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Express-based framework used in the WAS course @UVersailles

Course page at


npm install was_framework


var fmwk = require('was_framework');

var opts = {
  default_handler: handler

// Create and configure application
var app = fmwk(opts);

function handler(req, res) {
  res.send(200, 'Hello world');

// Start application on port 12345

Recognized options

  • static_dir directory containing static content (must be an absolute path). Default: /path/to/script/static/.
  • static_mount URL where static content is served. Default: /static.
  • template_dir directory containing templates (must be an absolute path). Default: /path/to/script/templates/.
  • default_handler handler to be executed when no other handler is found. Default: was_framework.not_found_handler.
  • default_route redirect all requests for '/' to this URL. Default null.
  • secret secret used for cookies. Default: WAS.
  • port port to listen to. Default 8080.
  • db object containing database configuration. See below. Default null.

Example showing use of all options:

var fmwk = require('was_framework');

var opts = {
  static_dir         : __dirname + 'client',
  static_mount       : '/public',
  template_dir       : __dirname + 'views',
  default_handler    : handler,
  default_route      : '/index',
  secret             : 'my_secret',
  port               : 80
  db                 : {
                          type: 'sqlite',
                          file: 'data.db'

var app = fmwk(opts);

app.f_routes.index = function(req, res) {
  res.send('This is the default page');

app.f_routes.view = function(req, res) {
  // my_client.js is in ./public
  res.render('', { 
                            title: 'This is a template',
                            script: '<script src="/public/my_client.js"></script>'

function handler(req, res) {
  res.send(404, 'Not found');


All the options are added to the application's settings, so that you may get the using the .get:

var dir = app.get('static_dir');

Starting the server

The .start method is used to start the application. It takes three arguments:

function start(port, db, callback)
  • port is the port number to listen on.
  • db is an object as described in the Databases section. If both this object and the db option is used, this one gets the precedence.
  • callback is a callback to be called after the server has started. It receives an optional error argument if the server fails to start.
var fmwk = require('was_framework');

var opts = {
  db: {
    type: 'sqlite',
    file: 'app.db'

var app = fmwk();

app.start(80, opts.db, function(err) {
  console.log('Server started');


was_framwork comes with a function name based router, mapping URLs to functions with the least effort. Handlers are added to the object app.f_routes.

var fmwk = require('was_framework');

var opts = {
  // redirect all requests for / to /home
  default_route: '/home';

var app = fmwk(opts);

app.f_routes.home = function(req, res) {
  // this function handles requests for /home

app.f_routes.fee = function(req, res) {
  // this function handles requests for /fee

// You can even nest functions inside objects = {
  bar: function(req, res) {
    // this function handles requests for /foo/bar

  baz: function(req, res) {
    // this function handles requests for /foo/baz


Besides the function name based router, was_framework supports also the default router of express for finer control over URLs and HTTP methods. Read the documentation of express for more information.

Sending content

was_framework supports the usual .write and .end methods. More high-level functions to send content to the user are available via express functions.

The .send method sends arbitrary content and sets the appropriate HTTP headers. To set the content type, use the .type method.

app.f_routes.a_route = function(req, res) {
  res.send('<h1>Hello world!</h1>');

The .json method compiles JavaScript objects to JSON and sends them with the appropraite HTTP headers. Content type is automatically set

app.f_routes.xhr = function(req, res) {
  var data = {
    name     : 'foo',
    surname  : 'bar',
    adress   : 'some avenue'

The .download method sends a file for download. The mime type is automaticalli guessed = function(req, res) {'/path/to/file.png').

Hogan.js templates

was_framework comes with built-in support for Mustache templates using hogan.js. Unless configured otherwise (see options), Mustache templates must be contained in a directory called templates, and must have filename ending in .mu or .mustache. Templates are compiled and sent to the client at once using the .render.

app.f_routes.home = function(req, res) {
  // Compile Mustache template and send to the user
  res.render('', { title: 'My cool web app' });

A feature unique to was_framework is the method .multiRender, allowing to compile and send multiple templates. It makes a simpler alternative to partials. Here’s an example using three templates, the compiled HTML is concatenated and sent to the user.

app.f_routes.home = function(req, res) {
  res.multiRender(['', '', ''], { title: 'My cool web app' });

Static file server

was_framework comes with built-in support for static files. Create a directory named static inside your working directory: any file contained in it will be available at the URL /static/filename. These paths can be configured, see options.

