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198 lines (142 loc) · 9.54 KB


Build Status Open Source Helpers

Gate is Single Sign On platform for centralised authentication across Linux, OpenVPN and CAS.

Gate works by automating OpenVPN profile creation for you and also providing you with google multi factor authentication(MFA) integration. Gate provides single MFA Token authorisation across your organisation for following services.

The entry point for self-signin is Google Email authentication. If you don't use Google Email authentication, you can point gate to any existing oAuth provider and it should straight forward.

  1. Setup OpenVPN with Gate's authentication.
  2. Automatically create VPN profiles for each of the users.
  3. Provide you with JaSig CAS Custom Authentication Handler to authenticate with Gate SSO and in turn enabliing MFA for JaSig CAS.
  4. Enable Linux authentication with gate-pam - which sits like small module with Linux and allow authentication.
  5. Enable Name Service Switch on Linux - so that Gate User's can be discovered and authenticated on Linux.
  6. Access Control on Linux Gate also allows you to control access to specific machines, like which hosts a user can login. And that can be controlled by reg-ex pattern on host name or IP addresses. Please note pattern * matches everything.

Gate provides you with single sign on solution plus centralised user managment across your applications. It not only helps you control user's access but also makes most of it automated.


Gate is a Rails application, compatible with JRuby.


  • Checkout gate
  • Run bundle install --path .local
  • Setup below environment variables
GATE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID                - Your OAuth client key
GATE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET            - Your OAUTH client secret
GATE_HOSTED_DOMAINS                 - The hosted domains for gmail (comma separated)
GATE_HOSTED_DOMAIN                  - The hosted domain for Gate
GATE_SERVER_URL                     - Gate server FQDN
GATE_CONFIG_SECRET                  - Ruby required config secret key in production environment
GATE_EMAIL_DOMAIN                   - Your company's domain for email address
GATE_URL                            - Gate FQDN
GATE_ORGANIZATION_NAME              - Organization name to be reflected in vpn mobileconfig
GATE_ORGANIZATION_STATIC            - Organization static to be reflected in vpn mobileconfig
GATE_VPN_SSL_PVTKEY                 - Private key for signing vpn mobileconfig
GATE_VPN_SSL_CERT                   - SSL key for signing vpn mobileconfig
GATE_VPN_SSL_XSIGNED                - Cross signed key for signing vpn mobileconfig
PRODUCT_LIST                        - comma separated product list
CACHE_PORT                          - redis port
CACHE_HOST                          - redis host
GATE_DB_HOST                        - Mysql db host
GATE_DB_PORT                        - Mysql db port
GATE_DB_USER                        - Mysql db user
GATE_DB_PASSWORD                    - Mysql db password
  • (OPTIONAL) Setup below environment variables if you want to integrate SAML into gate

NOTE We will be automating the integration for SAML Service Providers through rake task/UI.

ENABLE_SAML                         - [Default to false] Set true to enable SAML
GATE_SAML_IDP_ORGANIZATION_NAME     - company name. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
GATE_SAML_IDP_ORGANIZATION_URL      - company website url. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
GATE_SAML_IDP_RESPONSE_EXPIRY       - response timeout in seconds. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
GATE_SAML_IDP_SESSION_EXPIRY        - session timeout in seconds. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
GATE_SAML_IDP_X509_CERTIFICATE      - x509 cert. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
GATE_SAML_IDP_SECRET_KEY            - x509 key. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
GATE_SAML_IDP_FINGERPRINT           - x509 fingerprint. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
GATE_SAML_IDP_DATA_DOG_SSO_URL      - datadog service provider sso url. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
GATE_SAML_IDP_DATA_DOG_METADATA_URL - datadog service provider metadata url. Required if ENABLE_SAML is set to true
  • Run bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
  • Run bundle exec rake spec
  • Setup gate with ruby/jruby in your favorite way, we recommend puma/nginx
  • We will be including installation script or packages for this soon

Once Gate is setup, sign up with your user and you should see welcome page with a VPN profile download and VPN MFA Scanning.

If you want gate to setup VPN for your, then just install OpenVPN with easy rsa, Gate should just work fine with it.

