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DAML-LF 1 specification



This document specifies version 1 of the DAML-LF language — the language that DAML ledgers execute. DAML compiles to DAML-LF which executes on DAML ledgers, similar to how Java compiles to JVM byte code which executes on the JVM. “LF” in DAML-LF stands for “Ledger Fragment”. DAML-LF is a small, strongly typed, functional language with strict evaluation that includes native representations for core DAML concepts such as templates, updates, and parties. It is primarily intended as a compilation target.

How to view and edit this document

To view this document correctly, we recommend you install the DejaVu Sans family of fonts, which is free (as in freedom) and provide exceptional Unicode coverage. The sphinx style sheets specify DejaVu Sans Mono as the font to use for code, and if you want to view/edit this section you should use it for your editor, too.

Moreover, if you want to edit this section comfortably, we highly recommend using Emacs' TeX input mode. You can turn it on using M-x set-input-method TeX, and then you can input symbols as you would in TeX, mostly using \symbol-name and _letter. If you don't know how to input a character, go over it with your cursor and M-x describe-char. Its TeX code will be listed under to input.

Moreover, add the following to your ~/.emacs to enable additional symbols used in this doc:

  (activate-input-method "TeX")
  (let ((quail-current-package (assoc "TeX" quail-package-alist)))
    (quail-defrule "\\limage" ?⦇ nil t)
    (quail-defrule "\\rimage" ?⦈ nil t)
    (quail-defrule "\\rwave" ?↝ nil t)
    (quail-defrule "\\lwave" ?↜ nil t)
    (quail-defrule "\\lwbrace" ?⦃ nil t)
    (quail-defrule "\\rwbrace" ?⦄ nil t)))

Version history

The DAML-LF language is versioned using a major and minor component. Increasing the major component allows us to drop features, change the semantics of existing features, or update the serialization format. Changes to the minor component cannot break backward compatibility, and operate on the same major version of the serialization format in a backward compatible way. This document describes DAML-LF major version 1, including all its minor versions.

Starting from DAML SDK 1.0 release, DAML-LF versions older than 1.6 are deprecated. An engine compliant with the present specification must handle all versions newer than or equal to DAML-LF 1.6, no requirement is made on handling older version.

Each DAML-LF program is accompanied by the version identifier of the language it was serialized in. This number enables the DAML-LF engine to interpret previous versions of the language in a backward compatibility way.

In the following of this document, we will use annotations between square brackets such as [Available in version < x.y], [Available in versions >= x.y], and [Changed in version x.y] to emphasize that a particular feature is concerned with a change introduced in DAML x.y version. In addition, we will mark lines within inference rules with annotations of the form [DAML-LF < x.y] and [DAML-LF ≥ x.y] to make the respective line conditional upon the DAML-LF version.

The version is a special staging area for the next 1.x version to be released. Compliant implementations are not required to implement any features exclusive to version, but should take them under advisement as likely elements of the next 1.x version.

Below, we list the versions of DAML-LF 1.x that a DAML-LF engine compliant with the present specification must handle [except for], in ascending order. The list comes with a brief description of the changes, and some links to help unfamiliar readers learn about the features involved in the change. One can refer also to the Serialization section which is particularly concerned about versioning and backward compatibility.

Version 1.0 (deprecated)

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:

    Initial version

Version: 1.1 (deprecated)

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:
    • Add support for option type.

      For more details, one can refer to the Abstract Syntax, Operational semantics and Type system sections. There, the option type is denoted by 'Optional' and populated thanks to the constructor 'None' and 'Some'.

    • Add built-in functions to order party literals.

      For more details about party literal order functions, one can to Party built-in functions section.

    • Change the representation of serialized function type. Deprecate the 'Fun' type in favor of the more general built-in type 'TArrow'.

      For more details about the type 'TArrow', one can refer to the sections "Abstract Syntax", "Operational semantics" and "Type system". For details about the 'Fun' type, one can refer to section Function type vs arrow type.

Version: 1.2 (deprecated)

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:
    • Add a built-in function to perform SHA-256 hashing of strings
    • Add built-in functions to convert from 'Party' to 'Text' and vice versa.
    • Change the scope when the controllers of a choice are computed. Needed to support the so-called flexible controllers in the surface language

Version: 1.3 (deprecated)

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:
    • Add support for contract keys.
    • Add support for built-in 'Map' type.

Version: 1.4 (deprecated)

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:
    • Add support for complex contract keys.

Version: 1.5 (deprecated)

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:
    • Change serializability condition for ContractId such that ContractId a is serializable whenever a is so. This is more relaxed than the previous condition.
    • Add COERCE_CONTRACT_ID primitive for coercing ContractId.
    • Change Update.Exercise such that actor is now optional.
    • Add FROM_TEXT_INT64 and FROM_TEXT_DECIMAL primitives for parsing integer and decimal values.

Version: 1.6

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:
    • Add support for built-in 'Enum' type.
    • Add TEXT_FROM_CODE_POINTS and TEXT_TO_CODE_POINTS primitives for (un)packing strings.
    • Add package IDs interning in external package references.

Version: 1.7

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:
    • Add Nat kind and Nat type.
      • add nat kind
      • add nat type
    • Add parametrically scaled Numeric type.
      • add NUMERIC primitive type
      • add numeric primitive literal
    • Drop support for Decimal type. Use Numeric of scale 10 instead.
      • drop DECIMAL primitive type
      • drop decimal primitive literal
    • Add string interning in external package references.
    • Add name interning in external package references.
    • Add existential Any type
      • add 'Any' primitive type
      • add 'to_an'y and 'from_any' expression to convert from/to an arbitrary ground type (i.e. a type with no free type variables) to Any.
    • Add for Type representation.
      • add 'TypeRep' primitive type
      • add type_rep expression to reify a arbitrary ground type (i.e. a type with no free type variables) to a value.

Version: 1.8

  • Introduction date:


  • Description:
    • Add type synonyms.
    • Add package metadata.
    • Rename structural records from Tuple to Struct.
    • Rename Map to TextMap.


  • Add generic equality builtin.
  • Add generic order builtin.
  • Add generic map type GenMap.

Abstract syntax

This section specifies the abstract syntax tree of a DAML-LF package. We define identifiers, literals, types, expressions, and definitions.


Terminals are specified as such:

  symbols ∈ regexp                               -- Unique identifier


  • The description describes the terminal being defined.
  • The symbols define how we will refer of the terminal in type rules / operational semantics / ....
  • The regexp is a java regular expression describing the members of the terminal. In particular, we will use the following conventions:
    • \xhh matches the character with hexadecimal value 0xhh.
    • \n matches the carriage return character \x0A,
    • \r matches the carriage return \x0D,
    • \" matches the double quote character \x22.
    • \$ match the dollar character \x24.
    • \. matches the full stop character \x2e\.
    • \\ matches the backslash character \x5c.
    • \d to match a digit: [0-9].
  • The Unique identifier is a string that uniquely identifies the non-terminal.

Sometimes the symbol might be the same as the unique identifier, in the instances where a short symbol is not needed because we do not mention it very often.

Non-terminals are specified as such:

    ::= non-terminal alternative                 -- Unique identifier for alternative: description for alternative
     |   ⋮

Where description and symbols have the same meaning as in the terminal rules, and:

  • each non-terminal alternative is a piece of syntax describing the alternative;
  • each alternative has a unique identifier (think of them as constructors of a datatype).

Note that the syntax defined by the non-terminals is not intended to be parseable or non-ambiguous, rather it is intended to be read and interpreted by humans. However, for the sake of clarity, we enclose strings that are part of the syntax with single quotes. We do not enclose symbols such as . or in quotes for the sake of brevity and readability.


In this section, we define a bunch of literals that can be handled by DAML-LF programs.

We first define two types of strings:

             Str ::= " "                          -- Str
                  |  " StrChars "

Sequences of string characters:
        StrChars ::= StrChar                      -- StrChars
                  |  StrChars StrChar
                  |  EscapedStrChar StrChar

String chars:
         StrChar  ∈  [^\n\r\"\\]                  -- StrChar

String character escape sequences:
  EscapedStrChar  ∈  \\\n|\\\r|\\\"|\\\\          -- EscapedStrChar

Strings are possibly empty sequences of legal Unicode <> code points where the line feed character \n, the carriage return character \r, the double quote character \", and the backslash character \\ must be escaped with backslash \\. DAML-LF considers legal Unicode code point <> that is not a Surrogate Code Point <>, in other words any code point with an integer value in the range from 0x000000 to 0x00D7FF or in the range from 0x00DFFF to 0x10FFFF (bounds included).

Then, we define the so-called PackageId strings and PartyId strings. Those are non-empty strings built with a limited set of US-ASCII characters (See the rules PackageIdChar and PartyIdChar below for the exact sets of characters). We use those string in instances when we want to avoid empty identifiers, escaping problems, and other similar pitfalls. :

PackageId strings
 PackageIdString ::= ' PackageIdChars '             -- PackageIdString

Sequences of PackageId character
  PackageIdChars ::= PackageIdChar                  -- PackageIdChars
                  |  PackageIdChars PackageIdChar

PackageId character
   PackageIdChar  ∈  [a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]               -- PackageIdChar

PartyId strings
   PartyIdString  ∈  [a-zA-Z0-9:\-_ ]{1,255}       -- PartyIdChar

PackageName strings
 PackageNameString ∈ [a-zA-Z0-9:\-_]+             -- PackageNameString

PackageVersion strings
 PackageVersionString  ∈ (0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*))* – PackageVersionString

We can now define all the literals that a program can handle:

Nat type literals:                                -- LitNatType
     n ∈  \d+

64-bit integer literals:
      LitInt64  ∈  (-?)\d+                         -- LitInt64

Numeric literals:
    LitNumeric  ∈  ([+-]?)([1-9]\d+|0).\d*        -- LitNumeric

Date literals:
       LitDate  ∈  \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}               -- LitDate

UTC timestamp literals:
   LitTimestamp ∈  \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(.\d{1,3})?Z
                                                   -- LitTimestamp
UTF8 string literals:
             t ::= String                          -- LitText

Party literals:
      LitParty ::= PartyIdString                   -- LitParty

The literals represent actual DAML-LF values:

  • A LitNatType represents a natural number between 0 and 38, bounds inclusive.
  • A LitInt64 represents a standard signed 64-bit integer (integer between −2⁶³ to 2⁶³−1).
  • A LitNumeric represents a signed number that can be represented in base-10 without loss of precision with at most 38 digits (ignoring possible leading 0 and with a scale (the number of significant digits on the right of the decimal point) between 0 and 37 (bounds inclusive). In the following, we will use scale(LitNumeric) to denote the scale of the decimal number.
  • A LitDate represents the number of day since 1970-01-01 with allowed range from 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31 and using a year-month-day format.
  • A LitTimestamp represents the number of microseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z with allowed range 0001-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999Z using a year-month-day-hour-minute-second-microsecond format.
  • A LitText represents a UTF8 string.
  • A LitParty represents a party.


