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150 lines (111 loc) · 3.56 KB

File metadata and controls

150 lines (111 loc) · 3.56 KB


Fast, simple and small (2kb) HTML to React parser in browser

Work still in progress


npm install react-html5-parser
// or
yarn add react-html5-parser


To read

  • parse only html attributes (1.1kb) (default)
  • parse html and svg attributes (2kb) (need to update attrsMap option)
import { parse } from "react-html5-parser";

// Parse element
parse("<div>Lorem ipsum</div>");
// return createElement(React.Fragment, {}, React.createElement("div", {}, "Lorem ipsum"))

// Parse element inside the string
parse("Lorem <div>ipsum</div>");
// return createElement(React.Fragment, {}, ["Lorem ", React.createElement("div", {}, "ipsum")])


parse (html: string, options = {}) => React.Fragment | null


  • html: The HTML string
  • options (object?): Options
    • sanitize (function?): Sanitize HTML string
    • components (object?): Override React elements. The keys are HTML equivalents (such as div)
    • mapNode (function?): Override Dom node
    • mapElement (function?): Override React element. Сalled after components override
    • attrsMap (object?): Map for converting dom attributes to react attributes
    • onError (function?): Listen errors, if we provide not a string html or catch an unexpected internal error


Return React.Fragment | null. We get null if html is not a string or catch an unexpected internal error

sanitize (html: string) => string

import { parse } from "react-html5-parser";
import dompurify from "dompurify";

// trim string
parse("<div>Lorem ipsum</div>", { sanitize: (html: string) => html.trim() });

// sanitize with dompurify
parse("<div>Lorem ipsum</div>", {
  sanitize: (html: string) => dompurify.sanitize(html),

components { [key: string]: (props: {}) => ReactNode }

function Typography(props) {
  return <span {...props} />;

// replace div with paragraph, and b with Typography
parse("<div>Lorem <b>ipsum</b></div>", {
  components: {
    div: (props) => <p {...props} />,
    b: Typography,


    Lorem <span>ipsum</span>

mapNode (node: Node, key: number | string, options = {}) => Node | ReactNode }

import { parse, renderNode, renderNodes } from "react-html5-parser";

parse("<div>Lorem <b>ipsum</b></div>", {
  mapNode: (node: Node, key: string | number, options = {}) => {
    // return renderNode(node); // render node as react node
    // return renderNodes(node.childNodes); // render only childNodes

    return node;

mapElement (element: ReactElement, options = {}) => ReactNode }

parse("<div>Lorem <b>ipsum</b></div>", {
  mapElement: (element: ReactElement, options = {}) => {
    if (element.type === "p") {
      return <element.type {...element.props} />;

    return element;

attrsMap { [key: string]: string }

import { parse, parseAttrs, SVG_ATTRIBUTES } from "react-html5-parser";

// need for the correct parsing svg attributes
const svgAttrsMap = parseAttrs(SVG_ATTRIBUTES);

// map custom attrs, convert classname to class
const customMap = { classname: "class" };

parse("<div>Lorem <b>ipsum</b></div>", {
  attrsMap: { ...svgAttrsMap, ...customMap },

onError (error: unknown, html: unknown) => void

// if we provide incorrect html, or get internal error
const res: null = parse(undefined, {
  onError: (error: unknown, html: unknown) => {
    bugsnag.notify(error, (event) => {
      event.addMetadata("htmlparser", { html });