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Students will work with table views, learn about protocols, and implement the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols to build .

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Solar System

Students will work with table views, learn about protocols, and implement the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols to build a Solar System directory.

Students who complete this project independently can:

  • instantiate and place a UITableView on the screen
  • work with UITableViewControllers
  • implement a master-detail interface
  • apply the UITableViewDataSource protocol
  • use the UITableViewDelegate protocol methods to respond to user interaction
  • instantiate and place UIImages on the screen
  • use a Model Object Controller to access model objects


When you create your project, select the single view application, make sure that you choose the user Interface Storyboard and not SwiftUI. If you create your project after selecting SwiftUI, you will need to delete your project and try again.


Create your Planet Model class that will hold the Name, ImageName, Diameter, Day-length, and MaxMillionKMsFromSun.

  1. Add a new Planet.swift file and define a new Planet class.
  2. Add your properties, and be careful to choose the appropriate data types. The values of Day length and maxMillionKMsFromSun will have a decimal point, while Diameter will not.
  3. Create your memberwise Initializer that takes the parameters for each property.











Model Controller

Create your PlanetController class that will hold your planets array, which will receive its value from a computed property.

  1. Add a new PlanetController.swift file.
  2. Create a new computed property called planets and set it to be of-type an array of Planet objects.
  3. Create your Planet objects. Here are the details for each planet:
  • let mercury = Planet(planetName: “Mercury”, planetImageName: “mercury”, planetDiameter: 4880, planetDayLength: 87.969, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 43.0)
  • let venus = Planet(planetName: “Venus”, planetImageName: “venus”, planetDiameter: 12104, planetDayLength: 2802, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 108.2)
  • let earth = Planet(planetName: “Earth”, planetImageName: “earth”, planetDiameter: 12756, planetDayLength: 24, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 149.6)
  • let mars = Planet(planetName: “Mars”, planetImageName: “mars”, planetDiameter: 6792, planetDayLength: 24.7, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 227.9)
  • let jupiter = Planet(planetName: “Jupiter”, planetImageName: “jupiter”, planetDiameter: 142984, planetDayLength: 9.9, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 778.6)
  • let saturn = Planet(planetName: “Saturn”, planetImageName: “saturn”, planetDiameter: 120536, planetDayLength: 10.7, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 1433.5)
  • let uranus = Planet(planetName: “Uranus”, planetImageName: “uranus”, planetDiameter: 51118, planetDayLength: 17.2, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 2872.5)
  • let neptune = Planet(planetName: “Neptune”, planetImageName: “neptune”, planetDiameter: 49528, planetDayLength: 16.1, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 4495.1)
  • let pluto = Planet(planetName: “Pluto”, planetImageName: “pluto”, planetDiameter: 2370, planetDayLength: 153.3, maxMillionKMsFromSun: 5906.4)
  1. Return an array of the planet objects you just created
  2. Set your planets to be static so we can access them with an instance of our PlanetController

Master List View

Build a view that lists the planets using a UITableViewController scene. Implement the UITableViewDataSource protocol methods (refer to the documentation for a refresher if needed). Note that one could use a UIViewControllerwith a UITableView placed on it, but UITableViewController implements a full-screen UITableView by default.


Step by step process

  • Delete the initial view controller that was autogenerated in the Main.storyboard file.
  • Add a UITableViewController as your root ViewController in the Main.storyboard file. Embed in a UINavigationController
  • Implement the UITableViewDataSource methods using the PlanetController.planets array.
  • Don’t forget to manage your reuseIdentifer
  • Set up your cells to display the name, image, and index of the planet. Note: Basic UITableView Cells have a UIImage by default.

Feel free to experiment with the content modes on the cell’s UIImageView to display the image in different ways.

Readability: The UITableViewController subclass template comes with a lot of boilerplate and commented code. For readability, please remove all unused boilerplate from your code.

Detail View

Build a UIViewController scene in the storyboard with UI elements to display an image of the planet and the details of a planet, such as distance from the sun, day length, and Diameter. Make a planet variable for the tableViewController’s prepare(for segue: …) function to pass the planet that is tapped on. Create and call a function that updates the UI elements to display the information from the planet variable.


Step by step process:

  1. Add a new UIViewController scene to Main.storyboard
  2. Create a PlanetDetailViewController file as a subclass of UIViewController and set the class of your detail view scene Hint: In the Main.storyboard, click the yellow circle above the new UIViewController scene, then select the Identity Inspector (the third icon from the right) on the top right of the window. In the text field that says “Class:”, type the name of the new UIViewController subclass you just made in the previous step (PlanetDetailViewController)
  3. Add a UIImageView and UILabels to display the data note: Experiment with Autolayout automatic constraints or UIStackViews to create an appealing detail view
  4. Create outlets from the UIImageView and UILabels to your PlanetDetailViewController class. If Xcode doesn’t let you create the outlets, make sure that you’ve correctly set the class of the detail view scene from the last step.
  5. Add an optional planet property (of type Planet); this property will be set by the Master List View when performing the segue
  6. Add a new function called updateViews. The function ensures that the PlanetDetailViewController’s planet property, created in step 5, has a planet passed to it. It does this by unwrapping it, then updating the view controller’s title, UIImageView, and UILabels with the planet’s data. Please note that this is a widespread design pattern, so be sure to commit it to memory. If you have a detail view or table view cell template that displays data, using the ‘updateViews’ method will take the model data passed from the previous view controller’s prepareForSegue function and update the view’s subviews with it.
  7. Update the viewDidLoad() function to call the updateViews function. You can test your view and the update function by setting the detail view as the initial view controller. In the viewDidLoad, assign self.planet to PlanetController.planets[0], before calling updateViews. Be sure to reverse those changes when done checking that the view works, or you may have undesired behavior as you create your segue, also make sure to leave the updateViews function in the viewDidLoad.


Create a segue between your List View and Detail View that will pass the selected planet to the detail view for display.

Step by step process:

  1. Option-drag from your prototype cell in the List View to the Detail View to create a “show” segue.
  2. Select the segue and give it an identifier note: For best practice, the identifier should describe what the segue does, such as toPlanetDetail
  3. Add the prepareForSegue function to your PlanetListViewController class note: Remember that prepareForSegue will get called on all segues triggered from the current scene and accompanying view controller class
  4. Implement the prepareForSegue method by checking for the correct segue identifier, capturing an instance of the selected planet, capturing an instance of the PlanetDetailViewController, and setting the planet property of the PlanetDetailViewController Hint: Remember, the PlanetDetailViewController will use the planet property to update itself when it loads to display to the user


// Identifier: What segue was triggerd

if segue.identifier ... { 

    // Index: What cell was tapped 
    if let index = ... { 
        // Destination: Where am I going /
        guard let destintionVC ... { return } 
        // Object to send: What Object/Data am I passing?
        let objectToSend = ...
        // Reciever Object: What object will catch this data 
        destintionVC.reciever = ...

Black Diamonds

Add additional model data to the Planet class, update the PlanetController to include it, and update the PlanetDetailViewController to display it.

  • Add an image of the entire Solar System as a header view to the list UITableView
  • Create a Unit or UITest that verifies the number of cells in the PlanetListViewController
  • Create a Unit or UITest that checks the values of PlanetController.planets


Please refer to


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Students will work with table views, learn about protocols, and implement the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols to build .






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