NOTE We will be putting some more effort to automate VPN setup using Gate as well. Or you can start creating pull request to help us with this.

Setting Up with Google Authentication

You want to sign into the Google Cloud Console URL for the project and enabling Google+[ACCOUNT-ID]

Once you click activate, go to the following link[ACCOUNT-ID]

Click Create credentials > Client ID and select Web Application

In Authorized Javascript origins put the your server url In Authorized Redirect URIs put <server url>/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback

You can then put the clientId and clientSecret in the appropriate variables in .env

Creating self signed x509 certificate for datadog SAML setup

Please run the following commands to generate certificate and key. You need to have openssl installed on your local System.

openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out /tmp/server.pass.key 2048 && \
    openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in /tmp/server.pass.key -out /tmp/server.key && \
    rm /tmp/server.pass.key
    openssl req -new -key /tmp/server.key -out /tmp/server.csr -subj "/C=UK/ST=Warwickshire/L=Leamington/O=Test/OU=Example/"

NOTE Please use appropriate values in place of C[Country Code], ST[State/Province], L[Location], O[Organization Name], OU[Organization Unit Name], CN[Company Domain Name]

    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /tmp/server.csr -signkey /tmp/server.key -out /tmp/server.crt

Use /tmp/server.crt for GATE_SAML_IDP_X509_CERTIFICATE and /tmp/server.key for GATE_SAML_IDP_SECRET_KEY

please run the following command to generate fingerprint[GATE_SAML_IDP_FINGERPRINT]

openssl x509 -in /tmp/server.crt -noout -sha256 -fingerprint

Local dockerised setup

  • Checkout gate
  • Run make init to setup .env file.
  • Setup proper env variable values in .env file.
  • Run make all to build, run and run migrations
  • Run make rpsec or make rspec <filename:line_no> for running specs.
  • Run make routes to list all the routes.
  • Run make shell for shell access to app server.
  • Run make logs to view logs of web container.
  • Run make kill to remove daemonised containers.


  • pam_gate - for Linux/Unix
  • nss_gate - for Linux Name Service Switch
  • cas_gate - for JaSig CAS Server
  • open_vpn_gate - for OpenVPN setup, it's not extracted yet.
  • ssh_gate

Setting up public key lookup

Given user has uploaded public key into gate

  • Add following lines to your sshd_config - It's located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config on most linux distros
AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/bin/
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody
  • Add a file with following content to /usr/bin/ with name owned by root

/usr/bin/curl -k --silent "https://<gate server name or IP>/profile/$1/key"

Please Note Adjust URL for GateServer and test by executing <username> to see if this prints the public key


You might have to open rails console and give one user admin privileges by setting up user.admin = true in console. Then Gate will open up Administration URL for you. You can do following with Gate's admin web UI

  • Enable/Disable User account
  • Make user administrator
  • Control what host user's are allowed to login via host patterns, by default they are allowed everyhost which starts with s-* (we use s- for staging, p- for production)
  • Make user part of group, by default they are part of 'people' group.

DNS Alert Please note gate heavily relies on DNS and host supplied IP addresses, so it authenticates against host's native IP address rather than natted IP address. It does reverse name lookup on supplied IP address, if that fails then it will be looking at matching IP address itself.


The puma logs are in shared/log/puma.stdout.log and shared/log/puma.stderr.log and the app logs are in log/<env>.log, some errors may be being written directly to stdout/stderr and may not be available in the application's log file

Newrelic Support

If you want to enable Newrelic monitoring on your Gate deployment, you just have to create these additional keys on your environment variables:

NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY                - Your Newrelic license key
NEWRELIC_APP_NAME                   - Your application name (identifer) on Newrelic
NEWRELIC_AGENT_ENABLED              - Set it true if you want Newrelic agent to runs


Gate has several tasks that can be scheduled for maintenance purpose. Please see config/scheduler.rb to see the list of tasks.

You may have to run whenever --update-crontab to update cronjob so that it run these tasks. Gate utilize whenever gem for maintaining scheduled tasks, which in turn utilize cronjob as its backend.