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Merge branch 'jack/crp-2285' into 'master'
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chore(crypto): CRP-2285 Add script to estimate NIDKG costs

Specifically this allows estimating the costs related to the chunking proof and recovering from malicious NIDKG dealers. 

See merge request dfinity-lab/public/ic!16255
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randombit committed Dec 12, 2023
2 parents 50886fa + 3227847 commit b85b99e
Showing 1 changed file with 381 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
# coding=utf8

Cost Estimator for NIDKG operations.
This script helps estimate the cost of various NIDKG operations,
allowing the user to easily examine how changes to system parameters
might affect the performance.
For example, the NIDKG chunking proof uses a parameter `l` which can
be modified; if you change it from 32 to 64, this affects not just the
size and cost of the chunking proof, but also the worst case runtime
for NIDKG dealing decryption (in the malicious case).
The script is a repl accepting a simple command language. The prompt
starts with "> " and the text the user enters follows.
The main commands are `eval` and `eval_all` to evaluate expressions.
Use `set` to modify an existing variable or to create a new one.
You can check which expressions exist using `keys`. This command
optionally takes a prefix, so for example `keys bsgs` shows all
expressions that start with "bsgs"
If Python finds a working readline library, then tab completion is
Use "quit" or enter an EOF (Ctrl-D) to exit.
Welcome to NIDKG cost estimator
> eval fs_decryption_worst_cost
fs_decryption_worst_cost = 5.55 hours
> set bsgs_table_mult = 5
> eval fs_decryption_worst_cost
fs_decryption_worst_cost = 1.12 hours
> keys bsgs_table
bsgs_table_mult = 5
bsgs_table_size = bsgs_table_mult * sqrt(bsgs_range)
bsgs_table_bytes = bsgs_table_size * gt_bytes
> keys
# prints all of the keys
> eval_all
# evaluates all saved expressions
> quit

import ast
import cmd
import math
import operator as op

def cost(group, op, n = 1):
assert(n >= 1)

# all costs are in microseconds
costs = {
'g1': {
'mul': 276,
'mul2': 360,
'hash': 110,
'serialize': 29,
'deserialize': 113,
'g2': {
'mul': 835,
'serialize': 34,
'deserialize': 410,
'gt': {
'pair4': 2253,
'search16': 300,
'add': 5

muln_costs = {
'g1': {
2: 268,
4: 534,
8: 1068,
12: 1622,
16: 2047,
24: 2554,
32: 3048,
48: 3988,
64: 4808,
96: 6390,
128: 7958,
256: 14364,
'g2': {
2: 845,
4: 1711,
8: 3485,
12: 5100,
16: 6903,
24: 8602,
32: 10382,
48: 13513,
64: 16317,
96: 21738,
128: 27324,
256: 48344,

if op == 'muln_sparse':
return int(0.1 * cost(group, 'muln', n))

if op == 'muln':
if group in muln_costs:
avail = muln_costs[group].keys()

if n in avail:
return muln_costs[group][n]
closest = min(avail, key=lambda x: abs(x - n))

# scale linearly vs closest available result
return int(n * (muln_costs[group][closest] / closest))
# just assume naive mul
return cost(group, 'mul', n)

return n * costs[group][op]

class Time(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.val = n

def __add__(self, o):
return Time(self.val + o.val)

def __mul__(self, o):
assert isinstance(o, int)
return Time(self.val * o)

def __rmul__(self, o):
assert isinstance(o, int)
return Time(self.val * o)

def __str__(self):
us = self.val

if us < 1000:
return "%d μs" % (us)

ms = us / 1000
if ms < 1000:
return "%.02f ms" % (ms)

s = ms / 1000

if s < 60:
return "%.02f sec" % (s)

minutes = s / 60

if minutes < 60:
return "%.01f minutes" % (minutes)

hours = minutes / 60
return "%.02f hours" % (hours)

class Bytes(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.val = n

def __add__(self, o):
return Bytes(self.val + o.val)

def __mul__(self, o):
assert isinstance(o, int)
return Bytes(self.val * o)

def __rmul__(self, o):
assert isinstance(o, int)
return Bytes(self.val * o)

def __str__(self):
bytes = self.val

if bytes >= 1024*1024:
return "%.02f MiB" % (bytes/(1024*1024))

return "%d bytes" % (bytes)

class NidkgCosts(object):
def __init__(self):
self.params = {}

def set_var(self, nm, expr):
self.params[nm] = expr

def parse_vars(self, str):
for line in str.split('\n'):
if line == '' or line.startswith('#'):

