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Framework for allele specific analysis of matched tumor and normal next generation sequencing data

Pre-computed data

All precomputed TCGA allele-specific data, genomic variants data (SNVs and indels) and association of expression to LOH status data are available here and from the official Zenodo repository (

Files descriptions

The following sections describe the content of each file.

Genomic data

The genomic data table contain the corrected copy number values and the allele specific copy number for each gene for each sample analyzed in the study.

In the table below each field of the results is described:

Field Description
dataset The name of the dataset
sample_id The ID of the sample in this study
hugo The HUGO symbol of the gene
log2 The raw log2 value
log2_int The discretized log2 value
log2_corr The corrected log2 value
log2_corr_int The corrected and discretized log2 value
as_cn_disc The allele specific discretized copy number
count_snvs_deleterious The number of SNVs annotated as deleterious present in the gene
count_insertions_deleterious The number of insertions annotated as deleterious present in the gene
count_deletions_deleterious The number of deletions annotated as deleterious present in the gene
count_snvs The total number of SNVs present in the gene
count_insertions The total number of insertions present in the gene
count_deletions The total number of deletions present in the gene
segment_id The ID of the segment containing the gene

For a detailed description of log2_corr, log2_corr_int, as_cn_disc and allele specific analysis please see:

SNVs data

The SNV data table contains the information about SNVs that were called in the TCGA samples

In the table below the most important fields in the table are described. For other fields see VEP documentation.

Field Description
sample_id The ID of the sample in this study
uid The ID to identify the SNV
uploaded_variation The ID of the variant if present in dbSNP
chromosome The chromosome where the SNV is located
position The nucleotide position where the SNV is located along the chromosome
allele The alterative allele present at the SNV coordinate
... See VEP documentation
rc_ref_normal The count of high quality reads supporting the reference allele in the normal sample
rc_alt_normal The count of high quality reads supporting the alternative allele in the normal sample
af_normal The allelic fraction of the alternative allele in the normal sample
cov_normal The coverage at the location of the SNV in the normal sample
rc_ref_tumor The count of high quality reads supporting the reference allele in the tumor sample
rc_alt_tumor The count of high quality reads supporting the alternative allele in the tumor sample
af_tumor The allelic fraction of the alternative allele in the tumor sample
cov_tumor The coverage at the location of the SNV in the tumor sample
t_cov The coverage at the location of the SNV in the tumor sample
t_af The allelic fraction of the alternative allele in the tumor sample
n_admreads The number of reads coming from the admixture at the SNV location
t_ref_count_corr The number of reads supporting the reference allele corrected for admixture
t_af_corr The corrected allelic fraction of the SNV
cn_int The integer copy number of the segment containing the SNV
cn_snvmut The copy number of the SNV inferred based on the corrected SNV AF
vafexp The allelic fraction of the SNV based on cn_snvmut
snv_clonality The clonality of the SNV computed based on the copy number
snv_clonality_int The clonality of the SNV computed based on the rounded (integer) copy number
study The study that contains the variant

Indels data

The indels data table contains the information about indels that were called in the TCGA samples

In the table below the most important fields in the table are described. For other fields see VEP documentation.

Field Description
sample_id The ID of the sample in this study
uid The ID to identify the variant
uploaded_variation The ID of the variant if present in dbSNP
chromosome The chromosome where the variant is located
start The nucleotide position where the variant starts
end The nucleotide position where the variant ends
allele The alterative variant present at the locus
... See VEP documentation
rc_ref_normal Only valid for SNVs
rc_alt_normal Only valid for SNVs
af_normal Only valid for SNVs
cov_normal Only valid for SNVs
rc_ref_tumor Only valid for SNVs
rc_alt_tumor Only valid for SNVs
af_tumor Only valid for SNVs
cov_tumor Only valid for SNVs
t_cov Only valid for SNVs
t_af Only valid for SNVs
n_admreads Only valid for SNVs
t_ref_count_corr Only valid for SNVs
t_af_corr Only valid for SNVs
cn_int Only valid for SNVs
cn_snvmut Only valid for SNVs
vafexp Only valid for SNVs
snv_clonality Only valid for SNVs
snv_clonality_int Only valid for SNVs
study The study that contains the variant

LOH/CN linear model results

These tables contain the results from linear models associating copy number (CN) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) to gene expression.

In the table below the field present in the table are described.

Field Description
model_p p value of the model
beta_cntot beta value for the variable "CN"
stde_cntot standard error for the variable "CN"
t_val_cntot t value for the variable "CN"
pval_cntot p value for the variable "CN"
beta_loh beta value for the variable "LOH"
stde_loh standard error for the variable "LOH"
tval_loh t value for the variable "LOH"
pval_loh p value for the variable "LOH"
gene gene symbol of the tested gene
class class of the gene ("TSG","OG","ESSENTIAL","OTHER")
fdr_model fdr of the model
fdr_loh fdr of the variable "LOH"
fdr_cntot fdr of the variable "CN"
ass_coeff_CN coefficient of association (beta/stde) for the variable "CN"
ass_coeff_LOH coefficient of association (beta/stde) for the variable "LOH"


The code folder contains the code for the pipeline.


The pipeline folder contains the complete code of analysis pipeline described in the paper. A CWL version of the pipeline is available here:

Running the pipeline

In order to run the pipeline some resources files and tools are needed. A complete example folder that includes both the code and the resources can be downloaded from here. Be aware that the file is big (12.5GB). The complete instructions needed to run the pipeline are inside the archive.


This project is funded by (ERC-CoG-2014-648670)