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188 lines (142 loc) · 5.12 KB

Module provides struct for working with matrix and some functions and aliases.

struct Matrix(size_t H, size_t W, E);

Some functions added depending on type E.

Matrix can be dynamic ( H=0 || W==0 ) and static ( H>0 && W>0 ).

Matrix data is 2-dim array, static or dynamic depending on values of H and W. Row-major data layout.

  • alias Matrix!(H,W,E) selftype
  • alias E datatype
  • alias data this
  • enum isDynamic = H == 0 || W == 0
  • enum isStatic = H != 0 && W != 0
  • enum isDynamicHeight = H == 0
  • enum isStaticHeight = H != 0
  • enum isDynamicWidth = W == 0
  • enum isStaticWidth = W != 0
  • enum isStaticHeightOnly = isStaticHeight && isDynamicWidth
  • enum isStaticWidthOnly = isStaticWidth && isDynamicHeight
  • enum isDynamicAll = isDynamicHeight && isDynamicWidth
  • enum isDynamicOne = isStaticWidthOnly || isStaticHeightOnly

Static matrix inits by zeros if isNumeric!datatype and if H!=W, else if H==W matrix inits as identity matrix.

If matrix has static dim it can be initialized such as Vector (by values, arrays, vectors etc). Result count of elements must be:

  • H*W if matrix is full static
  • cnt % W == 0 if only width is static
  • cnt % H == 0 if only height is static

If matrix is dynamic in ctor first 2 params is sizes:

this(X...)( size_t iH, size_t iW, in X vals );

and vals can be values, arrays, vectors, etc. Count of them must be iH*iW.

Matrix can initialize from other matrix if dim sizes is compatible.

    auto fill( in E[] vals... ); // fill data same in ctor

If matrix is static and squared or if has one dynamic dim it can be created with static method diag

auto m = mat4.diag(1,2,3); // cyclic filling in diagonal
assert( eq( m, [[1,0,0,0],
                [0,0,0,1]] ));

If matrix has static dim it field sets as enum, and as property otherwise

    static if( isStaticHeight ) enum height = H;
        @property size_t height() const { return data.length; }
        @property size_t height( size_t nh )
            resize( nh, width );
            return nh;

Dynamic matrix has method void resize( size_t nh, size_t nw ). If call resize for matrix with one static field method parameter must be equal static dim value:

auto m = mat3xD(1,2,3,4,5,6);
m.resize(5,5); // throw exception

All matrix can be expanded by two methods:

    auto expandHeight(size_t bH, size_t bW, X)( in Matrix!(bH,bW,X) mtr ) const
        if( (bW==W||W==0||bW==0) && is(typeof(E(X.init))) );
    auto expandHeight(X...)( in X vals ) const
        if( is(typeof(Matrix!(1,W,E)(vals))) );
    auto expandWidth(size_t bH, size_t bW, X)( in Matrix!(bH,bW,X) mtr ) const
        if( (bH==H||H==0||bH==0) && is(typeof(E(X.init))) )
    auto expandWidth(X...)( in X vals ) const
        if( is(typeof(Matrix!(H,1,E)(vals))) );

All of them returns dynamic matrix:

auto m = mat3xD(1,2,3,4,5,6);
m.expandHeight( 12,15 ); // -> matDxD
m.expandWidth( 7,8,9 ); // -> mat3xD

All matrix can return 1-dim dynamic array from its elements:

assert( eq( mat3xD(1,2,3,4,5,6).asArray, [1,2,3,4,5,6] ) );

All matrix can return slice:

    auto sliceHeight( size_t start, size_t count=0 ) const;
    auto sliceWidth( size_t start, size_t count=0 ) const;

its returns dynamic matrix with count = count ? count : height - start of lines (rows or columns) from start pos:

auto m = mat3xD(1,2,3,4,5,6);
m.sliceHeight( 1,1 ); // -> matDxD [[3,4]]
m.sliceWidth( 1 ); // -> mat3xD [[4],[5],[6]]

All matrix support setting rows and cols, and can return one dim matrix from row and cols

auto m = mat3xD(1,2,3,4,5,6);
m.setRow(1,[8,9]); // m -> [[1,2],[8,9],[5,6]]
m.setCol(0,10,10,10); // m -> [[10,2],[10,9],[10,6]] 

auto mr = m.row(0); // mc -> [[10,2]]
auto mc = m.col(0); // mc -> [[10],[10],[10]]

Binary operations (+ and -) allows with compatible matrix (equal sizes and compatible types for operation).

Other binary operations allows with matrix and some type if operation is valid with matrix element type and input type. Mul to double for example.

Matrix-matrix, matrix-vector, vector-matrix multiplications implemented of course. Matrix-vector mul can save vector access string if matrix is squared.

Transposition as @property auto T() const.

Floating point and squared matrix has properties:

@property auto det() const; // determinant
@property auto inv() const; // inversion matrix
@property auto rowReduceInv() const; // inversion with row reduce method

Only for transform matrix Matrix!(4,4,float)

@property auto speedTransformInv() const;

Module provides some functions:

Matrix!(3,3,E) quatToMatrix(E)( Vector!(4,E,"i j k a") iq );
Matrix!(4,4,E) quatAndPosToMatrix(A,B,string AS)( in Vector!(4,A,"i j k a") iq, in Vector!(3,B,AS) pos );

and some aliases alias Matrix!(<H>,<W>,<Type>) <T>mat<H>x<W>

  • <T> type id, associated with <Type> as:

    • NoID : float
    • d : double
    • r : real
  • <H> - size_t - matrix height

  • <W> - size_t - matrix widht