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File metadata and controls

249 lines (185 loc) · 12.3 KB
  • Title: Embedders
  • Decision driver: @anakin87
  • Start Date: 2023-07-19
  • Proposal PR: #5390


As decided in the previous proposals (Embedding Retriever and DocumentStores and Retrievers), in Haystack V2 we want to introduce a new component: the Embedder.

Separation of concerns

  • DocumentStores: store the Documents, their metadata and representations (vectors); they offer a CRUD API.
  • Retrievers: retrieve Documents from the DocumentStores; they are specific and aware of the used Store (e.g., MemoryRetriever for the MemoryDocumentStore). They will be commonly used in query pipelines (not in indexing pipelines).
  • Embedders: encode a list of data points (strings, images, etc.) into a list of vectors (i.e., the embeddings) using a model. They are used both in indexing pipelines (to encode the Documents) and query pipelines (to encode the query).

In the current implementation, the Embedder is part of Retriever, which is unintuitive and comes with several disadvantages (explained in the previous proposals).

This proposal aims to define the Embedder design.

Basic example

This code snippet is merely an example and may not be completely up-to-date.

from haystack import Pipeline
from haystack.components import (
from haystack.document_stores import MemoryDocumentStore
docstore = MemoryDocumentStore()

indexing_pipe = Pipeline()
indexing_pipe.add_store("document_store", docstore)
indexing_pipe.add_node("txt_converter", TxtConverter())
indexing_pipe.add_node("preprocessor", PreProcessor())
indexing_pipe.add_node("embedder", OpenAIDocumentEmbedder(model_name="text-embedding-ada-002"))
indexing_pipe.add_node("writer", DocumentWriter(store="document_store"))
indexing_pipe.connect("txt_converter", "preprocessor")
indexing_pipe.connect("preprocessor", "embedder")
indexing_pipe.connect("embedder", "writer")

query_pipe = Pipeline()
query_pipe.add_store("document_store", docstore)
query_pipe.add_node("embedder", OpenAITextEmbedder(model_name="text-embedding-ada-002"))
query_pipe.add_node("retriever", MemoryRetriever(store="document_store", retrieval_method="embedding"))
query_pipe.add_node("reader", Reader(model_name="deepset/model-name"))
query_pipe.connect("embedder", "retriever")
query_pipe.connect("retriever", "reader")

results =
  • The OpenAITextEmbedder uses OpenAI models to convert a list of strings into a list of vectors. It is used in the query pipeline to embed the query.
  • The OpenAIDocumentEmbedder uses OpenAI models to enrich a list of Documents with the corresponding vectors (stored in the embedding field). It is used in the indexing pipeline to embed the Documents.
  • The Retriever is no longer needed in the indexing pipeline.


The motivations behind this change were already provided in the previous proposals (Embedding Retriever and DocumentStores and Retrievers). Here is a summary:

  • Retrievers should't be responsible for embedding Documents.
  • Currently, Retrievers have many parameters just to support and configure different underlying Encoders(≈Embedders).
  • Adding support for new embedding providers or strategies is difficult. It requires changing the Retriever code.

Detailed design

Handle queries and Documents

This is the most critical aspect of the design.

  • When embedding queries, the Embedder component receives a list of strings in input that are transformed into a list of vectors returned as output.
  • When embedding documents, the Embedder component receives a list of Document objects in input; for each item in the list, the corresponding vectors are computed and stored in the embedding field of the item itself. The list is then returned as the component output.
  • When working with documents, there's the possibility to compute embeddings also for document's metadata. In this case, the Embedder will be responsible for performing any text-manipulation work needed in preparation of the actual embedding process.

Below, I will focus on the public API. The internal implementation is discussed in Implementation details.

class HFTextEmbedder:

    def run(self, strings: List[str]):
        return {"result": list_of_computed_embeddings}

class HFDocumentEmbedder:

    def run(self, documents: List[Document]):
        return {"result": list_of_documents_with_embeddings}

Different providers/strategies

  • We can define different embedder components depending on the models or services providing the actual embeddings: OpenAIEmbedder, CohereEmbedder, HuggingFaceEmbedder, SentenceTransformersEmbedder, etc.
  • Additionally, we could define different classes depending on the embedding strategy if necessary. While this is not a prominent use case, there are scenarios where new strategies are introduced, requiring different libraries (InstructorEmbedder) or involving a different string preparation (E5Embedder). Supporting these scenarios with minimal effort would be nice.

Different models in the same embedding/retrieval task

As you can observe from the current implementation, some embedding/retrieval tasks require the usage of different models.

This is not the most popular approach today, compared to what we call Embedding Retrieval (based on a single model). But it still has some relevant applications.