A literal which is not backed by an actual value is not valid and is implicitly rejected by the syntax presented here. For instance, the literal 9223372036854775808 is not a valid LitInt64 since it cannot be encoded as a signed 64-bits integer, i.e. it equals 2⁶³. Similarly,2019-13-28 is not a valid LitDate because there are only 12 months in a year.

Number-like literals (LitNatTyp, LitInt64, LitNumeric, LitDate, LitTimestamp) are ordered by natural ordering. Text-like literals (LitText and LitParty) are ordered lexicographically. In the followinng we will denote the corresponding (non-strict) order by ≤ₗ.


We define now a generic notion of identifier and name:

        Ident  ∈  [a-zA-Z_\$][a-zA-Z0-9_\$]       -- Ident

       Name   ::= Identifier                      -- Name
               |  Name \. Identifier

Identifiers are standard java identifiers restricted to US-ASCII while names are sequences of identifiers intercalated with dots.

The character % is reserved for external languages built on DAML-LF as a "not an Ident" notation, so should not be considered for future addition to allowed identifier characters.

In the following, we will use identifiers to represent built-in functions, term and type variable names, record and struct field names, variant constructors and template choices. On the other hand, we will use names to represent type constructors, type synonyms, value references, and module names. Finally, we will use PackageId strings as package identifiers. :

Expression variables
      x, y, z ::= Ident                           -- VarExp

Type variables
         α, β ::= Ident                           -- VarTy

Built-in function names
            F ::= Ident                           -- Builtin

Record and struct field names
            f ::= Ident                           -- Field

Variant data constructors
            V ::= Ident                           -- VariantCon

Enum data constructors
            E ::= Ident                           -- EnumCon

Template choice names
           Ch ::= Ident                           -- ChoiceName

Value references
            W ::= Name                            -- ValRef

Type constructors
            T ::= Name                            -- TyCon

Type synonym
            S ::= Name                            -- TySyn

Module names
      ModName ::= Name                            -- ModName

Package identifiers
         pid  ::=  PackageIdString                -- PkgId

Package names
         pname ::= PackageNameString              -- PackageName

Package versions
         pversion ::= PackageVersionString        -- PackageVersion

V0 Contract identifiers:
        cidV0  ∈  #[a-zA-Z0-9\._:-#/ ]+           -- V0ContractId

V1 Contract identifiers:
        cidV1  ∈  00([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){32,94}    -- V1ContractId

Contract identifiers:
        cid := cidV0 | cidV1                      -- ContractId

Contract identifiers can be created dynamically through interactions with the underlying ledger. See the operation semantics of update statements for the formal specification of those interactions. Depending on its configuration, a DAML-LF engine can produce V0 or V1 contract identifiers. When configured to produce V0 contract identifiers, a DAML-LF compliant engine must refuse to load any DAML-LF >= archives. On the contrary, when configured to produce V1 contract IDs, a DAML-LF compliant engine must accept to load any non-deprecated DAML-LF version. V1 Contract IDs allocation scheme is described in the V1 Contract ID allocation scheme specification.

Also note that package identifiers are typically cryptographic hash of the content of the package itself.

Kinds, types, and expressions

Then we can define our kinds, types, and expressions:

    ::= ⋆                                         -- KindStar
     |  'nat'                                     -- KindNat
     |  k₁ → k₂                                   -- KindArrow

Module references
    ::= PkdId:ModName                             -- ModPackage: module from a package

Built-in types
    ::= 'TArrow'                                  -- BTArrow: Arrow type
     |  'Int64'                                   -- BTyInt64: 64-bit integer
     |  'Numeric'                                 -- BTyNumeric: numeric, precision 38, parametric scale between 0 and 37
     |  'Text'                                    -- BTyText: UTF-8 string
     |  'Date'                                    -- BTyDate
     |  'Timestamp'                               -- BTyTime: UTC timestamp
     |  'Party'                                   -- BTyParty
     |  'Date'                                    -- BTyDate: year, month, date triple
     |  'Unit'                                    -- BTyUnit
     |  'Bool'                                    -- BTyBool
     |  'List'                                    -- BTyList
     |  'Optional'                                -- BTyOptional
     |  'TextMap'                                 -- BTTextMap: map with string keys
     |  'GenMap'                                  -- BTGenMap: map with general value keys
     |  'ContractId'                              -- BTyContractId
     |  'Any'                                     -- BTyAny
     |  'TypeRep'                                 -- BTTypeRep
     |  'Update'                                  -- BTyUpdate
     |  'Scenario'                                -- BTyScenario

Types (mnemonic: tau for type)
  τ, σ
    ::= α                                         -- TyVar: Type variable
     |  n                                         -- TyNat: Nat Type
     |  τ σ                                       -- TyApp: Type application
     |  ∀ α : k . τ                               -- TyForall: Universal quantification
     |  BuiltinType                               -- TyBuiltin: Builtin type
     |  Mod:T                                     -- TyCon: type constructor
     |  |Mod:S τ₁ … τₘ|                           -- TySyn: type synonym
     |  ⟨ f₁: τ₁, …, fₘ: τₘ ⟩                     -- TyStruct: Structural record type

  e ::= x                                         -- ExpVar: Local variable
     |  e₁ e₂                                     -- ExpApp: Application
     |  e @τ                                      -- ExpTyApp: Type application
     |  λ x : τ . e                               -- ExpAbs: Abstraction
     |  Λ α : k . e                               -- ExpTyAbs: Type abstraction
     |  'let' x : τ = e₁ 'in' e₂                  -- ExpLet: Let
     |  'case' e 'of' p₁ → e₁ '|' … '|' pₙ → eₙ   -- ExpCase: Pattern matching
     |  ()                                        -- ExpUnit
     |  'True'                                    -- ExpTrue
     |  'False'                                   -- ExpFalse
     |  LitInt64                                  -- ExpLitInt64: 64-bit integer literal
     |  LitNumeric                                -- ExpLitNumeric: Numeric literal
     |  t                                         -- ExpLitText: UTF-8 string literal
     |  LitDate                                   -- ExpLitDate: Date literal
     |  LitTimestamp                              -- ExpLitTimestamp: UTC timestamp literal
     |  LitParty                                  -- ExpLitParty: Party literal
     |  cid                                       -- ExpLitContractId: Contract identifiers
     |  F                                         -- ExpBuiltin: Builtin function
     |  Mod:W                                     -- ExpVal: Defined value
     |  Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₙ { f₁ = e₁, …, fₘ = eₘ }   -- ExpRecCon: Record construction
     |  Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₙ {f} e                     -- ExpRecProj: Record projection
     |  Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₙ { e₁ 'with' f = e₂ }      -- ExpRecUpdate: Record update
     |  Mod:T:V @τ₁ … @τₙ e                       -- ExpVariantCon: Variant construction
     |  Mod:T:E                                   -- ExpEnumCon:Enum construction
     |  ⟨ f₁ = e₁, …, fₘ = eₘ ⟩                   -- ExpStructCon: Struct construction
     |  e.f                                       -- ExpStructProj: Struct projection
     |  ⟨ e₁ 'with' f = e₂ ⟩                      -- ExpStructUpdate: Struct update
     |  'Nil' @τ                                  -- ExpListNil: Empty list
     |  'Cons' @τ e₁ e₂                           -- ExpListCons: Cons list
     |  'None' @τ                                 -- ExpOptionalNone: Empty Optional
     |  'Some' @τ e                               -- ExpOptionalSome: Non-empty Optional
     |  [t₁ ↦ e₁; …; tₙ ↦ eₙ]                     -- ExpTextMap
     | 〚e₁ ↦ e₁; …; eₙ ↦ eₙ'〛                    -- ExpGenMap
     | 'to_any' @τ t                              -- ExpToAny: Wrap a value of the given type in Any
     | 'from_any' @τ t                            -- ExpToAny: Extract a value of the given from Any or return None
     | 'type_rep' @τ                              -- ExpToTypeRep: A type representation
     |  u                                         -- ExpUpdate: Update expression
     |  s                                         -- ExpScenario: Scenario expression

    ::= Mod:T:V x                                 -- PatternVariant
     |  Mod:T:E                                   -- PatternEnum
     |  'Nil'                                     -- PatternNil
     |  'Cons' xₕ xₜ                              -- PatternCons
     |  'None'                                    -- PatternNone
     |  'Some' x                                  -- PatternSome
     |  'True'                                    -- PatternTrue
     |  'False'                                   -- PatternFalse
     |  ()                                        -- PatternUnit
     |  _                                         -- PatternDefault

  u ::= 'pure' @τ e                               -- UpdatePure
     |  'bind' x₁ : τ₁ ← e₁ 'in' e₂               -- UpdateBlock
     |  'create' @Mod:T e                         -- UpdateCreate
     |  'fetch' @Mod:T e                          -- UpdateFetch
     |  'exercise' @Mod:T Ch e₁ e₂ e₃             -- UpdateExercise
     |  'exercise_without_actors' @Mod:T Ch e₁ e₂ -- UpdateExerciseWithoutActors
     |  'get_time'                                -- UpdateGetTime
     |  'fetch_by_key' @τ e                       -- UpdateFecthByKey
     |  'lookup_by_key' @τ e                      -- UpdateLookUpByKey
     |  'embed_expr' @τ e                         -- UpdateEmbedExpr

  s ::= 'spure' @τ e                              -- ScenarioPure
     |  'sbind' x₁ : τ₁ ← e₁ 'in' e₂              -- ScenarioBlock
     |  'commit' @τ e u                           -- ScenarioCommit
     |  'must_fail_at' @τ e u                     -- ScenarioMustFailAt
     |  'pass' e                                  -- ScenarioPass
     |  'sget_time'                               -- ScenarioGetTime
     |  'sget_party' e                            -- ScenarioGetParty
     |  'sembed_expr' @τ e                        -- ScenarioEmbedExpr


The explicit syntax for maps (cases ExpTextMap and ExpGenMap) is forbidden in serialized programs. It is specified here to ease the definition of values, operational semantics and value comparison. In practice, text map functions and generic map functions are the only way to create and handle those objects.


