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File metadata and controls

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Building and Running Locally

Journal has three major dependencies.

  • Docker
  • Node
  • Postgres DB

Make sure to install latest version of docker and node V^8.

Once you have these two installed you have already finished 50% of things.

Journal uses docker-compose to tie together several services.

This is the list of services.

  1. Prisma
  2. Traefik
  3. GraphQL Server
  4. React Client

Installing the requiered packages.

Make sure to run npm i on the root folder of Journal repo. This is for linting and git hooks. And similarly inside graphql-server and react-client folder.

Creating external network.

We create a external docker network and use it to tie all our services.

Run docker network create web

For HTTPS (optional)

To use traefik's reverse proxy while developing you need to create a self signed certificate and place them in the ./traefik/certs/ folder.

Run the following command in Journal's root directory to create the certificate.

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./traefik/certs/journal.key -out ./traefik/certs/journal.crt

Then in your /etc/hosts file add the following line

Setting the env Variables

In the .env file update the following database information with your local db details.


One caveat in this is the PRISMA_DB_HOST variable. The default value will work for windows and mac but will fail on linux. We haven't found a fix for this yet. If you do please make sure to send a Pull Request. 🙏 😓 (This will be resolved in the near feature when we set up a dev rds instance).

Building Docker Images

Run docker-compose build on Journal's root directory to build the images (Initially, you need an active internet connection to pull in the docker images).

Running Journal

Run docker-compose up (with -d flag if you want to run it in background) to start the containers.

Testing your local setup

  • Visiting localhost:8081 will show traefik dashboard.
  • Visiting localhost:8080 will show our graphql server.
  • Visiting localhost:3000 will show our react client.
  • Visiting will also show our graphql server if you have followed the steps to set up HTTPS.