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Management Commands

The update_translation_fields Command

In case the modeltranslation app was installed on an existing project and you have specified to translate fields of models which are already synced to the database, you have to update your database schema (see db-fields).

Unfortunately the newly added translation fields on the model will be empty then, and your templates will show the translated value of the fields (see Rule 1) which will be empty in this case. To correctly initialize the default translation field you can use the update_translation_fields command:

$ ./ update_translation_fields

Taken the news example used throughout the documentation this command will copy the value from the news object's title field to the default translation field title_de. It only does so if the default translation field is empty otherwise nothing is copied.


Unless you configured modeltranslation to override the default language <settings-modeltranslation_default_language> the command will examine your settings.LANGUAGES variable and the first language declared there will be used as the default language.

All translated models (as specified in the translation files) from all apps will be populated with initial data.

The sync_translation_fields Command


$ ./ sync_translation_fields

This command compares the database and translated models definitions (finding new translation fields) and provides SQL statements to alter tables. You should run this command after adding new language or deciding to translate new field in a TranslationOptions.

However, if you are using South in your project, in most cases it's recommended to use migration instead of sync_translation_fields. See db-fields for detailed info and use cases.

The loaddata Command


It is just extension to original loaddata command which adds an optional populate keyword. If specified, then normal loading command will be run under selected auto-population modes.

By default no auto-population is performed.

$ ./ loaddata --populate=all fixtures.json

Allowed modes are listed here <auto-population-modes>. To choose False (turn off auto-population) specify '0' or 'false':

$ ./ loaddata --populate=false fixtures.json
$ ./ loaddata --populate=0 fixtures.json


If populate is not specified, then current auto-population mode is used. Current means the one set by settings <settings-modeltranslation_auto_populate>.

Moreover, this loaddata command version can override the nasty habit of changing locale to en-us. By default, it will retain proper locale. To get back to old behaviour, set settings-modeltranslation_loaddata_retain_locale to False.