Some examples:

  • In Dense Passage Retrieval, you need a model to encode queries and another model to encode Documents
  • in the TableTextRetriever, we use 3 different models: one for queries, one for textual passages and one for tables
  • in Multimodal Retrieval, we can specify different models to encode queries and Documents

Since the Embedder will not be included in the Retriever, it makes sense to have different Embedders, each one using a single model.

dpr_query_embedder = SentenceTransformersTextEmbedder(model_name="facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base")
dpr_doc_embedder = SentenceTransformersDocumentEmbedder(model_name="facebook/dpr-ctx_encoder-single-nq-base")

Implementation details

You can skip this section if you are primarily interested in user experience.

There have been much discussion on how to effectively implement this proposal. The most important aspects to consider:

  • we want different Embedders for queries and Documents as they require a different treatment
  • if the same model is internally used for different Embedders, we want to reuse the same instance in order to save memory

On top of the embedder components we already discussed, we introduce one additional abstraction: an EmbeddingBackend, which is NOT a component, responsible for performing the actual embedding computation, implemented as a singleton class in order to reuse instances. It will live in a different package and will be hidden from the public API.

@singleton  # implementation is out of scope
class HFEmbeddingBackend:
    def __init__(self, model_name: str, ... init params ...):
        init takes the minimum parameters needed at init time, not
        the params needed at inference, so they're easier to reuse.
        self.model = ...

    def embed(self, data: str, ... inference params ... ) -> np.ndarray:
        # compute embedding
        return embedding

class OpenAIEmbeddingBackend:
    ... same as above ...

Implemented as singletons, when instantiating an EmbeddingBackend class, if another identical one exists, the existing one will be returned without allocating additional resources for a new one. This makes model reusability transparent, saving lots of memory without any user intervention.

This is how an EmbeddingBackend would be used by a text embedder component: Part of the public API.

class HFTextEmbedder:

    def __init__(self, model_name: str, ... init params ...):
        self.model_name = model_name
        self.model_params = ... params ...

    def warm_up(self):
        self.embedding_backend = HFEmbeddingBackend(self.model_name, **self.model_params)

    def run(self, strings: List[str]):
        return {"result": self.embedding_backend.embed(data)}

Another example, using an embedder component expecting Documents: Part of the public API.

class HFDocumentEmbedder:

    def __init__(self, model_name: str, ... init params ...):
        self.model_name = model_name
        self.model_params = ... params ...

    def warm_up(self):
        self.embedding_backend = HFEmbeddingBackend(self.model_name, **self.model_params)

    def run(self, documents: List[Document]):
        text_strings = [document.content for document in data]
        embeddings = self.embedding_backend.embed(text_strings)
        documents_with_embeddings = [Document.from_dict(**doc.to_dict, "embedding": emb) for doc, emb in zip(documents, embeddings)]
        return {"result": documents_with_embeddings}



The drawbacks of separating Retrievers and Embedders were already discussed in this proposal and mainly consist of migration effort.

For example, if a user has indexed documents in the store and wants to update the embeddings using a different model instead, with the current Haystack implementation the user would run document_store.update_embeddings(retriever).

With the new Embedder design, I can imagine something similar (based on the MemoryDocumentStore v2 implementation):

# get all the documents
docs = memory_document_store.filter_documents()

# compute the embedding with the new model
new_embedder = HFDocumentEmbedder(model_name="new-model")
docs_with_embeddings =

# overwrite the documents
memory_document_store.write_documents(documents=docs_with_embeddings, policy=DuplicatePolicy.OVERWRITE)

Other aspects

Regarding the design proposed in this document, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Proliferation of classes (though they will be small and easy to maintain).
  • Users need to know which models are appropriate for which task (e.g. embedding queries rather than embedding documents, see Different models in the same embedding/retrieval task). On the other hand, this approach is more explicit and will help making users aware of problems and tradeoffs related to the topic.


Several alternatives to this design were considered. The main challenge was handling the differences between queries and Documents. Some ideas:

  • Have a single Embedder component for text (HFTextEmbedder instead of HFEmbeddingBackend, HFTextEmbedder and HFDocumentEmbedder) and adapt Documents before and after that, using other Components. --> Many components.
  • Make Embedders only work on Documents and represent the query as a Document. --> Unintuitive and require changes in the Retriever.
  • Create another primitive like Data (content + embedding) and use it for both queries and Documents. --> More conversion components like DataToDocument.
  • Have the DocumentEmbedder take a TextEmbedder as an input parameter. --> Fewer classes but serialization issues.

Adoption strategy

This change will constitute a part of Haystack v2.

How we teach this

Documentation and tutorials will be of fundamental importance.

Unresolved questions

  • Migration and refactoring of existing Encoders hidden in Retrievers. I prepared a table. Should it be shared here?
  • The migration and refactoring of TableTextRetriever require input and ownership from people involved in TableQA.
  • How to approach MultiModal Embedding? How many classes? Take into consideration that a query could also be an Image or a Table.