The order of entries in maps (cases ExpTextMap and ExpGenMap) is always significant. For text maps, the entries should be always ordered by keys. On the other hand, the order of entries in generic maps indicate the order in which the keys have been inserted into the map.

In the following, we will use τ₁ → τ₂ as syntactic sugar for the type application ('TArrow' τ₁ τ₂) where τ₁ and τ₂ are types.


Expressions and types contain references to definitions in packages available for usage:

Template choice kind
    ::= 'consuming'                               -- ChKindConsuming
     |  'non-consuming'                           -- ChKindNonConsuming

Template key definition
    ::= 'no_key'
     |  'key' τ eₖ eₘ

Template choice definition
  ChDef ::= 'choice' ChKind Ch (y : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (z : τ)  : σ 'by' eₚ ↦ e
                                                  -- ChDef
     |  'record' T (α₁: k₁)… (αₙ: kₙ) ↦ { f₁ : τ₁, …, fₘ : τₘ }
                                                  -- DefRecord: Nominal record type
     |  'variant' T (α₁: k₁)… (αₙ: kₙ) ↦ V₁ : τ₁ | … | Vₘ : τₘ
                                                  -- DefVariant
     |  'enum' T  ↦ E₁ | … | Eₘ                   -- DefEnum
     |  'synonym' S (α₁: k₁)… (αₙ: kₙ) ↦ τ        -- DefTypeSynonym
     |  'val' W : τ ↦ e                           -- DefValue
     |  'tpl' (x : T) ↦                           -- DefTemplate
          { 'precondition' e₁
          , 'signatories' e₂
          , 'observers' e₃
          , 'agreement' e₄
          , 'choices' { ChDef₁, …, ChDefₘ }
          , KeyDef

Module (mnemonic: delta for definitions)
  Δ ::= ε                                         -- DefCtxEmpty
     |  Def · Δ                                   -- DefCtxCons

  PackageMetadata ::= 'metadata' PackageNameString PackageVersionString -- PackageMetadata

  PackageModules ∈ ModName ↦ Δ                           -- PackageModules

  Package ::= Package PackageModules PackageMetadata – since DAML-LF 1.8
  Package ::= Package PackageModules -- until DAML-LF 1.8

Package collection
  Ξ ∈ pid ↦ Package                               -- Packages

Feature flags

Modules are annotated with a set of feature flags. Those flags enables syntactical restrictions and semantics changes on the annotated module. The following feature flags are available:

Flag Semantic meaning
ForbidPartyLiterals Party literals are not allowed in a DAML-LF module. (See Party Literal restriction for more details)
DontDivulgeContractIdsInCreateArguments contract IDs captured in create arguments are not divulged, fetch is authorized if and only if the authorizing parties contain at least one stakeholder of the fetched contract ID. The contract ID on which a choice is exercised is divulged to all parties that witness the choice.
DontDiscloseNonConsumingChoicesToObservers When a non-consuming choice of a contract is exercised, the resulting sub-transaction is not disclosed to the observers of the contract.

Well-formed programs

The section describes the type system of language and introduces some other restrictions over programs that are statically verified at loading.

Type system

In all the type checking rules, we will carry around the packages available for usage Ξ. Given a module reference Mod equals to ('Package' pid ModName), we will denote the corresponding definitions as 〚Ξ〛Mod where ModName is looked up in package Ξ(pid);

Expressions do also contain references to built-in functions. Any built-in function F comes with a fixed type, which we will denote as 𝕋(F). See the Built-in functions section for the complete list of built-in functions and their respective types.

Type synonym resolution

First, we define the synonym resolution relation over types, which inline type synonym definitions inside types:

——————————————————————————————————————————————— RewriteVar
 α  ↠  α

——————————————————————————————————————————————— RewriteNat
 n  ↠  n

——————————————————————————————————————————————— RewriteBuiltin
 BuiltinType ↠ BuiltinType

———————————————————————————————————————————————— RewriteTyCon
 Mod:T ↠  Mod:T

 'synonym' S (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ τ  ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
 τ  ↠  σ      τ₁  ↠  σ₁  ⋯  τₙ  ↠  σₙ
——————————————————————————————————————————————— RewriteSynonym
 |Mod:S τ₁ … τₙ|   ↠   σ[α₁ ↦ σ₁, …, αₙ ↦ σₙ]

 τ₁ ↠ σ₁  ⋯  τₙ  ↠  σₙ
———————————————————————————————————————————————— RewriteText
 ⟨ f₁: τ₁, …, fₘ: τₘ ⟩ ↠ ⟨ f₁: σ₁, …, fₘ: σₘ ⟩

 τ₁  ↠  σ₁        τ₂  ↠  σ₂
———————————————————————————————————————————————— RewriteApp
 τ₁ τ₂  ↠  σ₁ σ₂

 τ  ↠  σ
———————————————————————————————————————————————— RewriteForall
 ∀ α : k . τ  ↠  ∀ α : k . σ

Note that the relation defines a partial normalization function over types as soon as:

  1. there is at most one definition for a type synonym S in each module
  2. there is no cycles between type synonym definitions.

These two properties will be enforced by the notion of well-formedness defined below.

Note is undefined on type contains an undefined type synonym or a type synonym applied to a wrong number. Such types are assumed non well-formed and will be rejected by the DAML-LF type checker.

Well-formed types

We now formally defined well-formed types. :

Type context:
  Γ ::= ε                                 -- CtxEmpty
     |  α : k · Γ                         -- CtxVarTyKind
     |  x : τ · Γ                         -- CtxVarExpType

Well-formed types    │ Γ  ⊢  τ  :  k │

    α : k ∈ Γ
  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyVar
    Γ  ⊢  α  :  k

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyNat
    Γ  ⊢  n  :  'nat'

    Γ  ⊢  τ  :  k₁ → k₂      Γ  ⊢  σ  :  k₁
  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyApp
    Γ  ⊢  τ σ  :  k₂

    α : k · Γ  ⊢  τ : ⋆
  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyForall
    Γ  ⊢  ∀ α : k . τ  :  ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyArrow
    Γ  ⊢  'TArrow' : ⋆ → ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyUnit
    Γ  ⊢  'Unit' : ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyBool
    Γ  ⊢  'Bool' : ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyInt64
    Γ  ⊢  'Int64' : ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyNumeric
    Γ  ⊢  'Numeric' : 'nat' → ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyText
    Γ  ⊢  'Text' : ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyDate
    Γ  ⊢  'Date' : ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyTimestamp
    Γ  ⊢  'Timestamp' : ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyParty
    Γ  ⊢  'Party' : ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyList
    Γ  ⊢  'List' : ⋆ → ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyOptional
    Γ  ⊢  'Optional' : ⋆ → ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyTextMap
    Γ  ⊢  'TextMap' : ⋆ → ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyGenMap
    Γ  ⊢  'GenMap' : ⋆ → ⋆ → ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyContractId
    Γ  ⊢  'ContractId' : ⋆  → ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyAny
    Γ  ⊢  'Any' : ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyTypeRep
    Γ  ⊢  'TypeRep' : ⋆

    'record' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyRecordCon
    Γ  ⊢  Mod:T : k₁ → … → kₙ  → ⋆

    'variant' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyVariantCon
    Γ  ⊢  Mod:T : k₁ → … → kₙ  → ⋆

    'enum' T ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyEnumCon
    Γ  ⊢  Mod:T :  ⋆

    Γ  ⊢  τ₁  :  ⋆    …    Γ  ⊢  τₙ  :  ⋆
  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyStruct
    Γ  ⊢  ⟨ f₁: τ₁, …, fₙ: τₙ ⟩  :  ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyUpdate
    Γ  ⊢  'Update' : ⋆ → ⋆

  ————————————————————————————————————————————— TyScenario
    Γ  ⊢  'Scenario' : ⋆ → ⋆

Well-formed expression

Then we define well-formed expressions. :

Well-formed expressions │ Γ ⊢ e : τ │


x : τ ∈ Γ
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpDefVar

Γ ⊢ x : τ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : τ₁ → τ₂ Γ ⊢ e₂ : τ₁

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpApp

Γ ⊢ e₁ e₂ : τ₂

τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ τ' : k Γ ⊢ e : ∀ α : k . σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpTyApp

Γ ⊢ e @τ : σ[α ↦ τ']

τ ↠ τ' x : τ' · Γ ⊢ e : σ Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpAbs

Γ ⊢ λ x : τ . e : τ' → σ

α : k · Γ ⊢ e : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpTyAbs

Γ ⊢ Λ α : k . e : ∀ α : k . τ

τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ e₁ : τ' Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆ x : τ' · Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpLet

Γ ⊢ 'let' x : τ = e₁ 'in' e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpUnit

Γ ⊢ () : 'Unit'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpTrue

Γ ⊢ 'True' : 'Bool'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpFalse

Γ ⊢ 'False' : 'Bool'

τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpListNil

Γ ⊢ 'Nil' @τ : 'List' τ'

τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆ Γ ⊢ eₕ : τ' Γ ⊢ eₜ : 'List' τ'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpListCons

Γ ⊢ 'Cons' @τ eₕ eₜ : 'List' τ'

τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpOptionalNone

Γ ⊢ 'None' @τ : 'Optional' τ'

τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆ Γ ⊢ e : τ'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpOptionalSome

Γ ⊢ 'Some' @τ e : 'Optional' τ'

∀ i,j ∈ 1, …, n i > j ∨ tᵢ ≤ tⱼ Γ ⊢ e₁ : τ Γ ⊢ eₙ : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpTextMap

Γ ⊢ [t₁ ↦ e₁; …; tₙ ↦ eₙ] : 'TextMap' τ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : σ Γ ⊢ eₙ : σ Γ ⊢ e₁' : τ Γ ⊢ eₙ' : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpGenMap (*)

Γ ⊢ 〚e₁ ↦ e₁'; …; eₙ ↦ eₙ'〛: GenMap σ τ

τ contains no quantifiers nor type synonyms ε ⊢ τ : * Γ ⊢ e : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpToAny

Γ ⊢ 'to_any' @τ e : 'Any'

τ contains no quantifiers nor type synonyms ε ⊢ τ : * Γ ⊢ e : Any

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpFromAny

Γ ⊢ 'from_any' @τ e : 'Optional' τ

ε ⊢ τ : * τ contains no quantifiers nor type synonyms

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpTypeRep

Γ ⊢ 'type_rep' @τ : 'TypeRep'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpBuiltin

Γ ⊢ F : 𝕋(F)

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpLitInt64

Γ ⊢ LitInt64 : 'Int64'

n = scale(LitNumeric)

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpLitNumeric

Γ ⊢ LitNumeric : 'Numeric' n

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpLitText

Γ ⊢ t : 'Text'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpLitDate

Γ ⊢ LitDate : 'Date'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpLitTimestamp

Γ ⊢ LitTimestamp : 'Timestamp'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpLitParty

Γ ⊢ LitParty : 'Party'

'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { … } ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpLitContractId

Γ ⊢ cid : 'ContractId' Mod:T

τ ↠ τ' 'val' W : τ ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpVal

Γ ⊢ Mod:W : τ'

'record' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ { f₁:τ₁, …, fₘ:τₘ } ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod σ₁ ↠ σ₁' ⋯ σₙ ↠ σₙ' Γ ⊢ σ₁' : k₁ ⋯ Γ ⊢ σₙ' : kₙ τ₁ ↠ τ₁' Γ ⊢ e₁ : τ₁'[α₁ ↦ σ₁', …, αₙ ↦ σₙ'] ⋮ τₘ ↠ τₘ' Γ ⊢ eₘ : τₘ'[α₁ ↦ σ₁', …, αₙ ↦ σₙ']

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpRecCon
Γ ⊢

Mod:T @σ₁ … @σₙ { f₁ = e₁, …, fₘ = eₘ } : Mod:T σ₁' … σₙ'

'record' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ { …, fᵢ : τᵢ, … } ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod τᵢ ↠ τᵢ' σ₁ ↠ σ₁' ⋯ σₙ ↠ σₙ' Γ ⊢ σ₁' : k₁ ⋯ Γ ⊢ σₙ' : kₙ Γ ⊢ e : Mod:T σ₁' … σₙ'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpRecProj

Γ ⊢ Mod:T @σ₁ … @σₙ {f} e : τᵢ'[α₁ ↦ σ₁', …, αₙ ↦ σₙ']

'record' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ { …, fᵢ : τᵢ, … } ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod τᵢ ↠ τᵢ' σ₁ ↠ σ₁' ⋯ σₙ ↠ σₙ' Γ ⊢ σ₁' : k₁ ⋯ Γ ⊢ σₙ' : kₙ Γ ⊢ e : Mod:T σ₁' ⋯ σₙ' Γ ⊢ eᵢ : τᵢ'[α₁ ↦ σ₁', …, αₙ ↦ σₙ']

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– ExpRecUpdate
Γ ⊢

Mod:T @σ₁ … @σₙ { e 'with' fᵢ = eᵢ } : Mod:T σ₁' … σₙ'

'variant' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ … | Vᵢ : τᵢ | … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod τᵢ ↠ τᵢ' σ₁ ↠ σ₁' ⋯ σₙ ↠ σₙ' Γ ⊢ σ₁' : k₁ ⋯ Γ ⊢ σₙ' : kₙ Γ ⊢ e : τᵢ'[α₁ ↦ σ₁', …, αₙ ↦ σₙ']

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpVarCon

Γ ⊢ Mod:T:Vᵢ @σ₁ … @σₙ e : Mod:T σ₁' … σₙ'

'enum' T ↦ … | Eᵢ | … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpEnumCon

Γ ⊢ Mod:T:Eᵢ : Mod:T

Γ ⊢ e₁ : τ₁ ⋯ Γ ⊢ eₘ : τₘ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpStructCon

Γ ⊢ ⟨ f₁ = e₁, …, fₘ = eₘ ⟩ : ⟨ f₁: τ₁, …, fₘ: τₘ ⟩

Γ ⊢ e : ⟨ …, fᵢ: τᵢ, … ⟩

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpStructProj

Γ ⊢ e.fᵢ : τᵢ

Γ ⊢ e : ⟨ f₁: τ₁, …, fᵢ: τᵢ, …, fₙ: τₙ ⟩ Γ ⊢ eᵢ : τᵢ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpStructUpdate

Γ ⊢ ⟨ e 'with' fᵢ = eᵢ ⟩ : ⟨ f₁: τ₁, …, fₙ: τₙ ⟩

'variant' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kn) ↦ … | Vᵢ : τᵢ | … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod τᵢ ↠ τᵢ' Γ ⊢ e₁ : Mod:T σ₁ … σₙ x : τᵢ'[α₁ ↦ σ₁, …, αₙ ↦ σₙ] · Γ ⊢ e₂ : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseVariant

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of' Mod:T:V x → e₂ : τ

'enum' T ↦ … | E | … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod Γ ⊢ e₁ : Mod:T Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseEnum

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of' Mod:T:E → e₂ : σ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'List' τ Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseNil

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of' 'Nil' → e₂ : σ

xₕ ≠ xₜ Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'List' τ Γ ⊢ xₕ : τ · xₜ : 'List' τ · Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseCons

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of' Cons xₕ xₜ → e₂ : σ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'Optional' τ Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseNone

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of' 'None' → e₂ : σ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'Optional' τ Γ ⊢ x : τ · Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseSome

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of' 'Some' x → e₂ : σ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'Bool' Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseTrue

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of 'True' → e₂ : σ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'Bool' Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseFalse

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of 'False' → e₂ : σ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'Unit' Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseUnit

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of' () → e₂ : σ

Γ ⊢ e₁ : τ Γ ⊢ e₂ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseDefault

Γ ⊢ 'case' e₁ 'of' _ → e₂ : σ

n > 1 Γ ⊢ 'case' e 'of' alt₁ : σ ⋮ Γ ⊢ 'case' e 'of' altₙ : σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpCaseOr

Γ ⊢ 'case' e 'of' alt₁ | … | altₙ : σ

Γ ⊢ τ : ⋆ Γ ⊢ e : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdPure

Γ ⊢ 'pure' e : 'Update' τ

τ₁ ↠ τ₁' Γ ⊢ τ₁' : ⋆ Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'Update' τ₁' Γ ⊢ x₁ : τ₁' · Γ ⊢ e₂ : 'Update' τ₂

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdBlock

Γ ⊢ 'bind' x₁ : τ₁ ← e₁ 'in' e₂ : 'Update' τ₂

'tpl' (x : T) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod Γ ⊢ e : Mod:T

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdCreate

Γ ⊢ 'create' @Mod:T e : 'Update' ('ContractId' Mod:T)

'tpl' (x : T)

↦ { …, 'choices' { …, 'choice' ChKind Ch (y : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (z : τ) : σ 'by' … ↦ …, … } }

∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod

Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'ContractId' Mod:T Γ ⊢ e₂ : 'List' 'Party' Γ ⊢ e₃ : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdExercise

Γ ⊢ 'exercise' @Mod:T Ch e₁ e₂ e₃ : 'Update' σ

'tpl' (x : T)

↦ { …, 'choices' { …, 'choice' ChKind Ch (y : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (z : τ) : σ 'by' … ↦ …, … } }

∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod

Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'ContractId' Mod:T Γ ⊢ e₂ : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdExerciseWithouActors

Γ ⊢ 'exercise_without_actors' @Mod:T Ch e₁ e₂ : 'Update' σ

'tpl' (x : T) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'ContractId' Mod:T

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdFetch

Γ ⊢ 'fetch' @Mod:T e₁ : 'Update' Mod:T

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdGetTime

Γ ⊢ 'get_time' : 'Update' 'Timestamp'

'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { …, 'key' τ …, … } ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod Γ ⊢ e : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdFetchByKey
Γ ⊢ 'fetch_by_key' @Mod:T e


'Update' ⟨

'contractId' : 'ContractId' @Mod:T 'contract' : Mod:T

'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { …, 'key' τ …, … } ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod Γ ⊢ e : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdLookupByKey
Γ ⊢ 'lookup_by_key' @Mod:T e


'Update' ('Optional' (ContractId Mod:T))

τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ e : 'Update' τ'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— UpdEmbedExpr

Γ ⊢ 'embed_expr' @τ e : 'Update' τ'

Γ ⊢ τ : ⋆ Γ ⊢ e : τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ScnPure

Γ ⊢ 'spure' e : 'Scenario' τ

τ₁ ↠ τ₁' Γ ⊢ τ₁' : ⋆ Γ ⊢ e₁ : 'Scenario' τ₁' Γ ⊢ x₁ : τ₁' · Γ ⊢ e₂ : 'Scenario' τ₂

