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583 lines (493 loc) · 32.6 KB
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Diem On-Chain Currency Management
Tim Zakian, Sam Blackshear, Dahlia Malkhi


The functionality described in this DIP (including but not limited to, XDX) may not be available on DPN at the time of publication of this DIP.


This DIP describes the conceptual model and implementation of currencies on the Diem blockchain. Currencies in Diem are represented statically at the type level, each currency with a unique Move type.

The Diem Currency implementation maintains coin safety rules through two principal mechanisms of the Move language, permissions and types. Permissions guarantee coin scarcity, in that a coin can be created ("minted") or destroyed ("burned") only through explicit "treasury" operations that require special privileges. Type safety guarantees that operations on currencies cannot duplicate, lose, or otherwise mishandle coins.

In order for a Move type to be considered as representing a Diem Currency, a specific resource instantiated with that type must be registered at the DiemRoot account address as defined by the top-level Diem module and DIP-2. The Diem module defines the representation of Diem currencies, the set of operations that can be performed on Diem Coins (e.g., minting, burning) and their corresponding permissions, and the registration process of a Move type as representing a Diem currency. Once a currency is registered it remains registered forever.

Every Diem Currency has metadata associated with it at the time of registration. That metadata includes the currency code, a total value held on chain in the currency and other relevant information. One of the most important properties held in a currency's metadata is whether it is a Single Currency Stablecoin (SCS), i.e., a fiat currency like ≋XUS, or a synthetic currency that may consist of one or multiple other currencies registered on chain, e.g., ≋XDX. These metadata and their meaning are detailed in the section on Diem Currency metadata.

Before moving forward, it's worth pinning down terminology. We'll use the following throughout the rest of this document:

  • A Diem Currency (or "currency") is a medium of exchange that Diem has determined it will support on chain. Any Move type that has been successfully registered using one of the registration mechanisms defined in this DIP will be considered to represent such a medium of exchange on chain.
  • A Diem Coin (or "coin") in such an on-chain currency is a specific Move resource value that has been instantiated with the Move type for the currency, and contains a field specifying its spending power. A Diem Coin is the only representation of an asset in a currency on chain.

The requirements for a currency in Diem are as follows:

  1. Privileged Registration: The registration of a Move type as a currency on chain is restricted to accounts with the RegisterNewCurrency permission.
  2. Privileged minting and burning: Every on-chain currency must have a way for new coins to be minted and burned in the system. Minting and burning of Diem Coins must be a privileged action yet customizable per currency. This can be used, e.g., to grant designated addresses the ability to mint coins of a specific currency, or to ensure that certain preconditions are met before coins are minted or burned.
  3. Explicit representation: Spending power in a currency is explicitly represented at the type level in Move. Move values that have a Diem Coin type of a given currency cannot be accidentally or purposefully misinterpreted as anything other than a coin with the specified spending power in that currency.
  4. Fungibility and correctness: The way currencies may interact and be interchanged must be well-defined. Any undefined or invalid behaviors such as trying to combine coins of different currency types must never be allowed, and error conditions must be well specified.
  5. Conservation and encapsulation of value: The value of a coin in circulation can never be accidentally or purposefully altered except through the specified operations defined in this document. In addition, the total_value of all coins minted in a currency must be equal to the sum of the values of all coins in circulation in that currency no matter the operations performed, with the exception of minting and burning operations that will increase or decrease this value by the value of the coins being minted or burned respectively.
  6. Value normalization: To allow values in different currencies to be compared, every currency must have a way to roughly normalize its value to ≋XDX.

The Diem Currency management on chain is designed to provide a common interface that can be used for any currency that ensures that these key properties are kept.

Every currency on chain is represented as a Move-defined type. This type can be either a resource or struct type. In order for the system to view a type C as representing a currency on chain, it must first be registered by either Diem::register_SCS_currency or Diem::register_currency instantiated with the type C. The first call registers a new single currency stablecoin, the second a synthetic currency.

The registration of a type C as a Diem Currency publishes a unique resource instantiated with the type---Diem::CurrencyInfo<C>---containing metadata about the currency being registered under the DiemRoot account address (see the implementation of Diem::register_SCS_currency and Diem::register_currency).

Every registered currency on chain contains the information listed below. When a currency is registered, the "Mandatory" parameters must be provided at the time of registration. Other fields are optional or cannot be set at registration, e.g., the total_value field can only be changed through the minting and burning of coins.

