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Rails Style Guide

Ruby setup

This application is running on Ruby 3.2.0 and Rails 7.0.4

Install and manage Ruby versions with rbenv. Make sure to install the correct Ruby version, which is specified in the Gemfile, in addition to above. No gemset is specified for this project.

Database setup

This application uses PostgreSQL as its database. Make sure to install it and create a database for the application. The database user is specified in the config/database.yml file. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add the following DB_PASSWORD=<your_pssword>.

Run the following commands to create the database, run the migrations, and seed the database:

$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed

Local development

Starting the server

A Procfile is included in the project. To start the server, run bin/dev in the root directory of the project. This will start the server on port 3000, and also compile the css.

Running tests

RSpec is used for tests. To run all the specs run: rspec. This will run the tests and generate a coverage report in the coverage directory. To run a specific file, run rspec <file name>.