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This project was bootstrapped using Create React App, then it is ejected on purpose to avoid hanging after running yarn test.

This app is containerised using Docker.

For Development

Pull your code from source control then run docker-compose up.

If you prefer not relying on docker-compose, you can build an image and create a container manually as follows.

Use docker build -f -t dennisxiao/docker-react-dev . to build an image for development.

Create a container by docker container run -p 3000:3000 IMAGE_ID.

How to sync the code in development

Solution 1

You can use docker command to achieve the code sync.

Use docker container run -p 3000:3000 -v /app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/app IMAGE_ID to run a container

-v $(pwd):/app specify every time the container accesses the /app directory, it should reach back out to the current working directory on the local machine

-v /app/node_modules specify to bookmark the '/app/node_modules' folder

Solution 2

You can also use volumes in docker-compose to achieve the code sync.

  # don't map the node_modules folder
  # because this folder doesn't exist in the local environment
  - /app/node_modules
  # map the current folder outside the container to the app folder inside container
  - .:/app

For Production

Use docker build . to build an image for production.

Create a container by docker container run -p 8080:80 IMAGE_ID.


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