(k,v) = line.split(' = ')
self.set_var(k, v)
except ValueError:
print("Failed to parse '%s' as key = val" % (line))

def expr(self, nm):
return self.params[nm]

def match_prefix(self, prefix):
matches = []

for key in self.params:
if key.startswith(prefix):

return matches

def eval(self, nm):
expr = self.params[nm]
return self._eval(ast.parse(expr, mode='eval').body)

def eval_all(self):
results = []
for nm in self.params:
expr = self.params[nm]
val = self._eval(ast.parse(expr, mode='eval').body)
results.append((nm, val))
return results

def _eval(self, node):

operators = {ast.Add: op.add,
ast.Sub: op.sub,
ast.Mult: op.mul,
ast.FloorDiv: op.floordiv,
ast.Div: op.truediv,
ast.Pow: op.pow,
ast.USub: op.neg

if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
return node.n
elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right>
return operators[type(node.op)](self._eval(node.left), self._eval(node.right))
elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
val = self.eval(
return Bytes(val)
return val
elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
if == "pow2":
assert(len(node.args) == 1)
val = self._eval(node.args[0])
return (1 << val) - 1
if == "ceil":
assert(len(node.args) == 1)
val = self._eval(node.args[0])
return math.ceil(val)
if == "sqrt":
assert(len(node.args) == 1)
val = self._eval(node.args[0])
return math.ceil(math.sqrt(val))
elif == "cost":
assert(len(node.args) == 2 or len(node.args) == 3)
group = node.args[0].id
oper = node.args[1].id
n = 1 # default

if len(node.args) == 3:
n = self._eval(node.args[2])

return Time(cost(group, oper, n))
raise Exception("Unknown func %s" % (
raise Exception("Bad expression")

nidkg_expr = """
security_level = 256
g1_bytes = 48
gt_bytes = 576
gt_hash_bytes = 28
scalar_bytes = 32
receivers = 28
threshold = (2 * receivers + 1) // 3
chunk_size = 16
chunking_rep = 32
challenge_bits = ceil(security_level / chunking_rep)
number_of_chunks = ceil(security_level / chunk_size)
chunking_s = receivers * number_of_chunks * pow2(chunk_size) * pow2(challenge_bits)
chunking_z = 2 * chunking_s * chunking_rep
chunking_proof_bytes = g1_bytes*(2*chunking_rep + 3 + receivers) + scalar_bytes*(1 + chunking_rep + receivers)
# assumes scalar is free which is basically true
chunking_proof_gen_cost = cost(g1,hash) + cost(g1,mul,chunking_rep) + cost(g1,mul,receivers+1) + cost(g1,muln,receivers + 1) + cost(g1,mul2,chunking_rep)
chunking_proof_verify_cost = cost(g1,mul,receivers+1) + receivers * cost(g1,muln,number_of_chunks) + chunking_rep*cost(g1,muln_sparse,receivers*number_of_chunks) + 2*cost(g1,muln,chunking_rep) + cost(g1,muln,receivers)
chunking_proof_number_of_g1 = (2*chunking_rep + 3 + receivers)
chunking_proof_serialize_cost = chunking_proof_number_of_g1 * cost(g1,serialize)
chunking_proof_deserialize_cost = chunking_proof_number_of_g1 * cost(g1,deserialize)
bsgs_table_mult = 1
bsgs_range = 2*chunking_z - 1
bsgs_table_elements = bsgs_table_mult * sqrt(bsgs_range)
bsgs_table_bytes = bsgs_table_elements * gt_hash_bytes
bsgs_setup_cost = bsgs_table_elements * cost(gt,add)
bsgs_online_ops = ceil(bsgs_range / bsgs_table_elements)
bsgs_online_cost = bsgs_online_ops * cost(gt,add)
cheating_dealer_scale_range = pow2(challenge_bits)
cheating_dealer_setup_cost = bsgs_setup_cost
cheating_dealer_search_cost = cheating_dealer_scale_range*bsgs_online_cost
fs_decryption_usual_cost = number_of_chunks * (cost(gt, pair4) + cost(gt, search16))
fs_decryption_worst_cost = fs_decryption_usual_cost + cheating_dealer_setup_cost + number_of_chunks*cheating_dealer_search_cost

class Repl(cmd.Cmd, object):
intro = "Welcome to NIDKG cost estimator"
prompt = "> "

def __init__(self, nidkg_expr):
super(Repl, self).__init__()
self.rules = NidkgCosts()
if nidkg_expr is not None:

def do_eval(self, arg):
"""Evaluate an expression"""
for v in arg.split(' '):
print("%s = %s" % (v, self.rules.eval(v)))
except KeyError as e:
print("Variable not found: ", e)

def complete_eval(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
return sorted(self.rules.match_prefix(text))

def do_eval_all(self, arg):
"""Evaluate all stored expressions"""
for (key,val) in self.rules.eval_all():
print("%s = %s" % (key, val))

def do_set(self, arg):
"""Set a variable"""

def complete_set(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
return sorted(self.rules.match_prefix(text))

def do_keys(self, arg):
"""List stored expressions (with optional prefix matching)"""
for f in self.rules.match_prefix(arg):
print(f, "=", self.rules.expr(f))

def do_quit(self, arg):
"""Exit the script"""
return True

def do_EOF(self, arg):
return True

if __name__ == "__main__":

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