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A set of Go tool kit.

🌎 Chinese Documentation

📚 Introduction

GoKit is a small and comprehensive Go tool class library. Through static method encapsulation, it reduces the learning cost of related APIs and improves work efficiency, so that Go has a Java language Hutool experience.

The tools and methods in GoKit come from the meticulous craftsmanship of each user. It covers all aspects of the underlying code of Go development. It is not only a weapon for solving small problems in large-scale project development, but also an efficiency responsibility in small-scale projects;

GoKit is a friendly alternative to the "util" package in the project. It saves developers the encapsulation time of public classes and public tool methods in the project, enables development to focus on business, and at the same time avoids bugs caused by imperfect encapsulation.

🎁 The origin of the name GoKit

GoKit = Go + Kit, is a Go language tool set created by the Dianjiu Open Source team, "Go" stands for golang, and Kit stands for toolkit.

🍺 GoKit changes the coding method

GoKit's goal is to use a tool method to replace a piece of complex code, so as to avoid the problem of "copy and paste" code to the greatest extent, and completely change the way we write code.

Take the calculation of MD5 as an example:

  • [Before] Open the search engine -> search "Go MD5 encryption" -> open a blog -> copy and paste -> change to use
  • [Now] Introduce GoKit -> md5:=security.MD5("Hello World")

GoKit exists to reduce the cost of code search and avoid bugs caused by uneven code on the Internet.

📦 Use

Add the following to the dependencies of the Go project:

go get

Take the introduction of components under the ip package as an example, call the GetLocalIPv4() method to obtain the local IP as a demonstration

package main

import (

func main() {
	ip := ip.GetLocalIPv4()
	log.Printf("Local IP: %v\n", ip)


2021/07/30 15:49:03 Local IP:

🛠️ Module

A Go basic tool class, which encapsulates methods such as files, streams, encryption and decryption, transcoding, regular, JSON, UUID, etc., to form various Go tool classes, and provides the following components:

Module Introduce
assertions Assertion processing tools.
bytes Byte byte conversion tools.
caller Get function name path tools.
compress Compression and decompression tools, providing support for tar and zip formats .
file Common file-related tools such as file path, whether the file exists, whether it is a folder.
hello The Hello World package of GoKit provides SayHello() method support.
http http tools, commonly used Get and Post requests
ip IP tools
json JSON tools
logger Provide log output tools with multiple risk levels
mail Mail sending tools
map map collection tools
poi Encapsulation for Excel and Word in POI
random Random number tools
security Provide encryption and decryption methods such as MD5, AES, RSA, etc.
set Set collection tools
slice Slicing tools
socket Socket encapsulation of NIO and AIO based on Go
string string tool
system System parameter call tool
time Provide commonly used date tools and date formatting packages
uuid uuid tools

Each module can be introduced and used separately according to requirements, as follows:

import (

It can also be used by introducing all modules of GoKit, as follows:

import (


📘 Get started quickly

📙 Update log

🏗️ Contribute

🎋 Branch description

The source code of GoKit is divided into two branches, with the following functions:

Branch Effect
master The main branch, the branch used by the release version, is consistent with the submission of the central library, and does not receive any pr or modification
dev Development branch, default is the SNAPSHOT version of the next version, accept modification or pr

🐞 Provide bug feedback or suggestions

Please indicate the Go version, GoKit version, and related dependency library version you are using when submitting problem feedback.

🧬 Steps to contribute code

Email to to get a developer account

📐PR principles

GoKit welcomes anyone to contribute code to GoKit. The pr (pull request) that needs to be submitted conforms to some specifications, and the specifications are as follows:

  1. The comments are complete, especially each new method should be marked with the method description, parameter description, return value description and other information according to the Go document specification. If you want, you can also add your name.
  2. The GoKit project recommends that Go programmers use vscode for development. Please pull request to the dev branch.
  3. Do not use third-party library methods for newly added methods. GoKit follows the principle of no dependency (unless you add method tools to extra modules).
  4. GoKit will use a new branch after version 1.x: master is the main branch, which means that the version of the central library has been released. This branch does not allow pr or modification.

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一套小而全的 Go 工具包。







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