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Maelström - Users

by @demiurgosoft
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Maelström Logo

Users micro-service for Mäelstrom project, login and authentication with MongoDB and JWT

Geting Started

MongoDB required

  1. To install the service and necessary dependencies: npm install --production
    1. If you want also the dev-dependencies (for testing and development of Mäelstrom-users): npm install
    2. To test the service using mocha: npm test
  2. To start the service: npm start
  3. Configure the system with the files under config/ folder

To test the system, it will provide a simple login and signup clients (/login and /signup)


Users microservice is a RESTful API with http request and json responses:

Method URL Usage Response
POST /login Logs user with given data {"username","password"} in the system Returns the token {"token"} and code 200 or an error
POST /signup Creates a new user with given data {"username","password","email"}if it doesn't exist Returns the login token or an error
PUT /restricted/update Updates user data with given data {"username","password"} Returns status 204 if everything is ok
DELETE /restricted/remove Removes user 204 if everything is ok
GET /restricted/dash Gets logged User info code 200 and user data {"_id","username","email"}` or 400 and error log

All urls under restricted/* requires a valid token, auth header must be Bearer [token] to get access.

Response status

Code Meaning
201 OK in POST operations
204 OK in PUT and DELETE operations
400 Bad request (not valid body)
401 Invalid token (not authorized
403 Incorrect password
404 Data not found
500 Internal server error


The tokens used are Json Web Tokens with the following payload structure:

"id": "56d96ce3a5e8cf4c28e1a4a4",
"username": "my user",

Each user has an unique id used across all the maelström servers (Mongodb id), also the username is stored. All the tokens are signed with a private key in the server (for testing use dontpanic42)

Licensed under GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 Maelström logo by @iblancasa under CC0


Users microservice for maelström







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