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This guide explains more about how to port Ring middleware to be Async

Using unported Ring middleware with Spiral

Simple Case

If you're lucky, then this middleware's effect is strictly before OR after the inner handler.

Middleware modifies request

If the middleware only modifies the request before passing it to the inner handler, and returns the inner handler's result unmodified, then you've got the easiest case! You can use spiral.core/sync->async-preprocess-middleware to do this. For example, if you wanted to port wrap-file, you could write:

(-> spiral-app
    (sync->async-preprocess-middleware wrap-file {:buffer 5}))

Middleware modifies response

If the middleware only modifies the response, and doesn't ever modify or read the request, then you can use this technique. Remember, if your response modifier function takes the request as an argument, this function won't work. Let's look at wrap-file-info for example:

(-> spiral-app
  (sync->async-postprocess-middleware wrap-file-info {:buffer 5}))

Hard Care

Don't port

So you don't want to port your middleware over. It's still very easy to port this middleware; however, it comes at a cost: the parallelism is the maximum number of concurrent requests at this middleware AND all subsequent middleware. Furthermore, the parallelism has the potential to create too many threads! (although there are still easy optimizations to implement that will help this).

Let's look at how we can use the wrap-params middleware, supporting 100 concurrent connections (and using 100 threads):

(require '[compojure.core :refer (defroutes GET)])
(require '[ring.middleware.params :refer (wrap-params)])
(require '[org.http-kit.server :as http-kit])
(require 'spiral.adapters.http-kit)
(require 'spiral.core)

(defroutes traditional-ring-app
  (GET "/" [q]
    {:body (str "got " q) :status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}}))

(def spiral-app
  (-> (spiral.core/sync->async-adapter traditional-ring-app
      (spiral.core/sync->async-middleware wrap-session
                                              {:parallelism 100}))

(def server (http-kit/run-server ( spiral-app)
                                 {:port 8080}))


Now is where I say that actually you want to make this middlewares feel first-class when you invoke them. For this, in spiral.middleware, I have a macro, provide-process-middleware, that can do all of these types of ports in only a few charactors and maintain docstrings. If you want to get a full performance native port, then look at the port of ring.middleware.session to (provide-process-middleware session/wrap-session :both ...). I think that's the easiest port to understand of the full ports.