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This package allows you to use a paired list as a Matrix. In pairwise calculations like cor(), saving the result as a PairedListSymmetric is N(N-1)/2 in space, instead of N*N. This is very useful when you need to compare a large number of vectors:

julia> n = 60_000;

julia> Array(Float64, n, n);
ERROR: OutOfMemoryError()
 in call at essentials.jl:202
 in eval_user_input at REPL.jl:64
 [inlined code] from REPL.jl:93
 in anonymous at task.jl:68

julia> Array(Float64, div(n*(n-1),2));


PairedListMatrices is faster than other alternatives, since is cache efficient. Also it gives you the option of save your labels and allows you to use them for indexing.


julia> using PairedListMatrices

julia> points = [ rand(3) for n in 1:3 ]
3-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}:

julia> labels = ["O", "P", "Q"]
3-element Array{ASCIIString,1}:

julia> list = Array(Float64, 3);

julia> k=0;

julia> for i in 1:2
       for j in (i+1):3
       k += 1
       list[k] = cor(points[i], points[j])
       println(labels[i], " ", labels[j], " ", list[k])
O P 0.923814951778981
O Q -0.09394903823267092
P Q -0.46793753775974317

julia> mat = PairedListSymmetric(list, labels, 1.0)
3x3 PairedListMatrices.PairedListSymmetric{Float64,ASCIIString}:
  1.0        0.923815  -0.093949
  0.923815   1.0       -0.467938
 -0.093949  -0.467938   1.0

julia> mat.list
3-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> mat.labels
3-element IndexedArrays.IndexedArray{ASCIIString}:

julia> getlabel(mat, "P", "Q")


A PairedListDiagonalSymmetric (is diagonal because the list also includes the diagonal values) used as a matrix (pairedlist_matindex) can be filled faster the a Symmetric full matrix (using_full_symmetric). Is also faster than filling the full matrix as in pairwise! of Distances.jl (distances_pairwise). Filling a list (vector) and create a PairedListDiagonalSymmetric with it is also fast (pairedlist_listindex). When space is a problem PairedListDiagonalSymmetric everything is faster than saving the values on a sparse matrix (using_full_symmetric). The bechmark code is in the test folder.

julia> function pairedlist_matindex(vecs)
         n = length(vecs)
         list = PairedListDiagonalSymmetric(Float64, n)
         @inbounds for i in 1:n
           vec_i = vecs[i]
           for j in i:n
             list[i,j] = cor(vec_i, vecs[j])
pairedlist_matindex (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function pairedlist_listindex(vecs)
         n = length(vecs)
         list = Array(Float64, div(n*(n+1),2))
         k = 1
         @inbounds for i in 1:n
           vec_i = vecs[i]
           for j in i:n
             list[k] = cor(vec_i, vecs[j])
             k += 1
pairedlist_listindex (generic function with 1 method)

Small test set: [ rand(3) for n in 1:100 ]

pairedlist_matindex Time per evaluation: 1.29 ms [870.25 μs, 1.70 ms]

using_full_symmetric Time per evaluation: 1.43 ms [1.05 ms, 1.80 ms]

pairedlist_listindex Time per evaluation: 1.56 ms [1.17 ms, 1.95 ms]

distances_pairwise Time per evaluation: 1.61 ms [1.07 ms, 2.14 ms]

using_sparse_symmetric Time per evaluation: 3.75 ms [3.35 ms, 4.14 ms]

Big test set: [ rand(3) for n in 1:1000 ]

pairedlist_matindex Time per evaluation: 114.25 ms [105.46 ms, 123.04 ms]

pairedlist_listindex Time per evaluation: 149.55 ms [139.16 ms, 159.94 ms]

using_full_symmetric Time per evaluation: 154.07 ms [140.74 ms, 167.40 ms]

distances_pairwise Time per evaluation: 161.17 ms [145.42 ms, 176.91 ms]

using_sparse_symmetric Time per evaluation: 26.46 s