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ScnBlock

Γ ⊢ 'sbind' x₁ : τ₁ ← e₁ 'in' e₂ : 'Scenario' τ₂

Γ ⊢ e : 'Party' τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆ Γ ⊢ u : 'Uptate' τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ScnCommit

Γ ⊢ 'commit' @τ e u : 'Scenario' τ

Γ ⊢ e : 'Party' τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆ Γ ⊢ u : 'Uptate' τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ScnMustFailAt

Γ ⊢ 'must_fail_at' @τ e u : 'Scenario' 'Unit'

Γ ⊢ e : 'Int64'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ScnPass

Γ ⊢ 'pass' e : 'Scenario' 'Timestamp'

Γ ⊢ e : 'Text'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ScnGetParty

Γ ⊢ 'get_party' e : 'Scenario' 'Party'

τ ↠ τ' Γ ⊢ e : 'Scenario' τ'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ScnEmbedExpr

Γ ⊢ 'sembed_expr' @τ e : 'Scenario' τ'

Serializable types

To define the validity of definitions, modules, and packages, we need to first define serializable types. As the name suggests, serializable types are the types whose values can be persisted on the ledger. :

Serializable types │ ⊢ₛ τ │


———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyUnit

⊢ₛ 'Unit'

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyBool

⊢ₛ 'Bool'

⊢ₛ τ

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyList

⊢ₛ 'List' τ

⊢ₛ τ

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyOptional

⊢ₛ 'Optional' τ

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyInt64

⊢ₛ 'Int64'

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyNumeric

⊢ₛ 'Numeric' n

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyText

⊢ₛ 'Text'

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyDate

⊢ₛ 'Date'

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyTimestamp

⊢ₛ 'Timestamp'

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyParty

⊢ₛ 'Party'

'tpl' (x : T) ↦ … ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyCid [DAML-LF < 1.5]

⊢ₛ 'ContractId' Mod:T

⊢ₛ τ

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyCid [DAML-LF ≥ 1.5]

⊢ₛ 'ContractId' τ

'record' T α₁ … αₙ ↦ { f₁: σ₁, …, fₘ: σₘ } ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod ⊢ₛ σ₁[α₁ ↦ τ₁, …, αₙ ↦ τₙ] ⋮ ⊢ₛ σₘ[α₁ ↦ τ₁, …, αₙ ↦ τₙ] ⊢ₛ τ₁ ⋮ ⊢ₛ τₙ

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyRecConf

⊢ₛ Mod:T τ₁ … τₙ

'variant' T α₁ … αₙ ↦ V₁: σ₁ | … | Vₘ: σₘ ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod m ≥ 1 ⊢ₛ σ₁[α₁ ↦ τ₁, …, αₙ ↦ τₙ] ⋮ ⊢ₛ σₘ[α₁ ↦ τ₁, …, αₙ ↦ τₙ] ⊢ₛ τ₁ ⋮ ⊢ₛ τₙ

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyVariantCon

⊢ₛ Mod:T τ₁ … τₙ

'enum' T ↦ E₁: σ₁ | … | Eₘ: σₘ ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod m ≥ 1
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— STyEnumCon

⊢ₛ Mod:T

Note that

  1. Structs are not serializable.
  2. Type synonyms are not serializable.
  3. Uninhabited variant and enum types are not serializable.
  4. For a data type to be serializable, all type parameters must be instantiated with serializable types, even phantom ones.


Finally, we specify well-formed definitions. Note that these rules work also under a set of packages available for usage Ξ. Moreover, they also have the current module name, ModName, in scope (needed for the DefTemplate rule). :

Well-formed definitions │ ⊢ Def │


τ ↠ τ₁' αₙ : kₙ · … · α₁ : k₁ ⊢ τ₁' : ⋆

τ ↠ τₘ' αₙ : kₙ · … · α₁ : k₁ ⊢ τₘ' : ⋆

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DefRec

⊢ 'record' T (α₁: k₁) … (αₙ: kₙ) ↦ { f₁: τ₁, …, fₘ: τₘ }

τ ↠ τ₁' αₙ : kₙ · … · α₁ : k₁ ⊢ τ₁' : ⋆

τ ↠ τₘ' αₙ : kₙ · … · α₁ : k₁ ⊢ τₘ' : ⋆

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DefVariant

⊢ 'record' T (α₁: k₁) … (αₙ: kₙ) ↦ V₁: τ₁ | … | Vₘ: τₘ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DefEnum

⊢ 'enum' T ↦ E₁ | … | Eₘ

τ ↠ τ' (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) · Γ ⊢ τ' : ⋆

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DefTypeSynonym

⊢ 'synonym' S (α₁: k₁) … (αₙ: kₙ) ↦ τ

τ ↠ τ' ε ⊢ e : τ'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DefValue

⊢ 'val' W : τ ↦ e

'record' T ↦ { f₁ : τ₁, …, fₙ : tₙ } ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod ⊢ₛ Mod:T x : Mod:T ⊢ eₚ : 'Bool' x : Mod:T ⊢ eₛ : 'List' 'Party' x : Mod:T ⊢ eₒ : 'List' 'Party' x : Mod:T ⊢ eₐ : 'Text' x : Mod:T ⊢ ChDef₁ ⋯ x : Mod:T ⊢ ChDefₘ x : Mod:T ⊢ KeyDef

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DefTemplate
⊢ 'tpl' (x : T) ↦

{ 'precondition' eₚ , 'signatories' eₛ , 'observers' eₒ , 'agreement' eₐ , 'choices' { ChDef₁, …, ChDefₘ } , KeyDef }


Well-formed choices │ x : Mod:T ⊢ ChDef │


⊢ₛ τ

⊢ₛ σ y : 'ContractId' Mod:T · z : τ · x : Mod:T ⊢ e : 'Update' σ x : Mod:T ⊢ eₚ : 'List' 'Party' x ≠ y [DAML-LF < 1.2] z : τ · x : Mod:T ⊢ eₚ : 'List' 'Party' [DAML-LF ≥ 1.2]

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ChDef

x : Mod:T ⊢ 'choice' ChKind Ch (y : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (z : τ) : σ 'by' eₚ ↦ e


Valid key │ ⊢ₖ e : τ │


——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpRecProj

⊢ₖ x

⊢ₖ e

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpRecProj

⊢ₖ Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₙ {f} e

⊢ₖ e₁ ⋯ ⊢ₖ eₘ

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ExpRecCon

⊢ₖ Mod:T @σ₁ … @σₙ { f₁ = e₁, …, fₘ = eₘ }


Well-formed keys │ Γ ⊢ KeyDef │


——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— KeyDefNone

Γ ⊢ 'no_key'

⊢ₛ τ Γ ⊢ eₖ : τ ⊢ₖ eₖ [DAML-LF = 1.3] ε ⊢ eₘ : τ → 'List' 'Party'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— KeyDefSome

Γ ⊢ 'key' τ eₖ eₘ

Naturally, we will say that modules and packages are well-formed if all the definitions they contain are well-formed.

Template coherence

Each template definition is paired to a record T with no type arguments (see DefTemplate rule). To avoid ambiguities, we want to make sure that each record type T has at most one template definition associated to it. We term this restriction template coherence since it's a requirement reminiscent of the coherence requirement of Haskell type classes.

Specifically, a template definition is coherent if:

  • Its argument data type is defined in the same module that the template is defined in;
  • Its argument data type is not an argument to any other template.

Party literal restriction

The usage of party literals is restricted in DAML-LF. By default, party literals are neither allowed in templates nor in values used in templates directly or indirectly. In practice, this restricted the usage of party literals to test cases written in DAML-LF. Usage of party literals can be completely forbidden thanks to the feature flag ForbidPartyLiterals. If this flag is on, any occurrence of a party literal anywhere in the module makes the module not well-formed.

Name collision restriction

DAML-LF relies on names and identifiers to refer to different kinds of constructs such as modules, type constructors, variants constructor, and fields. These are relative; type names are relative to modules; field names are relative to type record and so one. They live in different namespaces. For example, the space names for module and type is different.

Fully resolved name

DAML-LF restricts the way names and identifiers are used within a package. This restriction relies on the notion of fully resolved name construct as follows:

  • The fully resolved name of the module Mod is Mod.
  • The fully resolved name of a record type constructor T defined in the module Mod is Mod.T.
  • The fully resolved name of a variant type constructor T defined in the module Mod is Mod.T.
  • The fully resolved name of a enum type constructor T defined in the module Mod is Mod.T.
  • The fully resolved name of a type synonym S defined in the module Mod is Mod.S.
  • The fully resolved name of a field fᵢ of a record type definition 'record' T … ↦ { …, fᵢ: τᵢ, … } defined in the module Mod is Mod.T.fᵢ
  • The fully resolved name of a variant constructor Vᵢ of a variant type definition 'variant' T … ↦ … | Vᵢ: τᵢ | … defined in the module Mod is Mod.T.Vᵢ.
  • The fully resolved name of a enum constructor Eᵢ of a enum

    type definition 'enum' T ↦ … | Eᵢ | … defined in the module Mod is Mod.T.Eᵢ.

  • The fully resolved name of a choice Ch of a template definition 'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { …, 'choices' { …, 'choice' ChKind Ch … ↦ …, … } } defined in the module Mod is Mod.T.Ch.

Name collisions

A so-called name collision occurs if two fully resolved names in a package are equal ignoring case. The following are examples of collisions:

  • A package contains two modules with the same name;
  • A module defines two types with the same name, one lowercase and the other one uppercase;
  • A record contains two fields with the same name;
  • A package contains a module A.B and a module A that defines the type B;
  • A package contains a module A.B that defines the type C together with a module A that defines the type B.C.

Note that templates do not have names, and therefore can not cause collisions. Note also that value references are not concerned with collisions as defined here.

Also note that while the collision is case-insensitive, name resolution is not case-insensitive in DAML-LF. In other words, to refer to a name, one must refer to it with the same case that it was defined with.

The case-insensitivity for collisions is in place since we often generate files from DAML-LF packages, and we want to make sure for things to work smoothly when operating in case-insensitive file systems, while at the same time preserving case sensitivity in the language.

