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# Nano React App Default Javascript Template The default template project for [nano-react-app]( - `npm start` — This will spawn a development server with a default port of `3000`. - `npm run build` — This will output a production build in the `dist` directory. ## Custom port You can use the `-p` flag to specify a port for development. To do this, you can either run `npm start` with an additional flag: ``` npm start -- --port 1234 ``` Or edit the `start` script directly: ``` vite --port 1234 ``` ## Adding styles You can use CSS files with simple ES2015 `import` statements anywhere in your Javascript: ```js import "./index.css"; ``` ## Babel transforms The Babel preset [babel-preset-nano-react-app]( is used to support the same transforms that Create React App supports. The Babel configuration lives inside `package.json` and will override an external `.babelrc` file, so if you want to use `.babelrc` remember to delete the `babel` property inside `package.json`. ## Deploy to GitHub Pages You can also deploy your project using GitHub pages. First install the `gh-pages` [package]( `npm i -D gh-pages` Use the following scripts for deployment: ``` "scripts": { "start": "vite", "build": "vite build", "predeploy": "rm -rf dist && vite build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist" }, ``` Then follow the normal procedure in GitHub Pages and select the `gh-pages` branch. # tictactoee


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