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71 lines (45 loc) · 3.11 KB

File metadata and controls

71 lines (45 loc) · 3.11 KB

Contributing to edeXa js

Thank you for your interest in contributing to edeXa js! We appreciate your help in making this project better.

Getting Started

To get started with contributing, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Set up the development environment by following the instructions in the file.
  4. Create a new branch for your changes.
  5. Make your changes and commit them with clear and descriptive commit messages.
  6. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  7. Submit a pull request to the main repository.

Code Style

We follow a specific code style in this project to maintain consistency. Please make sure your code adheres to the following guidelines:

  • Indentation: Use spaces for indentation (2 spaces per level).
  • Naming Conventions: Use descriptive and meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes.
  • Documentation: Document your code using appropriate comments and follow best practices for documentation.

Submitting a Pull Request

Branch naming convention:

  • Feature - feat_custom_token
  • Release/Build - release_2.1 or v2.1
  • Fix/Bug - fix_unknown_token or fixes (if more than one)

Note: No strict convention while naming branch, but try to keep it meaningful for your team members to understand.

  1. Add files to be commited and then commit changes to your local machine git commit -m <commit-message>

Commit message convention:

  • Feature - feat: integrate token balances
  • Release/Build - chore: release v2.1 or chore: bump version to 2.1
  • Fix/Bug - fix: token balances or fix: token list, transfers (if more than one)

Note: Keep commit message meaningful for your team members to understand while reviewing merge/pull request.

  1. Push changes to remote repository git push origin <branch-name>

  2. Create a merge/pull request against main branch.

Note: Dont push changes to main branch directly. Write proper description of the changes while creating merge/pull request

When submitting a pull request, please make sure to:

  • Provide a clear and descriptive title for the pull request.
  • Explain the changes you have made and the reasons behind them.
  • Include any relevant information or context that can help reviewers understand your changes.
  • Make sure your code passes all tests and linting checks.
  • Reference any related issues or pull requests, if applicable.

Code Review

All pull requests will be reviewed by project maintainers. Feedback and suggestions may be provided to help improve your code. Please be open to feedback and address any requested changes.

Issue Tracking

If you find a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue on GitHub. Make sure to provide a clear and concise description of the issue or request, along with any relevant information or steps to reproduce the problem.


By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project license file.

We appreciate your contributions and look forward to working with you to improve [Project Name]. Thank you for your support!