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This model consists of an encoder BERT model for questions, an encoder SPBERT model for triples. The output tokens of both models are concatenated and fed into the decoder. The decoder is another SPBERT instance.


Install pytorch from

Install python packages with

pip install -r requirements.txt

Preprocessing provides a pipeline to preprocess datasets in qtq format. This is the original preprocessing of the SPBERT paper.

bash <qtq-dataset-name>.json

with the qtq-dataset located in ./data/input/ as <qtq-dataset-name>.json preprocesses the dataset.

The preprocessed data is located in ./data/output as <qtq-dataset-name>.en, <qtq-dataset-name>.triple, <qtq-dataset-name>.sparql. The path /data/output/<qtq-dataset-name> without the suffix will be used for model usage.

Model Usage

Within /example_commandline_invocations you see examples on how to train, test and predict with the model. For further information on the arguments we reffer the the code in / We will explain the training example here. Hints on the prediction example are following afterwards.


Given the following example commandline invocation.

--model_type bert 
--encoder_model_name_or_path bert-base-cased 
--decoder_model_name_or_path "razent/spbert-mlm-wso-base" 
--train_filename ./data/qald-8/preprocessed/train/qtq-qald-8-train 
--dev_filename ./data/qald-8/preprocessed/val/qtq-qald-8-val 
--max_source_length 32  
--max_triples_length 512 
--max_target_length 192 
--train_batch_size 22 
--eval_batch_size 22 
--num_train_epochs 200 
--learning_rate 5e-5 
--weight_decay 0.01 
--beam_size 10 
--save_inverval 1  
--load_bleu_file No 
--load_model_checkpoint No 
--warmup_epochs 10

--do_train indicates that we want to train.

--do_eval indicates that we also want to evaluate BLEU scores in between training.

--model_type bert indicates that we work on bert models. There is the option to use roberta models, but this was not tested yet.

--encoder_model_name_or_path bert_base-cased defines the model which is loaded as encoder. It is taken from Huggingface. You can use local paths also.

--decoder_model_name_or_path "razent/spbert-mlm-wso-base" defines the model which is loaded for decoding AND in our model for encoding triples. It is loaded from Huggingface. razent/spbert-mlm-wso-base is the pretrained SPBERT model. You can use local paths also.

--train_filename ./data/qald-8/preprocessed/train/qtq-qald-8-train defines the location of the training data. Only the name without suffix is taken. The suffixes .en, .triple, .sparql are appended implicitly.

--dev_filename ./data/qald-8/preprocessed/val/qtq-qald-8-val defines the location of the validation data to calculate the intermediate BLEU scores. Only the name without suffix is taken. The suffixes .en, .triple, .sparql are appended implicitly.

--max_source_length 32 defines the number of tokens put into the encoder. 32 was sufficient for basic qald-dataset questions.

--max_triples_length 512 defines the number of triple-encoder tokens. 512 is the maximum length of our loaded BERT model.

--max_target_length 192 defines the number of tokens output from the decoder. 192 is sufficient for qald-dataset sparql lengths.

--train_batch_size 22 defines the batch size. 22 is the maximum for 2 x 25 GB GPUs. Note, that training is distributed on all available GPUs automatically if not specified otherwise.

--eval_batch_size 22 the batch size of validation for the BLEU score.

--num_train_epochs 200 the number of training epochs on the same dataset. BLEU scores have shown, that we not see any better BLEU scores with more than 200 epochs. The model is taking the best BLEU score epoch automatically.

--learning_rate 5e-5 --weight_decay 0.01 are self-explanatory.

--beam_size 10 for evaluation, a BEAM search is used. This is the size of it.

--save_inverval 1 defines after how many training epochs the model is stored.

--load_bleu_file No Yes, if you are resuming a previous run and want the BLEU scores to be appended in the BLEU score file.

--load_model_checkpoint No Yes, if you are resuming a previous run and want an old model to be loaded.

--warmup_epochs 10 defines the number of initial epochs before validation of the model is used also.

The model will default to your GPU if you have one. To disable this, you can use --no_cuda additionally.

The trained model will be stored as /output/checkpoint-best-bleu/pytorch_model.bin by default. To specify another output location, add --output_dir to the argument list with some path.


Prediction does not vary much. In the example, you see the following additional arguments:

--do_predict which enables prediction.

--load_model_checkpoint Yes enables loading of a trained model.

--load_model_path ./output/checkpoint-best-bleu/pytorch_model.bin defines the location of the trained model.

--predict_filename defines a path to the dataset which predictions should be made on.

The default location of the prediction is /output. It can be changed with the --output_dir argument. The prediction file is predict_0.output.


The model predicts encoded SPARQLs. To decode a SPARQL, use the decode function in


This model and code is a changed version of the original SPBERT model and code.