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Installation and Running



For use on supercomputers, use singularity instead

First, docker needs to be installed. Docker Desktop can be installed at

docker pull dejac001/mcccs-mn
docker run -ti -v $PWD:/home/ dejac001/mcccs-mn # run interactively inside container

Then, the image can be accessed interactively by

docker run -ti -v $PWD:/home/ dejac001/mcccs-mn # run interactively inside container


module load singularity
singularity pull docker://dejac001/mcccs-mn


It is a good practice to move the singularity image, which is large, to a shared directory (e.g., /home/<groupname>/shared/)

The code can then be run using

module load singularity
cd ${workdir}  # change to working directory where input files are
singularity exec path/to/mcccs-mn_latest.sif topmon

where path/to/mcccs-x_latest.sif is the relative or absolute path to the singularity image made during installation.

To run with multiple processors (e.g. 2), the last line is be replaced with

singularity exec path/to/mcccs-mn_latest.sif mpirun -np 2 topmon

Windows 10

On Windows 10, installing and running can be performed using Docker or Ubuntu. The instructions for Docker are given above. Otherwise, install Windows-Subsystem-for-Linux

then install Ubuntu from the App store and then follow the instructions below for Ubuntu.


The dockerfiles and docker image is made in ubuntu, so the same commands can be made as those in the docker files.

First, the dependencies need to be installed. The associated dockerfile looks like the following


To install the ubuntu dependencies, type in the commands after RUN.

Second, the code needs to be cloned from the repository. The associated dockerfile looks like


Again, installation in ubuntu requires using the same commands after RUN.

Minnesota Supercomputing Institute


module load cmake
git clone MCCCS-MN
cd /path/to/MCCCS-MN
mkdir build && cd build/
cmake ..
make -j 2


This uses the GNU 4.8.5 fortran compiler. You can try using other compilers too.

Siepmann Group


module purge
git clone MCCCS-MN && cd MCCCS-MN
module load cmake intel impi
mkdir build && cd build
FC=ifort cmake ..
make -j 2