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New workflow (mark I) (#306)
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This update introduces a new workflow, implemented in Snakemake, for kevlar's standard analysis pipeline.
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standage committed Nov 30, 2018
1 parent 32c0c8c commit 015f412
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Showing 4 changed files with 386 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## Unreleased

### Added
- Included a Snakemake workflow for preprocessing BAM inputs for analysis with kevlar (see #305).
- A new Snakemake workflow for preprocessing BAM inputs for analysis with kevlar (see #305).
- A new Snakemake workflow for kevlar's standard processing procedure (see #306).

### Fixed
- Corrected a bug that reported the reference target sequence instead of the assembled contig sequence in the `CONTIG` attribute of indel calls in the VCF (see #304).
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
326 changes: 326 additions & 0 deletions kevlar/workflows/mark-I/Snakefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2018 The Regents of the University of California
# This file is part of kevlar ( and is
# licensed under the MIT license: see LICENSE.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ancillary code for parsing the sample configuration and organizing files in
# the working directory.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def unpack(list_of_lists):
"""Flatten a list of lists into a single list."""
return [item for sublist in list_of_lists for item in sublist]

class SimplexDesign(object):
"""Class for managing files related to samples from a simplex case.
A simplex case is an isolated manifestation of a condition in a family. The
sample of interest is designated the "case" sample (sometimes referred to
as the "proband" or "focal sample"), and all other samples (parents,
siblings) are control samples.
This class manages files associated with each sample. It creates symlinks
to input files and creates standardized filenames to facilitate processing
in a designated working directory. The workflow enforces the following
- There is a single case sample.
- There are 1 or more control samples.
- There are 1 or more Fasta/Fastq files associated with each sample.
def __init__(self, config):
self._config = config
self.case_seqfiles = config['samples']['case']['fastx']
self.control_seqfiles = unpack(
[cfg['fastx'] for cfg in config['samples']['controls']]
self.case_seqfiles_internal = list(
self.internal_filenames(self.case_seqfiles, sampleclass='case')
self.control_seqfiles_internal = list()
self.control_seqfiles_internal_flat = list()
for n, cfg in enumerate(config['samples']['controls']):
seqlist = list(
cfg['fastx'], sampleclass='ctrl', index=n

def numcontrols(self):
return len(self._config['samples']['controls'])

def internal_filenames(self, filelist, sampleclass='case', index=0):
"""Designate a standardized filename for each input for internal use.
If the input filename extension is recognized, it is retained.
Otherwise, the internal file has no extension.
extensions = ['fastq', 'fq', 'fasta' 'fa', 'fna', 'gz']
gzextensions = [ext + '.gz' for ext in extensions]
theclass = sampleclass
if sampleclass != 'case':
assert sampleclass == 'ctrl'
theclass += str(index)
for n, filename in enumerate(filelist):
for ext in gzextensions + extensions:
if filename.endswith(ext):
newfilename = 'Reads/{cls}.inseq.{n}.{ext}'.format(
cls=theclass, n=n, ext=ext
yield newfilename
newfilename = 'Reads/{cls}.inseq.{n}'.format(cls=theclass, n=n)
yield newfilename

def refr_files(self):
def genfiles():
name = os.path.basename(self._config['reference']['fasta'])
yield os.path.join('Reference', name)
for ext in ['amb', 'ann', 'bwt', 'pac', 'sa']:
yield os.path.join('Reference', name + '.' + ext)
return list(genfiles())

def mask_file(self):
return 'Mask/mask.nodetable'

def mask_input_files(self):
def genfiles():
for infile in self._config['mask']['fastx']:
name = os.path.basename(infile)
yield os.path.join('Mask', name)
return list(genfiles())

def case_sample_counts(self):
return 'Sketches/case-counts.counttable'

def control_sample_counts(self):
pattern = 'Sketches/ctrl{i}-counts.counttable'
return [pattern.format(i=i) for i in range(self.numcontrols)]

def all_sample_counts(self):
return [self.case_sample_counts] + self.control_sample_counts

def sample_labels(self):
def getlabels():
yield self._config['samples']['case']['label']
for control in self._config['samples']['controls']:
yield control['label']
return list(getlabels())

simplex = SimplexDesign(config)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create standardized named links to input Fasta/Fastq files for internal use.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

rule link_input_seqs:
threads: 1
message: 'Create internal links for sample sequence data.'
for oldseq, newseq in zip(input, output):
os.symlink(os.path.abspath(oldseq), newseq)

rule link_reference:
input: config['reference']['fasta']
output: simplex.refr_files
threads: 1
message: 'Create internal links for reference genome, and index if needed.'
os.symlink(os.path.abspath(input[0]), output[0])
extensions = ['amb', 'ann', 'bwt', 'pac', 'sa']
for ext, outfile in zip(extensions, output[1:]):
testinfile = os.path.abspath(input[0]) + '.' + ext
if os.path.isfile(testinfile):
os.symlink(testinfile, outfile)
shell('bwa index {output[0]}')

rule link_mask:
input: config['mask']['fastx']
output: simplex.mask_input_files
threads: 1
message: 'Create internal links for mask sequence data.'
for infile, outfile in zip(input, output):
os.symlink(os.path.abspath(infile), outfile)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create sketches for the reference, mask, and each sample.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

rule create_mask:
input: simplex.mask_input_files
output: simplex.mask_file
threads: 32
message: 'Generate a mask of sequences to ignore while k-mer counting.'
shell: 'kevlar count --ksize {config[ksize]} --counter-size 1 --memory {config[mask][memory]} --max-fpr {config[mask][max_fpr]} --threads {threads} {output} {input}'