Name Type Mutable Mandatory
to_xdx_exchange_rate FixedPoint32 Yes Yes
is_synthetic bool No Yes
scaling_factor u64 No Yes
fractional_part u64 No Yes
currency_code vector<u8> No Yes
total_value u128 Yes No
preburn_value u64 Yes No
can_mint bool Yes No

We now describe each of these data and their purpose.

This mutable field holds the exchange rate used to determine the approximate equivalent value in ≋XDX for a value in the currency. There are two uses of this value:

  • Transactions can set their gas price in different currencies, however transactions need to be ranked against each other based upon their gas prices. This field is used to normalize gas prices to one single "unit" for comparison and ranking purposes.
  • The dual attestation threshold needs to apply to payments in all currencies. This limit is set in terms of ≋XDX. Transfers are first normalized using this exchange rate and then compared against the limit.

The initial exchange rate to ≋XDX must be provided at the time of registration. The exchange rate may be updated by an account with the Treasury Compliance role to correspond to fluctuations in the real-time exchange rate between the specified currency C and ≋XDX. Note that this field is meant for internal use and is not meant to be an exact exchange rate, therefore it should not be used for determining exchange rates for value transfer between different currencies.


This immutable field defines whether the given currency is synthetic or an SCS. In the case of Diem::register_SCS_currency the function sets this to false. For Diem::register_currency this value must be provided to the function.

This immutable field defines what fraction each unit of value on chain represents in the main unit of the currency. As an example, the on-chain unit of value for XUS is one-millionth of an XUS dollar, therefore XUS's scaling_factor is 1,000,000.


This immutable field defines the fraction of the main unit of the currency that the smallest denomination coin in common usage off-chain is at the time of registration. For example, for XUS the smallest off-chain denomination coin in common usage is one cent (1/100th of an XUS dollar), so the fractional_part for XUS would be 100. If you wanted to translate from an on-chain value to a number that could be represented in XUS's off-chain denominations, you would divide by 1,000,000 (XUS's scaling_factor) and then display the value showing the fractional value to the hundredths place.


This immutable field holds the currency code specified at the time of registration of the currency. This is an ASCII field holding a human-readable code that can consist only of uppercase alphanumeric characters not starting with a number, e.g., "XDX". The code is also registered in a global set of registered currency codes for off-chain use as an on-chain configuration defined in the RegisteredCurrencies module.

This mutable field holds the current value of all coins in circulation on chain in the given currency. The field's value is denominated in the base units for the currency (see scaling_factor), and remains constant with the exception of minting and burning operations. Details on these operations and how they affect the total_value for the currency are given in the section on minting and burning of value.


This mutable field holds the value of all coins currently slated to be burned as detailed in the Preburning section. The field's value remains constant with the exception of preburning and burning operations as detailed in the sections on minting and burning of value and Preburning.

This mutable field determines whether additional value in the specified currency may be added to the system. Coins in the currency can be burned, accounts may hold balances in the currency, and payments can be made in the currency regardless of the value of this field. The field is only updatable through the Diem::update_minting_ability function, and must be done by an account with the Treasury Compliance role.

Capabilities Created at Registration

When a type C is registered as a currency a MintCapability<C> and BurnCapability<C> are created. If the currency is registered using the Diem::register_SCS_currency function, both of these capabilities are stored under and controlled by the Treasury Compliance account at address 0xB1E55ED. In the case that Diem::register_currency is used to register the currency both of these capabilities are returned to the caller, which may store them in other structures. The MintCapability and BurnCapability for each currency are unique; after registration of a currency no future mint and burn capabilities for the currency may be created.

On-chain List of Registered Currencies

When a currency is registered on chain, its currency code is added to the RegisteredCurrencies on-chain config. The list of currency codes registered on chain is a set, and attempting to register an existing currency code will fail. These currency codes follow the restriction outlined above--currency codes must consist of uppercase alphanumeric characters, and cannot start with a number.

All assets in a currency C with a specific value are represented on chain as a Move resource with the specified value, which has the following form:

resource struct Diem<C> {
    value: u64,

Where the value field of the coin is represented in the "base units" for C as defined by the scaling_factor for C.

