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Frequency metal detector with discrimination

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1> Microcontroller  System: pic32 
2> Sensor Coil: built my own inductor which runs at 45Khz 
3> Colpitts  Oscillator: the system has a Colpitts  Oscillator 
4> C  programming: the system is programmed in C 
5> Speaker: the system does have a speaker 
6> Detection: can detect all Canadian coins 
7> up to 10 cm detection mode with discrimination (Fe, Al, Cu, Ni)
8> precision detection mode for small objects (coins, ball bearings)
9> sound based discrimination mode (beep if the type of metal is correct)
10> LEDs (RRYYB) to tell proximity (red = far.... blue = close)
11> speaker changes pitch with distance
12> automatic calibration for different environments


Parts list

    0.1>list of all the components you need to get started


    1.1> Working + construction of the Colpitts  Oscillator
    1.2> Working + construction of the Metal discrimination circuit 
    1.3> how to assemble the circuit


     2.1> compilation/building of software
     2.2> how to flash it on the board


     3.1> online links+textbook References

Parts list

    0.1>list of all the components you need to get started

    0.1.1> MCU circuit 
    2x red LED
    2x yellow LED 
    1x blue LED
    1x white LED
    5x green LED
    4x 5.1k ohm resistor 
    2x 3.9k ohm resistor 
    3x push-buttons
    1x buzzer
    1x pn2222A transistor
    4x 1000uF capacitor
    2x 1uF capacitor
    1x 100uF capacitor
    1x BOX32
    1x PIC32MX130F064B MCU
    1x MCP1700

    0.1.2> Colpitts oscillator 
    1x 104G-mosfet
    1x 2955G-mosfet
    2x 0.33uF capacitor
    1x 1k resistor
    1.5 meter copper wire

    0.1.3> sensor coil
    0.6 meter copper wire 
    40 ohm resistor
    27 ohm resistor
    1uF capacitor
    2x 10uF capacitor
    2x 1N007 diode
    1x Lm339N – comparator
    1x Op07cp – op amp
    1x LMC7660


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1.1> Working + construction of the Colpitts  Oscillator

    1.1.1> The coil
    Simply take 1.5 meters of the copper wire (has to be insulated).
    and wrap it around a plastic or cardboard container leave 20cm slack to allow moment and connection to the circuit.


    1.1.2> The Oscillator
    The Colpitts  Oscillator is made up of two discrete MOSFETs 
    (104G) and (2955G) and in a CMOS inverter configuration
    one end of the Oscillator's coil is connected to the input 
    of this NOT gate via a 1K resistor and the other end is connected 
    to the output both the ends of the coil are connected
    to 0.33uF capacitors which are connected to ground.

    photos/1.1 schematic of the oscillator.jpg
    photos/Colpitts  Oscillator.jpg

    It is essential that the PMOS is connected to a Voltage source of atleast 5Vs to make sure the Oscillator can start. Then Simply
    connect the output of the coil to LM339 comparator with the -ve of
    comparator connected to ground and the pull of the comparator
    connected to 1k resistor to 3.3V(for pic 32). Now connect the 
    output of the comparator to PIN RB13 of the pic32 MCU 
    and a diode for undervolt protection.

1.2> Working + construction of the Metal discrimination circuit

    1.2.1> The Receiver Coil
    Just like in part 1.1.1 take 0.6 meters of wire and wrap it around as   shown int the photo here. Make sure to stick it with some tape so 
    that the coil doesn't change its diameter(VERY IMPORTANT).
    1.2.2> The arrangement of the two coils
    Connect one end of the coil to a 10uF capacitor to get LC oscillations.
    as shown here
    Now probe one end of this coil with an oscilloscope and set the scale to 20mV.
    turn on the Colpitts oscillator that you made in part 1.1 and bring this coil close the the Colpitts's coil.

    VERY CAREFULLY place the coil below the Colpitts's coil and tape both of them
    with some electric tape in thin configuration
    Now slightly nudge the Receiver coil such that you don't see any waveforms greater
    than 5mv. Now both the coils are in equilibrium.

