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The installation of DeepFlame is simple and requires OpenFOAM-7, LibCantera, and PyTorch.


If Ubuntu is used as the subsystem, please use Ubuntu:20.04 instead of the latest version. OpenFOAM-7 accompanied by ParaView 5.6.0 is not available for Ubuntu-latest.

First install OpenFOAM-7 if it is not already installed.

sudo sh -c "wget -O - | apt-key add -"
sudo add-apt-repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install openfoam7

OpenFOAM-7 and ParaView-5.6.0 will be installed in the /opt directory.


There is a commonly seen issue when installing OpenFOAM via apt-get install with an error message: could not find a distribution template for Ubuntu/focal. To resolve this issue, you can refer to issue#54.

LibCantera and PyTorch can be easily installed via conda. If you have compatible platform, run the following command to install DeepFlame.

conda create -n deepflame python=3.8
conda activate deepflame
conda install -c cantera libcantera-devel
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pybind11 
conda install -c conda-forge easydict


Please go to PyTorch's official website to check your system compatability and choose the installation command line that is suitable for your platform.


Check your Miniconda3/envs/deepflame directory and make sure the install was successful (lib/ include/ etc. exist).


1. Source your OpenFOAM-7 bashrc to configure the $FOAM environment.


This depends on your own path for OpenFOAM-7 bashrc.

If you have installed using apt-get install, then:

source /opt/openfoam7/etc/bashrc 

If you compiled from source following the official guide, then:

source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc

To source the bashrc file automatically when opening your terminal, type

echo "source /opt/openfoam7/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc


echo "source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc

Then source the bashrc file by:

source ~/.bashrc


Check your environment using echo $FOAM_ETC and you should get the directory path for your OpenFOAM-7 bashrc you just used in the above step.

2. Clone the DeepFlame repository:

git clone

3. Configure the DeepFlame environment:

cd deepflame-dev
. --use_pytorch
source ./bashrc


Check your environment using echo $DF_ROOT and you should get the path for the deepflame-dev directory.

Build and Install

Finally you can build and install DeepFlame:



You may come accross an error regarding shared library when libcantera is installed through cantera channel. If so, go to your conda environment and check the existance of and, and then link to

cd ~/miniconda3/envs/deepflame/lib
ln -s

If you have compiled DeepFlame successfully, you should see the print message in your terminal:

Other Options

DeepFlame also provides users with LibTorch and CVODE (no DNN version) options.

1. If you choose to use LibTorch (C++ API for Torch), first create the conda env and install LibCantera:

conda create -n df-libtorch
conda activate df-libtorch
conda install -c cantera libcantera-devel

Then you can pass your own libtorch path to DeepFlame.

cd deepflame-dev
. --libtorch_dir /path/to/libtorch/
source ./bashrc


Some compiling issues may happen due to system compatability. Instead of using conda installed Cantera C++ lib and the downloaded Torch C++ lib, try to compile your own Cantera and Torch C++ libraries.

2. If you just need DeepFlame's CVODE solver without DNN model, just install LibCantera via conda.

conda create -n df-notorch
conda activate df-notorch
conda install -c cantera libcantera-devel

If the conda env df-notorch is activated, install DeepFlame by running:

cd deepflame-dev
source ./bashrc

If df-notorch not activated (or you have a self-complied libcantera), specify the path to your libcantera:

. --libcantera_dir /your/path/to/libcantera/
source ./bashrc

3. If you wish to employ the AMGX library for accelerating PDE solving using GPU:

To begin, you will need to install AMGX. You can find the instructions for installing AMGX on its official website. Follow the instructions provided to install AMGX on your system. Once you have installed AMGX, navigate to the DeepFlame directory and follow the commands below.

cd ${DF_ROOT}/src/dfMatrix/solver/amgx/
export AMGX_DIR=/your/path/to/AMGX/
cmake -B build
cd build

After this, two libraries for enabling DeepFlame with AMGX are available in ${DF_ROOT}/src/dfMatrix/solver/amgx/build. Beforing using AMGX, run:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DF_ROOT}/src/dfMatrix/solver/amgx/build:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If you want to use AMGX, you will need to add configuration files for AMGX for each euqation under system folder and name them in the pattern of amgxpOptions, amgxUOptions . Please refer to the AMGX official website to find out detailed instructions.

4. If you wish to install DeepFlame with CMake


This is still under developement.

You will need to follow the same procedures to install prerequisites and configure DeepFlame.

cd deepflame-dev
. --use_pytorch
source ./bashrc

After this, first install libraries:

cmake -B build
cd build
make install

Now if go to $DF_ROOT/lib, libraries should be ready. Compilition of solvers are separated. Choose the solver you want to use and then go to the directory and build it. For example,

cd $DF_ROOT/applications/solvers/dfLowMachFoam
cmake -B build
cd build
make install