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casjay edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the dfmgr (Dotfiles) repo

The homepage for the alacritty dotfiles repo
The homepage for the asciinema dotfiles repo
The homepage for the bash dotfiles repo
The homepage for the bashtop dotfiles repo
The homepage for the caja dotfiles repo
The homepage for the castero dotfiles repo
The homepage for the chromium dotfiles repo
The homepage for the cmus dotfiles repo
The homepage for the cron dotfiles repo
The homepage for the deadd dotfiles repo
The homepage for the dircolors dotfiles repo
The homepage for the easytag dotfiles repo
The homepage for the emacs dotfiles repo
The homepage for the firefox dotfiles repo
The homepage for the fish dotfiles repo
The homepage for the geany dotfiles repo
The homepage for the git dotfiles repo
The homepage for the gtk-2.0 dotfiles repo
The homepage for the gtk-3.0 dotfiles repo
The homepage for the guake dotfiles repo
The homepage for the htop dotfiles repo
The homepage for the jgmenu dotfiles repo
The homepage for the lemonbar dotfiles repo
The homepage for the lf dotfiles repo
The homepage for the misc dotfiles repo
The homepage for the mpd dotfiles repo
The homepage for the mutt dotfiles repo
The homepage for the nano dotfiles repo
The homepage for the neofetch dotfiles repo
The homepage for the neovim dotfiles repo
The homepage for the newsboat dotfiles repo
The homepage for the nitrogen dotfiles repo
The homepage for the pianobar dotfiles repo
The homepage for the picard dotfiles repo
The homepage for the polybar dotfiles repo
The homepage for the qterminal dotfiles repo
The homepage for the qtile dotfiles repo
The homepage for the ranger dotfiles repo
The homepage for the remmina dotfiles repo
The homepage for the rofi dotfiles repo
The homepage for the sakura dotfiles repo
The homepage for the screen dotfiles repo
The homepage for the smplayer dotfiles repo
The homepage for the smtube dotfiles repo
The homepage for the sxhkd dotfiles repo
The homepage for the terminology dotfiles repo
The homepage for the termite dotfiles repo
The homepage for the Thunar dotfiles repo
The homepage for the tig dotfiles repo
The homepage for the tint2 dotfiles repo
The homepage for the tmux dotfiles repo
The homepage for the transmission dotfiles repo
The homepage for the variety dotfiles repo
The homepage for the vifm dotfiles repo
The homepage for the vim dotfiles repo
The homepage for the volumeicon dotfiles repo
The homepage for the xfce4-terminal dotfiles repo
The homepage for the youtube-dl dotfiles repo
The homepage for the youtube-viewer dotfiles repo
The homepage for the ytmdl dotfiles repo
The homepage for the zsh dotfiles repo