rule count_reference:
input: simplex.refr_files[0]
output: 'Reference/refr-counts.smallcounttable'
threads: 32
message: 'Count k-mers in the reference genome.'
shell: 'kevlar count --ksize {config[ksize]} --counter-size 4 --memory {config[reference][memory]} --max-fpr {config[reference][max_fpr]} --threads {threads} {output} {input}'

rule count_all_samples:
input: simplex.all_sample_counts
output: touch('Sketches/counting.complete')

rule count_case:
output: simplex.case_sample_counts
threads: 32
message: 'Count k-mers in the case sample'
shell: 'kevlar count --ksize {config[ksize]} --memory {config[samples][case][memory]} --max-fpr {config[samples][case][max_fpr]} --threads {threads} {output} --mask {input}'

rule count_control:
input: lambda wildcards: [simplex.mask_file] + simplex.control_seqfiles_internal[int(wildcards.index)]
output: 'Sketches/ctrl{index}-counts.counttable'
threads: 32
message: 'Count k-mers in a control sample'
mem = config['samples']['controls'][int(wildcards.index)]['memory']
fpr = config['samples']['controls'][int(wildcards.index)]['max_fpr']
seqfiles = ' '.join(input[1:])
cmd = 'kevlar count --ksize {{config[ksize]}} --memory {mem} --max-fpr {fpr} --mask {{input[0]}} --threads {{threads}} {{output}} {seqs}'.format(mem=mem, fpr=fpr, seqs=seqfiles)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find, filter, and organize reads containing novel k-mers.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

rule novel:
output: 'NovelReads/novel.augfastq.gz'
threads: 1
message: 'Find reads containing k-mers that are abundant in the proband and low/zero abundance in each control.'
caseconfig = '--case ' + ' '.join(simplex.case_seqfiles_internal)
caseconfig += ' --case-counts Sketches/case-counts.counttable'
caseconfig += ' --case-min ' + str(config['samples']['casemin'])
ctrlconfig = ' --control-counts ' + ' '.join(simplex.control_sample_counts)
ctrlconfig += ' --ctrl-max ' + str(config['samples']['ctrlmax'])
cmd = [
'kevlar', 'novel', caseconfig, ctrlconfig,
'--ksize', str(config['ksize']), '--threads', str(threads),
'--max-fpr', str(config['samples']['case']['max_fpr']),
'--out', output[0]
shell(' '.join(cmd))

rule filter_novel:
input: 'NovelReads/novel.augfastq.gz'
output: 'NovelReads/filtered.augfastq.gz'
threads: 1
message: 'Filter out k-mers that '
shell: 'kevlar filter --mask Mask/mask.nodetable --mask-max-fpr {config[mask][max_fpr]} --abund-memory {config[recountmem]} --case-min {config[samples][casemin]} --ctrl-max {config[samples][ctrlmax]} --ksize {config[ksize]} --out {output} {input}'

rule partition:
input: 'NovelReads/filtered.augfastq.gz'
output: 'NovelReads/partitioned.augfastq.gz'
threads: 1
message: 'Partition reads by shared novel k-mers.'
shell: 'kevlar partition --min-abund {config[samples][casemin]} --out {output} {input}'

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assemble, localize, align, make preliminary calls, and score/sort calls.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

rule assemble:
input: 'NovelReads/partitioned.augfastq.gz'
output: 'contigs.augfasta.gz'
threads: 1
message: 'Assemble reads into contigs partition by partition.'
shell: 'kevlar assemble --out {output} {input}'

rule localize:
output: 'reference.gdnas.fa.gz'
threads: 1
message: 'Compute reference target sequences for each partition.'
shell: 'kevlar localize --delta {config[localize][delta]} --seed-size {config[localize][seedsize]} --include {config[localize][seqpattern]} --out {output} {input[0]} {input[1]}'

rule call:
threads: 1
message: 'Align contigs to reference targets and make preliminary calls.'
shell: 'kevlar call --gen-mask {output[1]} --mask-mem 10M --refr {input[2]} --ksize {config[ksize]} --out {output[0]} {input[0]} {input[1]}'

rule like_scores:
output: 'calls.scored.sorted.vcf.gz'
threads: 1
message: 'Filter calls, compute likelihood scores, and sort calls by score.'
cmd = [
'kevlar', 'simlike', '--mu', config['samples']['coverage']['mean'],
'--sigma', config['samples']['coverage']['stdev'],
'--epsilon', '0.001', '--case-min', config['samples']['casemin'],
'--refr', 'Reference/refr-counts.smallcounttable',
'--sample-labels', *simplex.sample_labels, '--out', output[0],
'--controls', *simplex.control_sample_counts,
'--case', simplex.case_sample_counts, input[0]
cmd = [str(arg) for arg in cmd]
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)

rule calls:
input: 'calls.scored.sorted.vcf.gz'
output: touch('complete')
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions kevlar/workflows/mark-I/config.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
"ksize": 31,
"recountmem": "1G",
"samples": {
"casemin": 6,
"ctrlmax": 1,
"case": {
"fastx": [
"memory": "4G",
"label": "Proband",
"max_fpr": 0.3
"controls": [
"fastx": [
"memory": "8G",
"label": "Mother",
"max_fpr": 0.05
"fastx": [
"memory": "8G",
"label": "Father",
"max_fpr": 0.05
"coverage": {
"mean": 30.0,
"stdev": 10.0
"mask": {
"fastx": [
"memory": "6G",
"max_fpr": 0.005
"reference": {
"fasta": "/data/refr/human_g1k_v37.fasta",
"memory": "12G",
"max_fpr": 0.025
"localize": {
"seedsize": 51,
"delta": 50,
"seqpattern": "."

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