    1.2.2> Reading the signal from the receiver coil>Low-pass-filter 
        Now connect the output of the Receiver coil to a low pass filter made of
        67ohm resistor and a 1uF capacitor to filter out the high frequency noise 
        that could mess with the ZERO-cross detection circuit.

        photos/Rx_scheme.jpg>OP-AMP to amplify the input
        Now connect output of the LPF to an op07cp OPAMP in non- inverting amplifier 
        configuration to get an amplification of about 1000x, as shown in the picture
        above.>ZERO Cross detection.
        Now Simply connect the output of the op amp to the LM339 comparator with the 
        -ve of the comparator to gnd and +ve to a 1k pull up resistor to 3.3Vs.Connect this 
        output to pin RB5
1.3> how to assemble the circuit
        1.3.1>Power supply
        connect lead 2 and 1 of the MCP1700 to a 1uf capacitors and the other capacitor lead
        to ground. Connect lead 2 to 5V powerline and Lead 3 to a new powerline. this would 
        now be used to power the pic_32 Microcontroller
        refer photos/pic32.jpg
        refer LED.png 

        1.3.2>Pic32 MCU
        Make connections with BOX230XS as shown in the figure below
        refer photos/pic32.jpg
        refer LED.png

        refer LED.png 
        Connect pin rb14 to the pn2222A transistor's base, wit the emitter connected to 
        gnd and the collector connect to one end of the speaker. Connect The other end 
        of the speaker to 3.3V powerline.
        1.3.4>LED System
        refer LED.png 
        Connect the 4 green LEDs cathode to a 5.1K ohm resistor and then to pins 
            RB15  //al          
            RB6   //fe         
            RA2   //cu         
            RA3   //ni 
        Connect the 2 red LEDs cathode to a 4.7K ohm resistor and then to pins 
            RA0   //very low signal
            RA1   //low signal
        Connect the 2 yellow LEDs cathode directly to pins 
            RB0   //medium signal
            RB1   //medium high signal
        Connect the Blue LED cathode to a 3.9K ohm resistor and then to pin
            RB3   //high signal
        Connect the white LED cathode to a 3.9K ohm resistor and then to pin
            RB2   // mode indication      
        make sure resistor values are correct so that LEDs glow equally bright.
        (normally red would be very bright and blue would be super dim).


2.1> compilation/building of software
    2.1.1>period detection
        A simple implementation set RB5 as digital I/O pin
        and feed the oscillator out this this pin. Wait 
        for the signal to go high, start measuring
        and then wait for the single to go low then stop measuring.
                f=1/Time measured;

    2.1.2>phase detection
        Set RB13 as digital I/O then feed the RX signal to this port.
        since the phase is always going to be 0-180 degrees in this  as we don't 
        need to account fo -ve phase. Wait for the Colpitts signal to go 0
        start counting. Then wait for the RX signal to go 1. 
        The measured value is a linear function of phase.

        WARNING: i don't measure the 'phase'(in deg that is) but a linear function of phase.
                 because i don't find the need to waste clock cycles to compute 
                 it since, the auto-calibration feature works just fine with this 'phase'

    2.1.3>variable sound pitch 
        assign a global variable pwm and change the pwm from 0 to 50 to change
        the pulse width of the square wave that runs the speaker
        set all the LED bits are User Programmable by writing to the 
                TRISBbits register array.
        then use get the bit register to 0 to activate the LEDs by sinking current.

        set port RB12 to digital I/O then

        while ((PORTB&(1<<12)?1:0)==0)
            //block condition
        // unblock condition

    2.1.6>different modes
        declare a variable flag such that it is incremented 
        when you push the button at RB12
         then have an if ladder to mimic a FSM

         if(state 1)
         else if(state 2)

2.2> how to flash it on the board
        2.2.1> the software uses makefile the main program is call blinky.c
        >>>>>>go to crosside and open the make file 
        >>>>>>click clean
        >>>>>>click compile all
        >>>>>>connect usb to BOX230XS
        >>>>>>click LoadFlash
        >>>>>>all LEDs would light up indicating a successful flash 


concepts from>>
Purcell electricity and magnetism
H.C verma part 2
NCERT physics book 2
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N.O. Sadiku

the design form>>

technical reference>>

pic32 datasheet


Frequency metal detector with discrimination






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