It is important to note that in the system any value of type Diem<C> is considered a valid asset in the C currency with its value given by the value field. Therefore the minting of any non-zero value of this type needs to be considered a privileged operation as it represents creation of value on chain. Additionally, this is an if-and-only-if relation: a Move value represents a specific amount v in a given currency C, if, and only if the Move value has the type Diem<C> with a value field equal to v.

The minting and burning of Diem Coins on chain represent changes to the total value held on the network. These operations are designed to support a system of single-currency stablecoins (SCS) backed by the Reserve. Hence, these operations require special privileges dedicated for reserve management, e.g., MintCurrency, BurnCurrency, and PreburnCurrency.

The total on-chain value of all coins in a Diem Currency are recorded on chain in the total_value metadata field. Generally, Diem Coin operations are designed to support a reserve guarantee that the total value for a stablecoin should never exceed the value held in the reserve for the coin.

In order to support inflight redemption orders, Diem Coins that are to be removed are placed in a Preburn resource. Moving coins from a preburn resource requires a BurnCurrency privilege for the currency of the coins being moved--granted to the currency's reserve management--removing them once a redemption has been completed.

Any account that has a MintCurrency<C> privilege may mint, or create, a coin with a non-zero value. Recall that there is only one minting permission for each registered currency.

Reference Implementations

  1. Diem::mint_with_capability
  2. Diem::mint

In order to remove coins from circulation, they must first be moved to a preburn area. The movement of coins to a specific preburn area will emit events that may be used by the reserve management to initiate transfer of backing funds for those coins.

Funds may be moved to a preburn area only by an account that has a PreburnCurrency permission for the currency in question.

A Preburn resource can only be created by an account with the Treasury Compliance role by calling either the create_preburn function

Diem::create_preburn<C>(account: &signer): Preburn<C>

and storing the Preburn resource returned by this function in a different module's resource. Or, by calling the publish_preburn_to_account function and passing in the signer for the account under which the created preburn resource will be stored, along with a signer proving authority to create a preburn resource

Diem::publish_preburn_to_account<C>(account: &signer, tc_account: &signer)

The account must have the Designated Dealer role and the tc_account must have the Treasury Compliance role.

Reference Implementations

  1. Diem::create_preburn
  2. Diem::publish_preburn_to_account
  3. Diem::preburn_to
  4. Diem::preburn_with_resource

Once coins are placed in the preburn area, there are two supported operations representing two possible outcomes of coin redemption by the reserve.

  1. If the transfer of the backing funds for the coins in the preburn resource held under preburn_address has completed successfully, an account with the Treasury Compliance role and/or the BurnCurrency permission must then remove or "burn" these funds.

  2. If the transfer was not able to be completed successfully an account with the Treasury Compliance role and/or the BurnCurrency may remove the funds in the C currency from the preburn area under preburn_address, and re-introduce them to circulation by "cancelling" the burn request.

Reference Implementations

  1. Diem::burn
  2. Diem::burn_with_capability
  3. Diem::cancel_burn
  4. Diem::cancel_burn_with_capability

Coin Operations

Any amount of value in a currency C in circulation on chain will always be held in a value of type Diem<C>. The Diem module defines the set of operations that may be performed on values of this type. These operations are as follows, and may be called by anyone:

  1. Create a coin with zero value in currency C
        Diem::zero<C>(): Diem<C>
  2. Get the underlying value of a coin in a currency C as an integer
      Diem::value<C>(coin: &Diem<C>): u64
  3. Split the coin in currency C into two coins. The first coin contains the remaining value after amount has been removed, and the second coin has a value of amount
        Diem::split<C>(coin: Diem<C>, amount: u64): (Diem<C>, Diem<C>)
  4. Withdraw amount of value from the coin in-place and return a coin of the same currency with value equal to amount
        Diem::withdraw<C>(coin: &mut Diem<C>, amount: u64): Diem<C>
  5. Withdraw all of the value from coin in-place and return a coin with the same value as coin before this function was called. Equivalent to withdraw(&mut coin, value(&coin))
        Diem::withdraw_all<C>(coin: &mut Diem<C>): Diem<C>
  6. Combine the value of two coins. Returns a coin in the same currency with value equal to the sum of the passed-in coins values
        Diem::join<C>(coin1: Diem<C>, coin2: Diem<C>): Diem<C>
  7. Deposit the check coin into the passed-in coin. The value of coin after this call is equal to the sum of the check value and the previous value of coin
      Diem::deposit<C>(coin: &mut Diem<C>, check: Diem<C>)
  8. Destroys a coin with a value of zero. Attempting to destroy a non-zero value coin will result in an error and the passed in coin will not be destroyed.
      Diem::destroy_zero<C>(coin: Diem<C>)