Name collision condition

In DAML-LF, the only permitted name collisions are those occurring between variant constructors and record types defined in the same module. Every other collision makes the module (and thus the package) not well-formed. For example, a module Mod can contain the following definitions:

'variant' Tree (α : ⋆) ↦ Node : Mod:Tree.Node @α | Leaf : Unit

'record' Tree.Node (α : ⋆) ↦ { value: α, left: Mod:Tree α, right: Mod:Tree α }

The variant constructor Node (within the definition of the variant type Tree) and the record type Tree.Node (within the first record type definition) have the same fully resolved name Mod.Tree.Node. However this package is well-formed.

Note that name collisions between a record definition and a variant constructor from different modules are prohibited.

We will say that the name collision condition holds for a package if the only name collisions within this package are those occurring between variant constructors and record types, as described above.

Well-formed packages

Then, a collection of packages Ξ is well-formed if:

Operational semantics

The section presents a big-step call-by value operation semantics of the language.

Similarly to the type system, every rule for expression evaluation and update interpretation operates on the packages available for usage Ξ.


To define any call-by-value semantics for DAML-LF expression, we need first to define the notion of values, the expressions which do not need to be evaluated further. :

Values │ ⊢ᵥ e │


——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpAbs

⊢ᵥ λ x : τ . e

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpTyAbs

⊢ᵥ Λ α : k . e

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpLitInt64

⊢ᵥ LitInt64

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpLitNumeric

⊢ᵥ LitNumeric

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpLitText

⊢ᵥ t

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpLitDate

⊢ᵥ LitDate

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpLitTimestamp

⊢ᵥ LitTimestamp

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpLitContractId

⊢ᵥ cid

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpUnit

⊢ᵥ ()

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpTrue

⊢ᵥ 'True'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpFalse

⊢ᵥ 'False'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpListNil

⊢ᵥ 'Nil' @τ

⊢ᵥ eₕ ⊢ᵥ eₜ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpListCons

⊢ᵥ 'Cons' @τ eₕ eₜ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpOptionalNone

⊢ᵥ 'None' @τ

⊢ᵥ e

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpOptionalSome

⊢ᵥ 'Some' @τ e

⊢ᵥ e₁ ⋯ ⊢ᵥ eₙ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpTextMap

⊢ᵥ [t₁ ↦ e₁; … ; tₙ ↦ eₙ]

⊢ᵥ e₁ ⋯ ⊢ᵥ eₙ ⊢ᵥ e₁' ⋯ ⊢ᵥ eₙ'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpGenMap

⊢ᵥ 〚e₁ ↦ e₁'; … ; eₙ ↦ eₙ'〛

0 ≤ k < m 𝕋(F) = ∀ (α₁: ⋆) … (αₘ: ⋆). σ₁ → … → σₙ → σ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpBuiltin₁

⊢ᵥ F @τ₁ … @τₖ

0 ≤ k < n 𝕋(F) = ∀ (α₁: ⋆) … (αₘ: ⋆). σ₁ → … → σₙ → σ ⊢ᵥ e₁ … ⊢ᵥ eₖ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpBuiltin₂

⊢ᵥ F @τ₁ … @τₘ e₁ … eₖ

⊢ᵥ e₁ … ⊢ᵥ eₙ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpRecCon

⊢ᵥ Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₙ { f₁ = e₁, …, fₙ = eₙ }

⊢ᵥ e

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpVariantCon

⊢ᵥ Mod:T:V @τ₁ … @τₙ e

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpEnumCon

⊢ᵥ Mod:T:E

⊢ᵥ e₁ ⋯ ⊢ᵥ eₘ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpStructCon

⊢ᵥ ⟨ f₁ = e₁, …, fₘ = eₘ ⟩

⊢ᵥ e

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpToAny

⊢ᵥ 'to_any' @τ e

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValExpTypeRep

⊢ᵥ 'type_rep' @τ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValUpdate

⊢ᵥ u

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ValScenario

⊢ᵥ s

Note that the argument of an embedded expression does not need to be a value for the whole to be so. In the following, we will use the symbol v or w to represent an expression which is a value.

Pattern matching

We now define how patterns match values. If a pattern match succeed, it produces a substitution, which tells us how to instantiate variables bound by pattern.

  θ ::= ε                                       -- SubstEmpty
     |  x ↦ v · θ                               -- SubstExpVal

Pattern matching result
 mr ::= Succ θ                                  -- MatchSuccess
     |  Fail                                    -- MatchFailure

Pattern Matching       │ v 'matches' p ⇝ mr  │

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchVariant
  Mod:T:V @τ₁ … @τₘ v  'matches'  Mod:T:V x  ⇝  Succ (x ↦ v · ε)

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchEnum
  Mod:T:E  'matches'  Mod:T:E  ⇝  Succ ε

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchNil
  'Nil' @τ  'matches'  'Nil'  ⇝  Succ ε

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchCons
  'Cons' @τ vₕ vₜ 'matches' 'Cons' xₕ xₜ
  Succ (xₕ ↦ vₕ · xₜ ↦ vₜ · ε)

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchNone
  'None' @τ  'matches'  'None'  ⇝  Succ ε

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchSome
  'Some' @τ v 'matches' 'Some' x  ⇝  Succ (x ↦ v · ε)

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchTrue
  'True' 'matches' 'True'  ⇝  Succ ε

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchFalse
  'False' 'matches' 'False'  ⇝  Succ ε

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchUnit
  '()' 'matches' '()'  ⇝  Succ ε

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchDefault
   v 'matches' _  ⇝  Succ ε

   if none of the rules above apply
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MatchFail
   v 'matches' p  ⇝  Fail

Type ordering

In this section, we define a strict partial order relation <ₜ on types. Formally, <ₜ is defined as the least binary relation on types that satisfies the following rules:

σ₁ <ₜ τ    τ <ₜ σ₂
——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTransitivity

σ₁ <ₜ σ₂

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderUnitBool

'Unit' <ₜ 'Bool'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderBoolInt64

'Bool' <ₜ 'Int64'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderInt64Date

'Int64' <ₜ 'Date'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderDateTimestamp

'Date' <ₜ 'Timestamp'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTimestampText

'Timestamp' <ₜ 'Text'

—————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTextParty

'Text' <ₜ 'Party'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderPartyNumeric

'Party' <ₜ 'Numeric'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderNumericContractId

'Numeric' <ₜ 'ContractId'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderContractIdArrow

'ContractId' <ₜ'Arrow'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderArrowOptional

'Arrow' <ₜ 'Optional'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderOptionalList

'Optional' <ₜ 'List'

—————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderListTextMap

'List' <ₜ 'TextMap'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTextMapGenMap

'TextMap' <ₜ 'GenMap'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderGenMapAny

'GenMap' <ₜ 'Any'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderAnyTypeRep

'Any' <ₜ 'TypeRep'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTypeRepUpdate

'TypeRep' <ₜ 'Update'

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTypeRepUpdate

'Update' <ₜ 'Scenario'

—————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderUpdateTyCon

'Update' <ₜ Mod:T

PkgId₁ comes lexicographically before PkgId₂

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTyConPackageId

(PkgId₁:ModName₁):T₁ <ₜ (PkgId₂:ModName₂):T₂

ModName₁ comes lexicographically before ModName₂

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTyConModName

(PkgId:ModName₁):T₁ <ₜ (PkgId:ModName₂):T₂

T₁ comes lexicographically before T₂

—————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTyConName

Mod:T₁ <ₜ Mod:T₂

—————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTyConNat

Mod:T <ₜ n

n₁ is strictly less than n₂

—————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderNatNat

n₁ <ₜ n₂

—————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderNatStruct

n <ₜ ⟨ f₁ : τ₁, …, fₘ : τₘ ⟩

fᵢ comes lexicographically before gᵢ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderStructFieldName
⟨ f₁ : τ₁, …, fₘ : τₘ ⟩ <ₜ

⟨ f₁ : σ₁, …, fᵢ₋1 : σᵢ₋₁, gᵢ : σᵢ, …, gₙ : σₙ ⟩

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderStructFieldNumber
⟨ f₁ : τ₁, …, fₘ : τₘ ⟩ <ₜ

⟨ f₁ : τ₁, …, fₘ : τₘ, fₘ₊₁ : τₘ₊₁ ⟩

τᵢ <ₜ σᵢ

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderStructFieldType
⟨ f₁ : τ₁, …, fₘ : τₘ ⟩ <ₜ

⟨ f₁ : τ₁, …, fᵢ₋₁ : τᵢ₋₁, fᵢ : σᵢ, …, fₘ : σₘ ⟩

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderStructTyApp

⟨ f₁ : τ₁, …, fₘ : τₘ ⟩ <ₜ τ σ

τ₁ <ₜ τ₂

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTyAppLeft

τ₁ σ₁ <ₜ τ₂ σ₂

σ₁ <ₜ σ₂

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— TypeOrderTypeAppRight

τ σ₁ <ₜ τ σ₂

Note that <ₜ is undefined on types containing variables, quantifiers or type synonymes. ≤ₜ is defined as the reflexive closure of <ₜ.

Expression evaluation

DAML-LF evaluation is only defined on closed, well-typed expressions.

Note that the evaluation of the body of a value definition is lazy. It happens only when needed and cached to avoid repeated computations. We formalize this using an evaluation environment that associates to each value reference the result of the evaluation of the corresponding definition (See rules EvExpVal and EvExpValCached.). The evaluation environment is updated each time a value reference is encountered for the first time.

Note that we do not specify if and how the evaluation environment is preserved between different evaluations happening in the ledger. We only guarantee that within a single evaluation each value definition is evaluated at most once.

The output of any DAML-LF built-in function F fully applied to types @τ₁ … @τₘ and values v₁ … vₙ is deterministic. In the following rules, we abstract this output with the notation 𝕆(F @τ₁ … @τₘ v₁ … vₙ). Please refer to the Built-in functions section for the exact output.

