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52 lines (35 loc) · 1.68 KB

File metadata and controls

52 lines (35 loc) · 1.68 KB

Converts a file from one format to a different format by using the convert-to function of Libre Office. For a list of supported input/output formats see:


Operation not permitted

If you get an error such as:

cannot access 'soffice': Operation not permitted


/usr/bin/soffice: 191: exec: /usr/bin/oosplash: not found

You may need to upgrade Docker, runc, and the libseccomp rpm on your host machine.

Script Data

Name Description
Script Type python3
Tags Utility
Cortex XSOAR Version 5.0.0

Used In

This script is used in the following playbooks and scripts.

  • Extract Indicators From File - Generic v2


Argument Name Description
entry_id The War Room entryID of the file to convert.
format Output format to which to convert. Can specify only file extension, such as: "pdf" or <ext:writer> such as "txt:Text (Encoded)". Default is "pdf".
all_files If "yes", will return all generated files. If "no", will return only the main file. Relevant for formats that might generate multiple files, such as html (which will generate image files additionally to the main html file). Default is "no".


Path Description Type
File.Name The name of the output file. String
File.Extension The extension of the file. String
File.EntryID The entry ID of the file. String
File.Info Additional information about the file. String
File.Type The file type. String