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167 lines (147 loc) · 15.6 KB


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167 lines (147 loc) · 15.6 KB


Summary:This file records simple (Gaussian) emission line fits on the spectra for few major lines.
Naming Convention:emline-SPECTROGRAPH-TILEID-GROUPID.fits, where SPECTROGRAPH is the spectrograph ID, TILEID is the tile number and GROUPID depends on the GROUPTYPE of the tile coadd.
File Type:FITS, 188 KB


Number EXTNAME Type Contents
HDU0   IMAGE Empty
HDU1 EMLINEFIT BINTABLE Emission line fits table

FITS Header Units


Empty HDU.



Table with the emission line fit results for few major lines.

Required Header Keywords

.. collapse:: Required Header Keywords Table

    .. rst-class:: keywords

    ======== =============================================================================================== ===== =======================
    KEY      Example Value                                                                                   Type  Comment
    ======== =============================================================================================== ===== =======================
    NAXIS1   345                                                                                             int   width of table in bytes
    NAXIS2   500                                                                                             int   number of rows in table
    RRFN     /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/fuji/tiles/1x_depth/80608/5/redrock-1-80608-1xsubset5.fits str   full path to the redrock file which contains the redshifts
    COADDFN  /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/fuji/tiles/1x_depth/80608/5/coadd-1-80608-1xsubset5.fits   str   full path to the coadd file which contains the spectra
    RFHW     40                                                                                              int   [Angstrom] rest-frame wavelength width used for fitting on each side of the line
    MINRFHW  20                                                                                              int   [Angstrom] minimum requested *rest-frame* width on each side of the line to consider the fitting
    RFCONTW  200                                                                                             int   [Angstrom] rest-frame wavelength extent to fit the continuum
    RV       3.1                                                                                             float value of R_V to convert EBV to magnitudes
    EMNAMES  OII,HDELTA,HGAMMA,HBETA,OIII,HALPHA                                                             str   comma-separated list of emission lines to fit
    RFWAVE00 3727.092,3729.874                                                                               str   [Angstrom] rest-frame, vacuum, wavelength for the first emission line to fit
    RFWAVE01 4102.892                                                                                        str   [Angstrom] rest-frame, vacuum, wavelength for the second emission line to fit
    RFWAVE02 4341.684                                                                                        str   [Angstrom] rest-frame, vacuum, wavelength for the third emission line to fit
    RFWAVE03 4862.683                                                                                        str   [Angstrom] rest-frame, vacuum, wavelength for the forth emission line to fit
    RFWAVE04 4960.295,5008.239                                                                               str   [Angstrom] rest-frame, vacuum, wavelength for the fifth emission line to fit
    RFWAVE05 6564.613                                                                                        str   [Angstrom] rest-frame, vacuum, wavelength for the sixth emission line to fit
    ======== =============================================================================================== ===== =======================

