets the (x, y) position to (0., 0.).

Also added unit tests for UniformInitializer.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 250300853
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DeepMind authored and alimuldal committed Jun 4, 2019
1 parent 7a36377 commit c0ff41f
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Showing 2 changed files with 134 additions and 9 deletions.
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions dm_control/locomotion/soccer/
Expand Up @@ -47,19 +47,24 @@ def __init__(self, spawn_ratio=_SPAWN_RATIO, init_ball_z=_INIT_BALL_Z):
def _initialize_ball(self, ball, spawn_range, physics, random_state):
x, y = random_state.uniform(-spawn_range, spawn_range)
ball.set_pose(physics, [x, y, self._init_ball_z])
velocity=np.asarray([0., 0., 0.]),
# Note: this method is not always called immediately after `physics.reset()`
# so we need to explicitly zero out the velocity.
ball.set_velocity(physics, velocity=0., angular_velocity=0.)

def _initialize_walker(self, walker, spawn_range, physics, random_state):
"""Uniformly initialize walker in spawn_range."""
walker.reinitialize_pose(physics, random_state)
x, y = random_state.uniform(-spawn_range, spawn_range)
(_, _, z), quat = walker.get_pose(physics)
walker.set_pose(physics, [x, y, z], quat)
rotation = random_state.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
quat = [np.cos(rotation / 2), 0, 0, np.sin(rotation / 2)]
walker.shift_pose(physics, [x, y, 0.], quat)
physics, velocity=np.zeros(3), angular_velocity=np.zeros(3))
walker.shift_pose(physics, quaternion=quat)
# TODO(b/132759890): `walker.set_velocity` has no effect for walkers without
# freejoints, such as `BoxHead`.
# Note: this method is not always called immediately after `physics.reset()`
# so we need to explicitly zero out the velocity.
walker.set_velocity(physics, velocity=0., angular_velocity=0.)

def __call__(self, task, physics, random_state):
spawn_range = np.asarray(task.arena.size) * self._spawn_ratio
Expand Down
124 changes: 122 additions & 2 deletions dm_control/locomotion/soccer/
Expand Up @@ -19,17 +19,20 @@
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import unittest
# Internal dependencies.

from absl.testing import absltest
from absl.testing import parameterized
from dm_control import composer
from dm_control import mjcf
from dm_control.locomotion import soccer
from import initializers
from dm_control.mujoco.wrapper import mjbindings
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip

RGBA_BLUE = [.1, .1, .8, 1.]
RGBA_RED = [.8, .1, .1, 1.]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,14 +61,17 @@ def _away_team(team_size):
return _team_players(team_size, soccer.Team.AWAY, "away", RGBA_RED)

def _env(players, disable_walker_contacts=True, observables=None):
def _env(players, disable_walker_contacts=True, observables=None,
random_state=42, **task_kwargs):
return composer.Environment(
arena=soccer.Pitch((20, 15)),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,5 +352,119 @@ def _initial_configuration(physics, unused_random_state):
self.assertEqual(, expected_terminal_discount)

class UniformInitializerTest(parameterized.TestCase):

@parameterized.parameters([0.3, 0.7])
def test_walker_position(self, spawn_ratio):
initializer = initializers.UniformInitializer(spawn_ratio=spawn_ratio)
env = _env(_home_team(2) + _away_team(2), initializer=initializer)
root_bodies = [p.walker.root_body for p in env.task.players]
xy_bounds = np.asarray(env.task.arena.size) * spawn_ratio
xy = env.physics.bind(root_bodies).xpos[:, :2].copy()
with self.subTest("X and Y positions within bounds"):
if np.any(abs(xy) > xy_bounds):"Walker(s) spawned out of bounds. Expected abs(xy) "
"<= {}, got:\n{}".format(xy_bounds, xy))
xy2 = env.physics.bind(root_bodies).xpos[:, :2].copy()
with self.subTest("X and Y positions change after reset"):
if np.any(xy == xy2):"Walker(s) have the same X and/or Y coordinates before and "
"after reset. Before: {}, after: {}.".format(xy, xy2))

def test_walker_rotation(self):
initializer = initializers.UniformInitializer()
env = _env(_home_team(2) + _away_team(2), initializer=initializer)

def quats_to_eulers(quats):
eulers = np.empty((len(quats), 3), dtype=np.double)
dt = 1.
for i, quat in enumerate(quats):
mjbindings.mjlib.mju_quat2Vel(eulers[i], quat, dt)
return eulers

