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Bottle extension class that provides user authentication


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Bottle extension class that provides user authentication based on the pgusers module.


You just need to import the Odre object, configure it and then use the @authenticated decorator on any route you'd like authenticated:

from odre import Odre

sample = Odre()

def hello(name):
    return f"<p>Hello <b>{name}</b></p>"

In the example above, when the route /hello/<name> is accessed for the first time, the user is shown a login form asking for credentials. Upon successful authentication, the user is supplied a token that is set either in a cookie or the client should supply it in the form of an Authorization: Bearer <token> header.


The configuration is an .ini file similar to the following example:

name = SAMPLE
cookie_name = sample_session_id
root_dir = /opt/webapp/dir
login_page = /opt/webapp/dir/html/login.html

host = localhost
port = 5432
user = sampleuser
password = sampleuser

name = SAMPLE

host =
port = 465

The [app] section

name:The name of the app. Must always be present.
cookie_name:The name of the cookie that will be issued. This field is optional, if omitted the response to a successful login will be a json object with the token, which will be the responsibility of the front-end to send on every subsequent request in an Authorization: Bearer <token> header.
root_dir:The root directory of the application. This is useful to locate the app's resources. Must always be present.
login_page:The path to an html file that contains the login page. If omitted, a default login page will be issued, but it will be probably be too basic. The requirements for the login page are that it must send a form with the following fields: username, password, and proceed. The proceed field must be a hidden file set to {0} so that Odre can substitute it for the path that was originally requested and, upon a successful login, redirect the user there. Alternatively, the front-end can log-in using the pre-installed /login route sending username and password in a json object with a Content-type header set to application/json

The [userspace] section

name:The name of the pgusers userspace. A userspace, is a PostgreSQL database that contains the users and sessions and is handled by the pgusers module.

The [database] section

This section contains the parameters needed to connect to a PostgreSQL server. The fields are the same as those used to create a connection on the psycopg2 module.

host:The host where the PostgreSQL resides. If omitted, a local connection through a unix-domain socket is assumed.
port:The port where PostgreSQL listes. If omitted, Postgres default port 5432 is assumed.
user:The PostgreSQL user.
password:The password for the PostgreSQL user.

The [smtp] section

This section contains the SMTP server parameters to send the user a reset password token when such functionality is implemented.


app = Odre(config=None)

This is the class constructor. Odre is a subclass of Bottle, so all of bottle's functionality can be used, but there will be some additional methods as well as a pre-installed /login route. The optional parameter config to the Odre class can be used to specify the app configuration. It can be:

  • A string, which is interpreted as a filename
  • Any iterable yielding strings, e.g. a file-like object


This decorator, applied before any route (i.e. below the routes) marks a function as accessible only to authenticated users. If the route is being requested for the first time, or without a valid session token specified either in the cookie or in a bearer authorisation header, or the token has expired, the route will return the login html page specified in the configuration, or a basic, default login page. Example:

def hello(name):
    return f"<p>Hello <b>{name}</b></p>"


This method configures the Odre object if the config parameter was not specified in the constructor.

The argument cp must be ConfigParser object from the configparser module from the standard library, with the format specified in the configuration section above.


If the user has presented a valid session token, this method can be used to retrieve information about the user. The result is a dictionary containing the different fields. Example:

def hello(name):
    udata = app.get_user_data()
    return f"""<p>Hello {name}, I know you are {udata['username']},
               your email is {udata['email']},
               you {"are" if udata['admin'] else "aren't"} an administrator,
               your user data is: {pformat(udata['extra_data'])}
               your session data is: {pformat(udata['session_data'])}</p>"""

The /login pre-installed route

Client apps that don't want to present the user with the login html page for any reason, can always request the /login route via the POST http verb. The route expects either a form with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or an application/json with the following fields:

username:The username
password:The password
proceed:A relative URI to proceed to upon successful authentication. This field is optional and defaults to '/'


This software is released with the MIT License


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