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Custom Window Control Buttons Extension

most of the features mentioned here not fully work yet

Extension Demo

The Custom Window Control Buttons is a browser extension designed to enhance the user experience by providing additional window control buttons with customizable functionalities. This extension is compatible with Firefox for now.


To install the extension, follow these steps:

Download the extension package from the provided in releases. 

Open your Firefox browser.

Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper-right corner to open the menu.

Choose "Add-ons" from the menu. This will open the Add-ons Manager page.

In the Add-ons Manager, click on the gear icon in the top-right corner and select "Install Add-on From File..."

Navigate to the downloaded extension package on your computer and select it.

Firefox will prompt you to confirm the installation. Click "Install" to proceed.

Once the installation is complete, you'll see a notification confirming the successful installation of the extension.

You can now see the new custom buttons on the title bar of your browser windows.

Enjoy the enhanced window control experience with your personalized buttons!

OR "" to install the extension from mozilla.


Once the extension is installed, you'll notice additional buttons on the title bar of your browser's windows. These buttons are configurable and can be assigned various actions according to your preferences.

By default, the extension provides the standard close, minimize, and maximize buttons. However, you can customize these buttons to perform tasks such as:

Refreshing the current page
Opening a new tab
Activating a specific extension
Running custom scripts


Customizing the extension buttons is straightforward:

Click on the extension's icon in the browser toolbar.
A settings panel will open, allowing you to manage your custom buttons.
For each button, you can set its label, icon, and the action it should perform.
Actions can include predefined actions (e.g., reload, open new tab) or custom JavaScript code.

Contributions to this project are welcome and encouraged! If you have any ideas, feature suggestions, or bug reports, please:

Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your feature/fix.
Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
Push your changes to your fork.
Open a pull request explaining the changes you've made.


This extension is released under the MIT License, which means you can use it, modify it, and distribute it for free. Make sure to refer to the License file for more details.

We hope you enjoy using the Custom Window Control Buttons Extension! If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us. Your feedback is highly appreciated.