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Build a Resume Reviewer App with ChatGPT

This guide will show you how to create an app to review resumes you receive. It will save you time and improve your hiring decisions, all for free!

Currently, you can copy and paste resumes into ChatGPT to review them, but it's not user-friendly. This app will eliminate that hassle.

What the app does:

  1. Takes a job description (text format)
  2. Takes a resume (PDF format)
  3. Extracts data from the resume
  4. Sends the data and job description to ChatGPT
  5. Asks ChatGPT to analyze the resume based on the job description
  6. Displays the results in the app

Here's what you'll need:

  • Basic understanding of Python

Steps to build the app:

  1. Define the app's functionality:

    • Get the job description (text format)
    • Get the resume (PDF format)
    • Extract data from the resume
    • Send data and job description to ChatGPT for analysis
    • Display the analysis results in the app
  2. Set up the backend:

    • Install libraries: pip install streamlit pypdf2 openai
    • Use Streamlit to create the app's interface: header, form to upload resume and enter job description
    • Write code to handle form submission and store data in variables
  3. Extract text from the PDF resume:

    • Use PyPDF2 library to read and extract text from the uploaded PDF resume
  4. Extract resume data using ChatGPT:

    • Define what information you want ChatGPT to find in the resume based on the job description (e.g., name, experience, skills)
    • Create a prompt for ChatGPT that asks it to find this information and rate how well the candidate matches the job description (on a scale of 1-10)
    • Send the prompt and resume text to ChatGPT
    • Extract the relevant information (name, experience, ratings) from ChatGPT's response
  5. Display the reviewed resume in the app:

    • Use Streamlit elements to display the extracted information (name, experience, ratings) from the resume

Run the app:

  1. Add your OpenAI API key to a .env file
  2. Run the app using streamlit run
  3. Refresh your browser to see the updated app


This guide helps you build a resume reviewer app using Streamlit, PyPDF2, ChatGPT, and function calling. It will save you time and improve your hiring process.


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