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File metadata and controls

188 lines (156 loc) · 5.86 KB


This document outlines how to integrate sysmon into other programs or scripts. It serves as a guide for developers looking to utilize sysmon's functionality within their projects.


Sysmon is divided into five distinct plugins, each catering to different system monitoring aspects:

  1. cpuinfo (source)
  2. meminfo (source)
  3. loadavg (source)
  4. procpid (source)
  5. netstats (source)


The utils file offers configurations to customize the output data from plugins. For instance, in meminfo, you can disable swap stats, and in netstats, you can hide the local IP address. Below is an example:

from util import util

# Disable showing local IP
util.SHOW_LOCAL_IP = False

# Override interface
util.INTERFACE = "wlp4s0"

from plugins import netstats

netstats_class = netstats.Netstats()
netstats_class.close_files() # Always close files!!


{'interface': 'wlp4s0',
 'local_ip': 'Hidden',
 'statistics': {'received': 721839959,
                'speeds': {'received': 721839959, 'transferred': 23420738},
                'transferred': 23420738}}


The usage pattern for all plugins remains consistent. Follow these steps to integrate a plugin into your script:

  1. Import the desired plugin:
from plugins import cpuinfo
  1. Create an object of the plugin:
cpuinfo_class = cpuinfo.Cpuinfo()
  1. Execute the get_data function to retrieve system information:
  1. Ensure to close any open files if the plugin maintains them:

Format the retrieved data as required; the output is in JSON format. You can also check the formatters directory, to get an idea of how to use these plugins.

cpuinfo Plugin

The cpuinfo plugin provides detailed information about the CPU, including:

  • architecture: CPU architecture
  • cache_size: Cache size (human-readable format)
  • cache_type: Cache type
  • logical: Logical cores count
  • physical: Physical cores count
  • frequency: CPU frequency
  • model: CPU model
  • uses_smt: Whether CPU uses simultaneous multithreading (SMT)
  • temperature: CPU temperature in Celsius
  • usage: CPU usage


{'architecture': 'x86_64',
 'cache_size': '3.00 MiB',
 'cache_type': 'L2',
 'cores': {'logical': 2, 'physical': 0},
 'frequency': 1064.02,
 'model': 'Intel Core2 Duo P7450',
 'temperature': 50.0,
 'usage': 77.0,
 'uses_smt': False}

meminfo Plugin

The meminfo plugin offers details about physical (RAM) and virtual (ZRAM/SWAP) memory usage. It includes:

Under the physical and virtual sections:

  • percentage: Memory usage percentage
  • values: Raw memory values in bytes


{'physical': {'percentage': {'actual_used': 69.7,
                             'available': 23.8,
                             'free': 3.7,
                             'used': 76.2},
              'values': {'actual_used': 2667823104,
                         'available': 911327232,
                         'cached': 1017966592,
                         'free': 141074432,
                         'total': 3826864128,
                         'used': 2915536896}},
 'virtual': {'percentage': {'available': 27.1, 'used': 72.9},
             'values': {'available': 874192896,
                        'cached': 39645184,
                        'total': 3221221376,
                        'used': 2347028480}}}

Note: there are two "used" fields, due to different calculation. "actual_used" is close to how htop calculates it, and used is: MemTotal - MemAvailable

loadavg Plugin

The loadavg plugin provides load times, uptime, and boot time information. It includes:

  • entities: Active and total running processes
  • load_times: System load for 1, 5, and 15 minutes
  • uptime: System uptime and boot time


{'entities': {'active': 2, 'total': 1526},
 'load_times': {'1': 1.94, '15': 1.94, '5': 2.21},
 'uptime': {'since': 'Thursday February 22 2024, 03:37:58 PM',
            'uptime': '3 hours, and 17 minutes'}}

procpid Plugin

The procpid plugin displays information about the most VmRSS-consuming processes. It includes:

  • name: process name
  • pid: process id (int)
  • state: process state
  • vmrss: process vmrss usage (int)


{'processes': [{'name': 'firefox',
                'pid': 3759,
                'state': 'Sleeping',
                'vmrss': 462802944},
               {'name': '',
                'pid': 5864,
                'state': 'Sleeping',
                'vmrss': 422006784},
               {'name': 'system_server',
                'pid': 4895,
                'state': 'Sleeping',
                'vmrss': 306163712},
               {'name': 'ndroid.systemui',
                'pid': 5062,
                'state': 'Sleeping',
                'vmrss': 268738560},
               {'name': 'Isolated',
                'pid': 11112,
                'state': 'Sleeping',
                'vmrss': 268210176},
               {'name': 'AndroidUI',
                'pid': 6421,
                'state': 'Sleeping',
                'vmrss': 249049088}]}

netstats Plugin

The netstats plugin shows network status such as the network adapter name and data transfer statistics. It includes:

  • interface: Network interface name
  • local_ip: Local IP address
  • statistics: Data transfer statistics since boot time
    • speeds: Network speed in bytes per second


{'interface': 'waydroid0',
 'local_ip': '',
 'statistics': {'received': 9024248,
                'speeds': {'received': 9024248, 'transferred': 556928103},
                'transferred': 556928103}}