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51 lines (37 loc) · 1.64 KB

File metadata and controls

51 lines (37 loc) · 1.64 KB


Development related stuff for html-specialchars goes here - it's all about keeping the production repository on as lean as possible.


Please take care to maintain the existing coding style.
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
As windows user it could be necessary to install the devDependencies globally using the -g switch.


html-specialchars is developed in ECMAScript 2015 intentionally and therefore lives in the es6 folder. For hassle free usage and testing - including coverage - it is transpiled back to ECMAScript 5 for now. This is done by the command below, (re)placing index.js in the root folder:

  npm run compile


The (really sparse ;-) documentation is generated by the current development version of jsdoc (as of July 2015) which e.g. supports the new ES6 class definition. For this reason the npm script runs against the ES6 source file.

  npm run jsdoc


This project uses Jasmine (properly speaking the jasmine-node module) for testing and istanbul for code coverage.

Important hint for windows users: for running under the windows environment it's necessary to supply the full relative path of both CLIs. This results in a separate test method:

  npm run test
  npm run test-windows

Further Reading and Resources

Character References
Character Discovery