Reference Implementations

There are a number of different operations that may be performed to view and update the metadata for a given currency (viz., required information for registration of a currency). They can be divided into "getters" (non-mutative), "setters" (mutative), and predicate operations. They are as follows:

Non-Mutative ("getters")

  1. Get the sum of values for all coins of currency C held in preburn resources across the system.
        Diem::preburn_value<C>(): u64
  2. Get the sum of all values for all coins of currency C currently in existence in the system (including coins in preburn areas).
        Diem::market_cap<C>(): u128
  3. Return the approximate value in ≋XDX for from_value in currency C using the on-chain exchange rate from C to ≋XDX.
        Diem::approx_xdx_for_value<C>(from_value: u64): u64
  4. Return the approximate value in ≋XDX for a coin in currency C using the on-chain exchange rate from C to ≋XDX.
        Diem::approx_xdx_for_coin<C>(coin: &Diem<C>): u64
  5. Return the to_xdx_exchange_rate for currency C.
        Diem::xdx_exchange_rate<C>(): FixedPoint32
  6. Return the scaling_factor for currency C.
        Diem::scaling_factor<C>(): u64
  7. Return the fractional_part for currency C.
        Diem::fractional_part<C>(): u64
  8. Return the currency_code for currency C.
        Diem::currency_code<C>(): vector<u8>

Reference Implementations

Mutative ("setters")

  1. Update the to_xdx_exchange_rate metadata field for C to new_to_xdx_exchange_rate. Must be called by an account with a Treasury Compliance role.
        Diem::update_xdx_exchange_rate<C>(account: &signer, new_to_xdx_exchange_rate: FixedPoint32)
  2. Set the can_mint metadata field for C to the value of can_mint. Must be called by an account with a Treasury Compliance role.
        Diem::update_minting_ability<C>(account: &signer, can_mint: bool)

Reference Implementations


  1. Return whether the type C represents a registered currency on chain.
        Diem::is_currency<C>(): bool
    Related assertion
  2. Return whether the type C represents a registered SCS currency on chain.
        Diem::is_SCS_currency<C>(): bool
    Related assertion:
  3. Return whether the type C represents a registered synthetic currency on chain.
        Diem::is_synthetic_currency<C>(): bool

Reference Implementations

Each currency has a number of events that are associated with it, and that are emitted when the metadata for a currency is changed. Event streams for these events are saved in the currency metadata:

Name Type Description
mint_events EventHandle<MintEvent> Event emitted whenever SCSs are created on chain.
burn_events EventHandle<BurnEvent> Event emitted whenever SCSs are removed on chain.
preburn_events EventHandle<PreburnEvent> Event emitted whenever SCSs are moved to a preburn area.
cancel_burn_events EventHandle<CancelBurnEvent> Event emitted whenever SCSs in a preburn area are moved back to circulation.
exchange_rate_update_events EventHandle<ExchangeRateUpdateEvent> Event emitted whenever the to_xdx_exchange_rate metadata field is updated (for all registered currencies).

With each of these events there are certain properties with respect to the state of the blockchain that should be kept. These are:

  1. For any SCS currency C the total_value field in its CurrencyInfo resource should be equal to the sum of the amounts in all mint_events for that currency minus the amounts in all burn_events for that currency.
  2. For any currency C the to_xdx_exchange_rate stored on chain should be equal to the most recently emitted exchange_rate_update_event for the currency C.
  3. For any SCS currency C the preburn_value field in its CurrencyInfo resource should be equal to the sum of all amounts in the preburn_events minus the sum of amounts in all burn_events and cancel_burn_events for the C currency.

When deciding on the currency code to be used for a currency, the module as well as the type name chosen for the currency must match the currency code chosen. For example, if you want to use currency code "ABC" for a currency, then the fully qualified Move type that is used for that currency on chain must be 0x1::ABC::ABC. The module implementer is responsible for enforcing these restrictions. If these restrictions are not followed when defining a module for a currency, transaction fees will be unable to be paid in the currency and all transactions trying to pay fees in the currency will be discarded.