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Mark Scherer edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 22 revisions

CakePHP version map

Queue plugin branch CakePHP core PHP min
2.x [EOL] cake2 2.x PHP 5.4
3.x [EOL] 3.x PHP 5.6
4.x cake3 3.7+ PHP 5.6
5.x [EOL] cake4-v5 4.0+ PHP 7.2
6.x master 4.2+ PHP 7.3


Recent Improvements

  • DB only queue for multiserver setup (removed pid file solution and deprecations)
  • Void task run() with clean exception handling incl. stack trace. Interface contracting for run().
  • All configs are now defaulting to sane and secure values. Easier to start with the plugin.
  • Interface contracting also for add() method.
  • Processes are terminated more cleanly, max process count to prevent overloading of server
  • QueuedJobs table instead of QueuedTasks (Tasks are the implementing classes only)
  • Priority for jobs
  • Transactions on getting a new job if supported from the database
  • Code improvements, stricter typehinting


A huge thx to Max (Dee-Fuse) for making the 3.x upgrade complete!

Modified by David Yell (davidyell)

  • Basic CakePHP 3.x support

Modified by Mark Scherer (dereuromark)

  • CakePHP 2.x support
  • Some minor fixes
  • Added crontasks (as a different approach on specific problems)
  • Possible (optional) Tools Plugin dependencies for frontend access via /admin/queue
  • Config key "queue" is now "Queue" ($config['Queue'][...])

Added by Christian Charukiewicz (charukiewicz):

  • Configuration option 'gcprop' is now 'gcprob'
  • Fixed typo in README and variable name (Propability -> Probability)
  • Added a few lines about createJob() usage to README
  • Added comments to queue.php explaining configuration options
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