# TODO(b/132671988): Switch to using `get_pose` to get the quaternion once
# `BoxHead.get_pose` and `BoxHead.set_pose` are
# implemented in a consistent way.
def get_quat(walker):
return env.physics.bind(walker.root_body).xquat

quats = [get_quat(p.walker) for p in env.task.players]
eulers = quats_to_eulers(quats)
with self.subTest("Rotation is about the Z-axis only"):
np.testing.assert_array_equal(eulers[:, :2], 0.)

quats2 = [get_quat(p.walker) for p in env.task.players]
eulers2 = quats_to_eulers(quats2)
with self.subTest("Rotation about Z changes after reset"):
if np.any(eulers[:, 2] == eulers2[:, 2]):"Walker(s) have the same rotation about Z before and "
"after reset. Before: {}, after: {}."
.format(eulers[:, 2], eulers2[:, 2]))

# TODO(b/132759890): Remove `expectedFailure` decorator once `set_velocity`
# works correctly for the `BoxHead` walker.
def test_walker_velocity(self):
initializer = initializers.UniformInitializer()
env = _env(_home_team(2) + _away_team(2), initializer=initializer)
root_joints = []
non_root_joints = []
for player in env.task.players:
attachment_frame = mjcf.get_attachment_frame(player.walker.mjcf_model)
attachment_frame.find_all("joint", immediate_children_only=True))
# Assign a non-zero sentinel value to the velocities of all root and
# non-root joints.
sentinel_velocity = 3.14
env.physics.bind(root_joints + non_root_joints).qvel = sentinel_velocity
# The initializer should zero the velocities of the root joints, but not the
# non-root joints.
initializer(env.task, env.physics, env.random_state)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(env.physics.bind(root_joints).qvel, 0.)

dict(spawn_ratio=0.3, init_ball_z=0.4),
dict(spawn_ratio=0.5, init_ball_z=0.6),
def test_ball_position(self, spawn_ratio, init_ball_z):
initializer = initializers.UniformInitializer(
spawn_ratio=spawn_ratio, init_ball_z=init_ball_z)
env = _env(_home_team(2) + _away_team(2), initializer=initializer)
xy_bounds = np.asarray(env.task.arena.size) * spawn_ratio
position, _ = env.task.ball.get_pose(env.physics)
xyz = position.copy()
with self.subTest("X and Y positions within bounds"):
if np.any(abs(xyz[:2]) > xy_bounds):"Ball spawned out of bounds. Expected abs(xy) "
"<= {}, got:\n{}".format(xy_bounds, xyz[:2]))
with self.subTest("Z position equal to `init_ball_z`"):
self.assertEqual(xyz[2], init_ball_z)
position, _ = env.task.ball.get_pose(env.physics)
xyz2 = position.copy()
with self.subTest("X and Y positions change after reset"):
if np.any(xyz[:2] == xyz2[:2]):"Ball has the same XY position before and after reset. "
"Before: {}, after: {}.".format(xyz[:2], xyz2[:2]))

def test_ball_velocity(self):
initializer = initializers.UniformInitializer()
env = _env(_home_team(1) + _away_team(1), initializer=initializer)
ball_root_joint = mjcf.get_frame_freejoint(env.task.ball.mjcf_model)
# Set the velocities of the ball root joint to a non-zero sentinel value.
env.physics.bind(ball_root_joint).qvel = 3.14
initializer(env.task, env.physics, env.random_state)
# The initializer should set the ball velocity to zero.
ball_velocity = env.physics.bind(ball_root_joint).qvel
np.testing.assert_array_equal(ball_velocity, 0.)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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