Required Data Table Columns

.. rst-class:: columns

Name Type Units Description
TARGETID int64   Unique DESI target ID
Z float64   Redshift measured by Redrock
ZWARN int64   Redshift warning bitmask from Redrock
SPECTYPE char[6]   Spectral type of Redrock best fit template (e.g. GALAXY, QSO, STAR)
DELTACHI2 float64   chi2 difference between first- and second-best redrock template fits
TARGET_RA float64 deg Target right ascension
TARGET_DEC float64 deg Target declination
OBJTYPE char[3]   Object type: TGT, SKY, NON, BAD
OII_FLUX float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2) Fitted flux for the [OII] doublet
OII_FLUX_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4) / erg2 Inverse variance of the fitted flux for the [OII] doublet
OII_SIGMA float32 Angstrom Fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the [OII] doublet
OII_SIGMA_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the [OII] doublet
OII_CONT float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom) Continuum used for the fitting (fixed value) for the [OII] doublet
OII_CONT_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4 Angstrom2) / erg2 Inverse variance of the continuum for the [OII] doublet
OII_SHARE float32   Fitted F1/(F0+F1) for the [OII] doublet, where F0 and F1 are the individual line fluxes
OII_SHARE_IVAR float32   Inverse variance of the fitted F1/(F0+F1) for the [OII] doublet
OII_EW float32 Angstrom Fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the [OII] doublet
OII_EW_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the [OII] doublet
OII_CHI2 float32   Reduced chi2 of the fit for the [OII] doublet
OII_NDOF int32   Number of degrees of freedom of the fit for the [OII] doublet
HDELTA_FLUX float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2) Fitted flux for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_FLUX_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4) / erg2 Inverse variance of the fitted flux for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_SIGMA float32 Angstrom Fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_SIGMA_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_CONT float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom) Continuum used for the fitting (fixed value) for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_CONT_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4 Angstrom2) / erg2 Inverse variance of the continuum for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_SHARE float32   NaN (SHARE not relevant for HDELTA line)
HDELTA_SHARE_IVAR float32   NaN (SHARE not relevant for HDELTA line)
HDELTA_EW float32 Angstrom Fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_EW_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_CHI2 float32   Reduced chi2 of the fit for the HDELTA line
HDELTA_NDOF int32   Number of degrees of freedom of the fit for the HDELTA line
HGAMMA_FLUX float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2) Fitted flux for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_FLUX_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4) / erg2 Inverse variance of the fitted flux for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_SIGMA float32 Angstrom Fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_SIGMA_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_CONT float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom) Continuum used for the fitting (fixed value) for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_CONT_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4 Angstrom2) / erg2 Inverse variance of the continuum for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_SHARE float32   NaN (SHARE not relevant for HGAMMA line)
HGAMMA_SHARE_IVAR float32   NaN (SHARE not relevant for HGAMMA line)
HGAMMA_EW float32 Angstrom Fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_EW_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_CHI2 float32   Reduced chi2 of the fit for the HGAMMA line
HGAMMA_NDOF int32   Number of degrees of freedom of the fit for the HGAMMA line
HBETA_FLUX float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2) Fitted flux for the HBETA line
HBETA_FLUX_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4) / erg2 Inverse variance of the fitted flux for the HBETA line
HBETA_SIGMA float32 Angstrom Fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the HBETA line
HBETA_SIGMA_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the HBETA line
HBETA_CONT float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom) Continuum used for the fitting (fixed value) for the HBETA line
HBETA_CONT_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4 Angstrom2) / erg2 Inverse variance of the continuum for the HBETA line
HBETA_SHARE float32   NaN (SHARE not relevant for HBETA line)
HBETA_SHARE_IVAR float32   NaN (SHARE not relevant for HBETA line)
HBETA_EW float32 Angstrom Fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the HBETA line
HBETA_EW_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the HBETA line
HBETA_CHI2 float32   Reduced chi2 of the fit for the HBETA line
HBETA_NDOF int32   Number of degrees of freedom of the fit for the HBETA line
OIII_FLUX float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2) Fitted flux for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_FLUX_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4) / erg2 Inverse variance of the fitted flux for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_SIGMA float32 Angstrom Fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_SIGMA_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_CONT float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom) Continuum used for the fitting (fixed value) for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_CONT_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4 Angstrom2) / erg2 Inverse variance of the continuum for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_SHARE float32   F1/(F0+F1) for the [OIII] doublet, where F0 and F1 are the individual line fluxes (SHARE value fixed during the fit)
OIII_SHARE_IVAR float32   Infinite value, as SHARE is fixed during the fit
OIII_EW float32 Angstrom Fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_EW_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_CHI2 float32   Reduced chi2 of the fit for the [OIII] doublet
OIII_NDOF int32   Number of degrees of freedom of the fit for the [OIII] doublet
HALPHA_FLUX float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2) Fitted flux for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_FLUX_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4) / erg2 Inverse variance of the fitted flux for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_SIGMA float32 Angstrom Fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_SIGMA_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted line width (in the observed frame) for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_CONT float32 10**-17 erg/(s cm2 Angstrom) Continuum used for the fitting (fixed value) for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_CONT_IVAR float32 10**+34 (s2 cm4 Angstrom2) / erg2 Inverse variance of the continuum for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_SHARE float32   NaN (SHARE not relevant for HALPHA line)
HALPHA_SHARE_IVAR float32   NaN (SHARE not relevant for HALPHA line)
HALPHA_EW float32 Angstrom Fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_EW_IVAR float32 Angstrom^-2 Inverse variance of the fitted rest-frame equivalent width for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_CHI2 float32   Reduced chi2 of the fit for the HALPHA line
HALPHA_NDOF int32   Number of degrees of freedom of the fit for the HALPHA line

Notes and Examples

  • The fit is done with the desispec.scripts.emline script.
  • [OII] is fit as a doublet (3927 and 3929), with the line ratio left free during the fit.
  • [OIII] is fit as a doublet (4960 and 5007), with the line ratio fixed during the fit.
  • The SHARE is fitted only for the [OII] doublet; for the [OIII] doublet, its value is fixed (hence the infinite OIII_SHARE_IVAR); for the other lines, the SHARE is not used, and NaN are reported.
  • If there are not enough pixels to fit or if the fit fails, NaN values are reported.
  • The default settings are designed for the ELGs (e.g. max_sigma); values to be interpreted with caution for the other targets.
  • The fitted flux is not forced to be positive, so negative values can happen.
  • The Z,ZWARN,SPECTYPE,DELTACHI2 (TARGET_RA,TARGET_DEC,OBJTYPE, respectively) columns come from the REDSHIFTS (FIBERMAP, respectively) extension of the input redrock file (see :doc:`redrock-SPECTROGRAPH-TILEID-GROUPID <redrock-SPECTROGRAPH-TILEID-GROUPID>`).
  • For the SURVEY=cmx m33 tile (TILEID=80615) tile and all the SURVEY=sv1 tiles (except TILEID=80971-80976, the dc3r2 ones), proper-motion correction was applied at the :doc:`fiberassign </DESI_TARGET/fiberassign/tiles/TILES_VERSION/TILEXX/fiberassign-TILEID>` design step; thus the following columns can have different values than in the :doc:`desitarget products </DESI_TARGET/TARG_DIR/DR/VERSION/targets/PHASE/RESOLVE/OBSCON/PHASEtargets-OBSCON-RESOLVE-hp-HP>`: TARGET_RA, TARGET_DEC, REF_EPOCH, PLATE_RA, PLATE_DEC, and PLATE_REF_EPOCH.