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File metadata and controls

145 lines (94 loc) · 5.81 KB

Getting Started

Welcome to the gulp flavor of our web app generator! If you're not familiar with gulp, we suggest checking out their docs.

If you haven't already, install yo and this generator by running:

$ npm install --global yo generator-webapp

Now you can scaffold your very own web app:

$ mkdir my-webapp
$ cd my-webapp
$ yo webapp

To start developing, run:

$ gulp serve

This will fire up a local web server, open http://localhost:9000 in your default browser and watch files for changes, reloading the browser automatically via LiveReload.

To run the tests in the browser, run:

$ gulp serve:test

To make a production-ready build of the app, run:

$ gulp

To preview the production-ready build to check if everything is ok:

$ gulp serve:dist


To get the list of available tasks, run:

$ gulp --tasks

Gulp plugins

Gulp plugins (the ones that begin with gulp-) don't have to be require()'d. They are automatically picked up by gulp-load-plugins and available through the $ variable.


We use ESLint for linting JavaScript code. You can define rules in your package.json under the "eslint" field. Alternatively, you can add an .eslintrc file to your project root, where you can configure ESLint using JavaScript, JSON or YAML.

The no-undef rule and tests

The ESLint rule no-undef will warn about usage of explicitly undeclared variables and functions. Because our tests use global functions like describe and it (defined by the testing framework), ESLint will consider those as warnings.

Luckily, the fix is easy—add an .eslintrc file to the test/spec directory and let ESLint know about your testing framework. For example, if you're using Mocha, add this to .eslintrc:

  "env": {
    "mocha": true

Configuration from this .eslintrc will merge with your project-wide configuration.


We use the .tmp directory mostly for compiling assets like SCSS files. It has precedence over app, so if you had an app/index.html template compiling to .tmp/index.html, http://localhost:9000 would point to .tmp/index.html, which is what we want.

This system can be a little confusing with the watch task, but it's actually pretty simple:

  • notify LiveReload when compiled assets change
  • run the compile task when source assets change

E.g. if you have Less files, you would want to notify LiveReload when Less files have compiled, i.e. when .tmp/styles/**/*.css change, but you would want to compile Less files by running the styles task when source files change, i.e. app/styles/**/*.less.

Adding New Assets


A common practice is to have a single, "main", Sass file, then use @import statements to add other partials. For example, let's say you created stylesheet for your navigation, app/styles/_nav.scss, you can then import it in app/styles/main.scss like this:

@import "nav";


Our build step uses special build comment blocks to mark which assets to concatenate and compress for production. You can see them at the top and bottom of app/index.html.

You don't have to worry about new Bower components, their JS files will be automatically injected in your app/index.html, but you have to add your own JS files manually. For example, let's say you created app/scripts/nav.js, defining some special behavior for the navigation. You should then include it in the comment blocks for your source JS files, where app/scripts/main.js is located:

<!-- build:js scripts/main.js -->
<script src="scripts/main.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/nav.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->

Upon build these will be concatenated and compressed into a single file scripts/main.js.

The file name in the comment block and the first source aren't related, their name being the same is a pure coincidence. The file name in the comment block specifies how the final optimized file will be called, while the sources should map to your source files.


We keep bower_components in the project root, you can read details about that here. Installing Bower components is usually as easy as:

$ bower install --save jquery

Behind the scenes wiredep will automatically inject assets from your Bower components to your HTML/SCSS files as soon as you run gulp serve or gulp. If gulp serve was already running while installing the components, the injection will happen immediately.

However, in some situations you'll have to do some extra work:

1. There are images/fonts in the component

These are a bit tricky, as they can't be automatically injected. Ideally you would want to put them in a place where the link would work both in development and in production, like we do with Bootstrap, but that's sometimes not possible. In those cases you would need to do some gulp-replace trickery.

2. Field values in the component's bower.json are incorrect or missing

If there's a problem, it's usually with the main field, which wiredep uses to wire up assets. Fortunately you can always override these fields and send a pull request to that component's repository, fixing their bower.json 😉