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Neural Vector Conceptualization (NVC)

A new method for interpreting arbitrary word vector samples.

Accompanying code for the paper:

  title = {Neural Vector Conceptualization for Word Vector Space Interpretation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2019 Workshop on Evaluating Vector Space Representations for NLP (RepEval)},
  author = {Schwarzenberg, Robert and Raithel, Lisa and Harbecke, David},
  location = {Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA},
  year = {2019}

nvc Top: Neural Vector Conceptualization of listening. Bottom: Cosine Similarity.


Create and activate an environment with Python 3.6.

conda create --name NVC python=3.6
source activate NVC

Make sure, git-lfs is installed.

Note: when cloning the repository, 800 MB of data will be downloaded from the GitHub LFS server automatically (if git-lfs is installed).

If git lfs fails to download, please download the data from here.

After cloning the repository, install requirements.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Unzip the data:

unzip data/


Word Vectors:

The current underlying word vectors were learned with the word2vec model (Mikolov et al., 2013). Please download the pre-trained word vectors to the data directory: (GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz.)

Microsoft Concept Graph

  • For using the Microsoft Concept Graph data from scratch, please download the data here: This data dump does only comprise concepts, instances and associated counts, no probabilities or REP values. These need to be calculated before training. Therefore, see the script utils/ in the notebook which calculates all needed probabilities and writes the data to a TSV file.

  • The resulting file can be found in data/data-concept-instance-relations-with-rep.tsv. To get the REP values, follow the procedure as described in the notebook. The result will be a JSON file data/raw_data_dict.json.

  • We recommend to use the preprocessed data data/raw_data_dict.json which includes all concepts and instances with their corresponding REP values in a JSON file.

Run and Replicate Experiments with the Notebook

The jupyter notebook demo_nvc.ipynb demonstrates how to use our (pre-)trained neural vector conceptualization (NVC) model to display the reported activation profiles.

Start the notebook:

jupyter notebook demo_nvc.ipynb 


EXPORT CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=DEVICE_NUM jupyter notebook demo_nvc.ipynb

if you want to run it on a GPU.

You can run two versions of the notebook:

  1. Use our pre-trained NVC model
  2. Train a new model

Use the pre-trained model

If you run all cells of the notebook in the given order and without changing anything, our pre-trained NVC model is applied to a given filtered dataset and the results are reported at the end of the notebook.

Train a new model

  1. Comment cell #4 and #5.
  2. Uncomment cell #6:
    1. specify the data you want to use:
      1. either the same filtered data as above
      2. or a differently filtered data
    2. specify the file containing the word vectors
    3. specify the configuration file
  3. Load the necessary modules: the embedding and model (cell #7)
  4. In cell #9, load the data: nvc.load_data() is callable in three versions:
    1. nvc.load_data(path_to_data=path_to_filtered_data, filtered=True) use already filtered data.
    2. nvc.load_data(path_to_data=path_to_raw_data, filtered=False) use raw data and filter it according to the parameters set in the configuration.
    3. nvc.load_data(path_to_data=path_to_raw_data, filtered=False, selected_concepts=["city", "province"]) use raw data and filter it according to the parameters set in the configuration and according to a list of selected concepts.
  5. Run nvc.train() (as in cell #14) to train a new model. The data split etc. is set in the configuration file.
  6. The remaining cells display the activation profiles and report the results achieved by the model


Neural Vector Conceptualization






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