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Download FarmakologiDanTerapiUipdf for Free The PDF Version of the Renowned Book on Pharmacology and Therapy by Universitas Indonesia Faculty of

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Download Farmakologi Dan Terapi Ui pdf for Free

If you are looking for a comprehensive and reliable source of information on pharmacology and therapy, you might want to check out Farmakologi Dan Terapi Ui pdf. This is a textbook written by experts from the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Indonesia (FKUI), one of the leading medical schools in Indonesia. The book covers various aspects of drugs and their effects on the human body, such as:


  • Psychotropic drugs: drugs that affect the mind, mood, and behavior, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants, and hallucinogens.
  • Local anesthetics: drugs that block pain sensations in a specific area of the body, such as lidocaine, procaine, and bupivacaine.
  • Autonomic drugs: drugs that affect the involuntary nervous system, which controls functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and urination. Examples are adrenergic drugs, cholinergic drugs, and anticholinergic drugs.
  • Biotransformation: the process of metabolism or breakdown of drugs in the body, mainly in the liver. Factors that affect biotransformation include age, genetics, diet, disease, and drug interactions.

The book is written in a clear and concise manner, with illustrations, tables, and diagrams to help you understand the concepts better. It also provides clinical cases, questions, and answers to test your knowledge and application skills. The book is suitable for medical students, practitioners, researchers, and anyone who wants to learn more about pharmacology and therapy.

You can download Farmakologi Dan Terapi Ui pdf for free from various online sources. However, you should be careful about the quality and authenticity of the file. Some files may be corrupted, incomplete, or contain viruses. To avoid these risks, you should only download Farmakologi Dan Terapi Ui pdf from trusted and reputable websites. Here are some of them:

  1. This website offers Farmakologi Dan Terapi Edisi 5 pdf, which is the fifth edition of the book published in 2007. You can view the file online or download it to your device.
  2. This website belongs to the Universitas Indonesia Library. It offers Farmakologi Dan Terapi Edisi 6 pdf, which is the sixth edition of the book published in 2019. You can view the file online or download it to your device.
  3. This website also belongs to the Universitas Indonesia Library. It offers Farmakologi Dan Terapi Edisi 4 pdf, which is the fourth edition of the book published in 1995. You can view the file online or download it to your device.

By downloading Farmakologi Dan Terapi Ui pdf from these websites, you can ensure that you get a high-quality and authentic file that will help you learn more about pharmacology and therapy. You can also support the authors and publishers of the book by buying a hard copy if you find it useful.

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Mempengaruhi Sistem Pencernaan UI, Bab IX Obat-obat yang Mempengaruhi Sistem Respirasi UI, Bab X Obat-obat yang Mempengaruhi Sistem Ginjal dan Saluran Kemih UI, Bab XI Obat-obat yang Mempengaruhi Sistem Imun UI, Bab XII Obat-obat yang Mempengaruhi Sistem Gerak UI, Bab XIII Obat-obat yang Mempengaruhi Kulit dan Mukosa UI, Bab XIV Obat-obat yang Mempengaruhi Mata UI, Bab XV Obat-obat yang Mempengaruhi Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan UI, Bab XVI Antibiotika dan Kemoterapeutika Lainnya UI, Bab XVII Antimikroba Non Antibiotika UI, Bab XVIII Antijamur Antiprotozoa Antihelminthik UI, Bab XIX Antivirus Antiretrovirus UI, Bab XX Antineoplastik Imunosupresan Radiasi UI, Bab XXI Vitamin Mineral Elektrolit Asam Basa UI, Bab XXII Obat-obatan Lokal Anestesi Lokal Anestesi Umum UI, Bab XXIII Analgesik Antipiretik Antiinflamasi Non Steroid UI , Bab XXIV Analgesik Narkotik Antitusif Narkotik Antagonis Opioid UI , Bab XXV Obat-obatan Psikotropika Hipnotik Sedatif Tranquilizer Antidepresan Stimulan Psikomotor Halusinogen Antipsikotik Mood Stabilizer UI , Bab XXVI Obat-obatan Ketergantungan Alkohol Nikotin Kafein Kokain Morfin Amfetamin Barbiturat Benzodiazepin Ganja LSD Phencyclidine Ketamin Inhalan Solven Steroid Anabolikantagonis Opioid Naltrekson Disulfiram Metadon Buprenorfin Nalokson Klonidin Asam Valproik Karbamazepin Litium Benzodiazepin Haloperidol Flufenazin Klorpromazin Fenotiazin Tioridazin Risperidon Olanzapin Klozapin Quetiapin Aripiprazol Ziprasidon Amisulprid Sulpirid Levosulpirid Paliperidon Asenapin Lurasidon Brexpiprazol Kariprazin Lamotrigin Topiramat Gabapentin Pregabalin Tiagabin Vigabatrin Felbamat Zonisamid Levetirasetam Rufinamid Stiripentol Perampanel Ezogabin Brivarasetam Fenobarbital Fenitoin Karbamazepin Valproat Etosuksimid Primidon Trimetadion Parametadion Metosuksimid Benzodiazepin Klonazepam Diazepam Lorazepam Midazolam Nitrazepam Flunitrazepam Alprazolam Triazolam Temazepam Oksazepam Bromazepam Flurazepam Estazolam Quazepam Zaleplon Zolpidem Zopiklon 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Cilostazola Drotaverina Papaverina Mebeverina Alverina Pinaverium Otilonium Trimebutina Prukaloprid Lubiproston Linaclotida Plekanatif Serotonin Dopamin Histamin GABA Glutamat Aspartat Glikina Glisin Asam gama aminobutirat GABA A GABA B GABA C Glutamat AMPA NMDA Kainate Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor mGluR1 mGluR2 mGluR3 mGluR4 mGluR5 mGluR6 mGluR7 mGluR8 Serotonin 5HT1 5HT2 5HT3 5HT4 5HT5 5HT6 5HT7 Dopamin D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Histamin H1 H2 H3 H4 Acetilkolin Nikotinik Muskarinik Norepinefrin Alfa Beta Adrenergik Receptor Reseptor Kanal Ion Reseptor Enzim Reseptor G Protein Coupled Receptor Reseptor Intraseluler Reseptor Transmembran Reseptor Eksosom Reseptor Sitokin Reseptor Hormon Reseptor Neurotransmiter Reseptor Neuromodulator Reseptor Neuropeptida Reseptor Endokannabinoid Reseptor Purinerjik Reseptor Adenosine ATP ADP AMP Adenozin A1 A2A A2B A3 P1 P2 P2X P2Y P2Z P2X1 P2X2 P2X3 P2X4 P2X5 P2X6 P2X7 P2Y1 P2Y2 P2Y4 P2Y6 P2Y11 P2Y12 P2Y13 P2Y14 Endokannabinoid Anandamide 2 Arachidonoylglycerol 2 AG N Arachidonoyldopamine NADA Virodhamine O Arach 8cf37b1e13