Redirections and other HTTP codes

URL redirections are performed by the .redirect method.

app.f_routes.rel_redirect = function(req, res) {

app.f_routes.abs_redirect = function(req, res) {

app.f_routes.full_redirect = function(req, res) {

Other HTTP codes can be sent to the client, along with an arbitrary message, using the .send method.

app.f_routes.error = function(req, res) {
  res.send(500, '<h1>An unexpected error occured.</h1>');


Received cookies are parsed into the req.cookies object

app.f_routes.read_cookies = function(req, res) {

To set cookies, use the res.setCookie method, to clear the, use res.clearCookie

app.f_routes.set_cookie = function(req, res) {
  res.setCookie('sessid', '1');

app.f_routes.clear_cookie = function(req, res) {


was_framework has builtin support for MySql and SQLite, based on the modules mysql and node-sqlite-purejs. The connection to the database is opened automatically before the server is started. Use an SQLite database like this (if filename.db does not exist, it is created automatically):

var fmwk = require('was_framework');

var opts = {
  db: {
    type: 'sqlite',
    file: 'filename.db'

var app = fmwk(opts);

app.start();   // by default, listen on port 8080

Use a MySql database like this:

var fmwk = require('was_framework');

var opts = {
  db: {
    type: 'mysql',
    host: 'localhost',
    user: 'root',
    password: 'admin',
    database: 'db'

var app = fmwk(opts);

app.start();   // by default, listen on port 8080

Are also recognized all the options accepted by the modules mysql and node-sqlite-purejs.

After a successfull connection, an app.db object is created. Independently of the driver, was_framework tries to provide an API as consistent as possible with that of the mysql module. To send an SQL query to the database, use the .query method of app.db, with the following signature

query(sql[, values[, callback]])

Where sql is a string containing an SQL statement, values is an optional array of values to be replaced inside sql, and callback is a function with signature callback(err, results) to be called upon completion or error.

The .query method supports automatic SQL esacping to help prevent SQL injections. A ? or ?? is replaced by the corresponding value in values. ? is for escaping SQL values, while ?? is for escaping SQL identifierss. In this example

app.db.query('SELECT ?? FROM table WHERE name=? AND town=?', ['adress', 'WAS', 'Versailles']);

produces the SQL statement

SELECT `adress` FROM table WHERE name='WAS' AND town='Versailles'

Always prefer automatic escaping. If you really want to do the escaping manually, you can use the methods app.db.escape for values app.db.escapeId for identifiers. An alternative is to use app.db.format(sql, values), which returns a string with substitutions performed as in the .query method.

Here is a longer example.

app.f_routes.create_table = function(req, res) {'CREATE TABLE test (a TEXT, b TEXT)', function(err) {
    if (err) console.log(err);
}; = function(req, res) {
  // Prepared statement (use ?)'SELECT * FROM test WHERE a=? AND b=?', 
                   [req.query.a, req.query.b],
                   function(err, results) {
                     if (err) {
                     } else {
                       for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++)

was_framwork has builtion support for To use it, simply pass the option socket_io, and the socket object will be available at

var fmwk = require('was_framework');

var app = fmwk({
    socket_io: true

app.f_routes.politesse = function(req, res) {
    res.write('<script src="/"></script>');
    res.write('  var socket = io.connect("http://localhost");');
    res.write('  socket.on("merci", function (data) {');
    res.write('    console.log(data);');
    res.write('    socket.emit("de rien", { my: "Il n\'y a pas de quoi!" });');
    res.write('  });');
}'connection', function(socket) {
    socket.emit('merci', {greet: 'Merci beaucoup'});
    socket.on('de rien', function(data) {


Alternatively, the http server for the application is available at app.http_server. You can use it to create the socket like this.

var fmwk = require('was_framework');
var app = fmwk();
var io = require('').liste(app.http_server);


Node 0.4.x framework. THIS IS OLD. DO NOT USE THIS!







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