Evaluation environment
  E ::= ε                                         -- EnvEmpty
     |  Mod:W ↦ v · E                             -- EnvVal

Evaluation result
  r ::= Ok v                                      -- ResOk
     |  Err t                                     -- ResErr

Big-step evaluation      │ e ‖ E₁  ⇓  r ‖ E₂ │

  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvValue
    v ‖ E  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok (λ x : τ . e) ‖ E₁
    e₂ ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok v₂ ‖ E₂
    e[x ↦ v₂] ‖ E₂  ⇓  r ‖ E₃
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpApp
    e₁ e₂ ‖ E₀  ⇓  r ‖ E₃

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok (Λ α : k . e) ‖ E₁
    e[α ↦ τ] ‖ E₁  ⇓  r ‖ E₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpTyApp
    e₁ @τ ‖ E₀  ⇓  r ‖ E₂

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
    e₂[x ↦ v₁] ‖ E₁  ⇓  r ‖ E₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpLet
    'let' x : τ = e₁ 'in' e₂ ‖ E₀  ⇓  r ‖ E₂

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpToAny
    'to_any' @τ e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok('to_any' @τ v) ‖ E₁

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ('to_any' @τ v) ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpFromAnySucc
    'from_any' @τ e ‖ E₀  ⇓  'Some' @τ v ‖ E₁

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ('to_any' @τ₁ v) ‖ E₁     τ₁ ≠ τ₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpFromAnyFail
    'from_any' @τ₂ e ‖ E₀  ⇓  'None' ‖ E₁

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
    v 'matches' p₁  ⇝  Succ (x₁ ↦ v₁ · … · xₘ ↦ vₘ · ε)
    e₁[x₁ ↦ v₁, …, xₘ ↦ vₘ] ‖ E₁  ⇓  r ‖ E₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpCaseSucc
    'case' e₁ 'of' {  p₁ → e₁ | … |  pₙ → eₙ } ‖ E₀  ⇓  r ‖ E₂

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁    v₁ 'matches' p₁  ⇝  Fail
    'case' v₁ 'of' { p₂ → e₂ … | pₙ → eₙ } ‖ E₁  ⇓  r ‖ E₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpCaseFail
    'case' e₁ 'of' { p₁ → e₁ | p₂ → e₂ | … | pₙ → eₙ } ‖ E₀
    r ‖ E₂

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁     v 'matches' p  ⇝  Fail
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpCaseErr
    'case' e₁ 'of' { p → e } ‖ E₀  ⇓  Err "match error" ‖ E₁

     eₕ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₕ ‖ E₁
     eₜ ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok vₜ ‖ E₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpCons
    'Cons' @τ eₕ eₜ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ('Cons' @τ vₕ vₜ) ‖ E₂

     e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpSome
    'Some' @τ e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ('Some' @τ v) ‖ E₂

    𝕋(F) = ∀ (α₁: ⋆). … ∀ (αₘ: ⋆). σ₁ → … → σₙ → σ
    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
    eₙ ‖ Eₙ₋₁  ⇓  Ok vₙ ‖ Eₙ
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpBuiltin
    F @τ₁ … @τₘ eᵢ … eₙ ‖ E₀  ⇓  𝕆(F @τ₁ … @τₘ v₁ … vₙ) ‖ Eₙ

    'val' W : τ ↦ e  ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod      Mod:W ↦ … ∉ Eₒ
    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpNonCachedVal
    Mod:W ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ Mod:W ↦ v · E₁

    Mod:W ↦ v ∈ E₀
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpCachedVal
    Mod:W ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₀

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
    eₙ ‖ Eₙ₋₁  ⇓  Ok vₙ ‖ Eₙ
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpRecCon
    Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₘ {f₁ = e₁, …, fₙ = eₙ} ‖ E₀
    Ok (Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₘ {f₁ = v₁, …, fₙ = ₙ}) ‖ Eₙ

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok (Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₘ {f₁= v₁, …, fᵢ= vᵢ, …, fₙ= vₙ}) ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpRecProj
    Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₘ {fᵢ} e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vᵢ ‖ E₁

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok (Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₘ {f₁= v₁, …, fᵢ= vᵢ, …, fₙ= vₙ}) ‖ E₁
    eᵢ ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok vᵢ' ‖ E₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpRecUpd
    Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₘ { e 'with' fᵢ = eᵢ } ‖ E₀
    Ok (Mod:T @τ₁ … @τₘ {f₁= v₁, …, fᵢ= vᵢ', …, fₙ= vₙ}) ‖ E₂

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpVarCon
    Mod:T:V @τ₁ … @τₙ e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok (Mod:T:V @τ₁ … @τₙ v) ‖ E₁

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
    eₙ ‖ Eₙ₋₁  ⇓  Ok vₙ ‖ Eₙ
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpStructCon
    ⟨f₁ = e₁, …, fₙ = eₙ⟩ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ⟨f₁ = v₁, …, fₙ = vₙ⟩ ‖ Eₙ

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ⟨ f₁= v₁, …, fᵢ = vᵢ, …, fₙ = vₙ ⟩ ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpStructProj
    e.fᵢ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vᵢ ‖ E₁

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ⟨ f₁= v₁, …, fᵢ = vᵢ, …, fₙ = vₙ ⟩ ‖ E₁
    eᵢ ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok vᵢ' ‖ E₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpStructUpd
    ⟨ e 'with' fᵢ = eᵢ ⟩ ‖ E₀
    Ok ⟨ f₁= v₁, …, fᵢ= vᵢ', …, fₙ= vₙ ⟩ ‖ E₂

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpUpdPure
    'pure' @τ e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ('pure' @τ v) ‖ E₁

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpUpdBind
    'bind' x₁ : τ₁ ← e₁ 'in' e₂ ‖ E₀
    Ok ('bind' x₁ : τ₁ ← v₁ 'in' e₂) ‖ E₁

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpUpCreate
    'create' @Mod:T e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ('create' @Mod:T v) ‖ E₁

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpUpFetch
    'fetch' @Mod:T e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok ('fetch' @Mod:T v) ‖ E₁

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
    e₂ ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok v₂ ‖ E₂
    e₃ ‖ E₂  ⇓  Ok v₃ ‖ E₃
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpUpExcerise
    'exercise' @Mod:T Ch e₁ e₂ e₃ ‖ E₀
    Ok ('exercise' @Mod:T Ch v₁ v₂ v₃) ‖ E₃

    e₁ ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v₁ ‖ E₁
    e₂ ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok v₂ ‖ E₂
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpUpExceriseWithoutActors
    'exercise_without_actors' @Mod:T Ch e₁ e₂ ‖ E₀
    Ok ('exercise_without_actors' @Mod:T Ch v₁ v₂) ‖ E₂

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpFetchByKey
    'fetch_by_key' @Mod:T e ‖ E₀
    Ok ('fetch_by_key' @Mod:T v) ‖ E₁

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok v ‖ E₁
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvExpUpLookupByKey
    'lookup_by_key' @Mod:T e ‖ E₀
    Ok ('lookup_by_key' @Mod:T v) ‖ E₁

Note that the rules are designed such that for every expression, at most one applies. Also note how the chaining of environments within a rule makes explicit the order of sub-expressions evaluation: sub-expression are always evaluated from left to right. For the sake of brevity and readability, we do not explicitly specify the cases where one of the sub-expressions errors out, that is it evaluates to a result of the form Err v. However, the user can rely on the fact that an expression evaluates to Err v ‖ E as soon as one of its sub-expression evaluates to Err v ‖ E without further evaluating the remaining sub-expressions.

Update interpretation

We define the operational semantics of the update interpretation against the ledger model described in the DA Ledger Model theory report.

Update semantics use the predicate =ₛ to compare two lists of party literals as those latter were sets.

The operational semantics are restricted to update statements which are values according to ⊢ᵥ. In this section, all updates denoted by the symbol u will be implicit values. In practice, what this means is that an interpreter implementing these semantics will need to evaluate the update expression first according to the operational semantics for expressions, before interpreting the update.

The result of an update is a value accompanied by a ledger transaction as described by the ledger model:

Contracts on the ledger
    ::= (cid, Mod:T, vₜ)                  -- vₜ must be of type Mod:T

Global contract Key
    ::= (Mod:T, vₖ)

Ledger actions
    ::= 'create' Contract
     |  'exercise' v Contract ChKind tr  -- v must be of type 'List' 'Party'

Ledger transactions
    ::= act₁ · … · actₙ

Contract states
    ::= 'active'
     |  'inactive'

Contract stores
   st ∈ finite map from cid to (Mod:T, v, ContractState)

Contract key index
   keys ∈ finite injective map from GlobalKey to cid

Update result
  ur ::= Ok (v, tr)
      |  Err v

Big-step update interpretation    │ u ‖ E₀ ; S₀ ⇓ᵤ ur ‖ E₁ ; S₁  │

 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdPure
   'pure' v ‖ E ; (st, keys)  ⇓ᵤ  Ok (v, ε) ‖ E ; (st, keys)

   u₁ ‖ E₀ ; (st₀, keys₀)  ⇓ᵤ  Ok (v₁, tr₁) ‖ E₁ ; (st₁, keys₁)
   e₂[x ↦ v₁] ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok u₂ ‖ E₂
   u₂ ‖ E₂ ; (st₁, keys₁)  ⇓ᵤ  Ok (v₂, tr₂) ‖ E₃ ; (st₂, keys₂)
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdBind
   'bind' x : τ ← u₁ ; e₂ ‖ E₀ ;  (st₀, keys₀)
   Ok (v₂, tr₁ · tr₂) ‖ E₃ ;  (st₂, keys₂)

   'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { 'precondition' eₚ, …, 'key' @σ eₖ eₘ }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   eₚ[x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok 'True' ‖ E₁
   eₖ[x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok vₖ ‖ E₂
   eₘ vₜ ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok vₘ ‖ E₂
   cid ∉ dom(st₀)      vₖ ∉ dom(keys₀)
   tr = 'create' (cid, Mod:T, vₜ)
   st₁ = st₀[cid ↦ (Mod:T, vₜ, 'active')]
   keys₁ = keys₀[(Mod:T, vₖ) ↦ cid]
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdCreateWithKeySucceed
   'create' @Mod:T vₜ ‖ E₀ ; (st₀, keys₀)
   Ok (cid, tr) ‖ E₁ ; (st₁,  keys₁)

   'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { 'precondition' eₚ, …, 'key' @σ eₖ eₘ }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   eₚ[x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok 'True' ‖ E₁
   eₖ[x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok vₖ ‖ E₂
   cid ∉ dom(st₀)      (Mod:T, vₖ) ∈ dom(keys₀)
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdCreateWithKeyFail
   'create' @Mod:T vₜ ‖ E₀ ; (st₀, keys₀)
   Err "Mod:T template key violation"  ‖ E₁ ; (st₀, keys₀)

   'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { 'precondition' eₚ, … }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   cid ∉ dom(st₀)
   eₚ[x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok 'True' ‖ E₁
   eₖ  ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok vₖ ‖ E₂
   eₘ vₖ ‖ E₂  ⇓  Ok vₘ ‖ E₃
   tr = 'create' (cid, Mod:T, vₜ, 'no_key')
   st₁ = st₀[cid ↦ (Mod:T, vₜ, 'active')]
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdCreateWihoutKeySucceed
   'create' @Mod:T vₜ ‖ E₀ ; (st₀, keys₀)
   Ok (cid, tr) ‖ E₁ ; (st₁, keys₀)

   'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { 'precondition' eₚ, … }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   eₚ[x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok 'False' ‖ E₂
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdCreateFail
   'create' @Mod:T vₜ ‖ E₀ ; (st, keys)
   Err "template precondition violated"  ‖ E_ ; (st, keys)

   'tpl' (x : T)
       ↦ { 'choices' { …, 'choice' 'consuming' Ch (y : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (z : τ) : σ  'by' eₚ ↦ eₐ, … }, … }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   cid ∈ dom(st₀)
   st₀(cid) = (Mod:T, vₜ, 'active')
   eₚ[y ↦ v₂, x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₚ ‖ E₁
   v₁ =ₛ vₚ
   eₐ[y ↦ cid, z ↦ v₂, x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok uₐ ‖ E₂
   keys₁ = keys₀ - keys₀⁻¹(cid)
   st₁ = st₀[cid ↦ (Mod:T, vₜ, 'inactive')]
   uₐ ‖ E₂ ; (st₁, keys₁)  ⇓ᵤ  Ok (vₐ, trₐ) ‖ E₃ ; (st₂, keys₂)
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdExercConsum
   'exercise' Mod:T.Ch cid v₁ v₂ ‖ E₀ ; (st₀, keys₀)
   Ok (vₐ, 'exercise' v₁ (cid, Mod:T, vₜ) 'consuming' trₐ) ‖ E₃ ; (st₂, keys₂)

   'tpl' (x : T)
       ↦ { 'choices' { …, 'choice' 'non-consuming' Ch (y : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (z : τ) : σ  'by' eₚ ↦ eₐ, … }, … }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   cid ∈ dom(st₀)
   st₀(cid) = (Mod:T, vₜ, 'active')
   eₚ[z ↦ v₂, x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₚ ‖ E₁
   v₁ =ₛ vₚ
   eₐ[y ↦ cid, z ↦ v₂, x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₁  ⇓  Ok uₐ ‖ E₂
   uₐ ‖ E₂ ; (st₀; keys₀)  ⇓ᵤ  Ok (vₐ, trₐ) ‖ E₃ ; (st₁, keys₁)
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdExercNonConsum
   'exercise' Mod:T.Ch cid v₁ v₂ ‖ E₀ ; (st₀, keys₀)
   Ok (vₐ, 'exercise' v₁ (cid, Mod:T, vₜ) 'non-consuming' trₐ) ‖ E₃ ; (st₁, keys₁)

   'tpl' (x : T)
       ↦ { 'choices' { …, 'choice' ChKind Ch (z : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (y : τ) : σ  'by' eₚ ↦ eₐ, … }, … }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   cid ∈ dom(st₀)
   st₀(cid) = (Mod:T, vₜ, 'inactive')
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdExercInactive
   'exercise' Mod:T.Ch cid v₁ v₂ ‖ E₀ ; (st₀; keys₀)
   Err "Exercise on inactive contract" ‖ E₀ ; (st₀; keys₀)

   'tpl' (x : T)
       ↦ { 'choices' { …, 'choice' ChKind Ch (z : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (y : τ) : σ  'by' eₚ ↦ eₐ, … }, … }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   cid ∈ dom(st₀)
   st₀(cid) = (Mod:T, vₜ, 'active')
   eₚ[x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₚ ‖ E₁
   v₁ ≠ₛ vₚ
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdExercBadActors
   'exercise' Mod:T.Ch cid v₁ v₂ ‖ E₀ ; (st; keys)
   Err "Exercise actors do not match"  ‖ E₁ ; (st; keys)

   'tpl' (x : T)
       ↦ { 'choices' { …, 'choice' ChKind Ch (z : 'ContractId' Mod:T) (y : τ) : σ  'by' eₚ ↦ eₐ, … }, … }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   cid ∈ dom(st₀)
   st₀(cid) = (Mod:T, vₜ, 'active')
   eₚ[y ↦ cid, z ↦ v₂, x ↦ vₜ] ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₚ ‖ E₁
   'exercise' Mod:T.Ch cid vₚ v₁ ‖ E₁ ; (st₀, keys₀)  ⇓ᵤ  ur ‖ E₂ ; (st₁, keys₁)
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdExercWithoutActors
   'exercise_without_actors' Mod:T.Ch cid v₁ ‖ E₀ ; (st₀, keys₀)
   ur ‖ E₂ ; (st₁, keys₁)

   'tpl' (x : T) ↦ …  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   cid ∈ dom(st)
   st(cid) = (Mod:T, vₜ, 'active')
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdFetch
   'fetch' @Mod:T cid ‖ E ; (st; keys)
   Ok (vₜ, ε) ‖ E ; (st; keys)

    e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₖ ‖ E₁
    (Mod:T, vₖ) ∈ dom(keys₀)      cid = keys((Mod:T, v))
    st(cid) = (Mod:T, vₜ, 'active')
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdFetchByKeyFound
   'fetch_by_key' @Mod:T e ‖ E₀ ; (st; keys)
   Ok ⟨'contractId': cid, 'contract': vₜ⟩ ‖ E₁ ; (st; keys)

   'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { …, 'key' @σ eₖ eₘ }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₖ ‖ E₁
   (eₘ vₖ) ‖ E₁  ⇓  vₘ ‖ E₂
   (Mod:T, vₖ) ∉ dom(keys₀)
  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdFetchByKeyNotFound
   'fetch_by_key' @Mod:T e ‖ E₀ ; (st; keys)
   Err "Lookup key not found"  ‖ E₂ ; (st; keys)

   'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { …, 'key' @σ eₖ eₘ }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₖ ‖ E₁
   (eₘ vₖ) ‖ E₁  ⇓  vₘ ‖ E₂
   (Mod:T, vₖ) ∈ dom(keys)   cid = keys((Mod:T, v))
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdLookupByKeyFound
   'look_by_key' @Mod:T e ‖ E₀ ; (st; keys)
   Ok ('Some' @(Contract:Id Mod:T) cid) ‖ E₁ ; (st; keys)

   'tpl' (x : T) ↦ { …, 'key' @σ eₖ eₘ }  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
   e ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok vₖ ‖ E₁
   (eₘ vₖ) ‖ E₁  ⇓  vₘ ‖ E₂
   (Mod:T, vₖ) ∉ dom(keys)
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdLookupByKeyNotFound
   'look_by_key' @Mod:T e ‖ E₀ ; (st; keys)
   Ok ('None' @(Contract:Id Mod:T)) ‖ E₁ ; (st; keys)

   LitTimestamp is the current ledger time
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdGetTime
   'get_time' ‖ E ; (st; keys)
   Ok (LitTimestamp, ε) ‖ E ; (st; keys)

   e  ‖ E₀  ⇓  Ok u ‖ E₁
   u ‖ E₁ ; st₀  ⇓ᵤ  ur ‖ E₂ ; st₁
 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvUpdEmbedExpr
   'embed_expr' @τ e ‖ E₀; st₀  ⇓ᵤ  ur ‖ E₂ ; st₁

Similar to expression evaluation, we do not explicitly specify the cases where sub-expressions fail. Those case can be inferred in a straightforward way by following the left-to-right evaluation order.

About scenario interpretation

The interpretation of scenarios is a feature an engine can provide to test business logic within a DAML-LF archive. Nevertheless, the present specification does not define how scenarios should be actually interpreted. An engine compliant with this specification does not have to provide support for scenario interpretation. It must however accept loading any valid archive that contains scenario expressions, and must handle update statements that actually manipulate expressions of type Scenario τ. Note that the semantics of Update interpretation (including evaluation of expression and built-in functions) guarantee that values of type 'Scenario' τ cannot be scrutinized and can only be "moved around" as black box arguments by the different functions evaluated during the interpretation of an update.

Built-in functions

This section lists the built-in functions supported by DAML LF 1. The functions come with their types and a description of their behavior.

Generic comparison functions

The following builtin functions defines an order on the so-called comparable values. Comparable values are LF values except type abstractions, functions, partially applied builtin functions, and updates.

  • LESS_EQ : ∀ (α:*). α → α → 'Bool'

    The builtin function LESS_EQ returns 'True' if the first argument is smaller than or equal to the second argument, 'False' otherwise. The function raises a runtime error if the arguments are incomparable.

    [Available in version >=]

    Formally the builtin function LESS_EQ semantics is defined by the following rules. Note the rules assume LESS_EQ is fully applied and well-typed, in particular LESS_EQ always compared value of the same type.:

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqUnit
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ () ()) = Ok 'True'
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqBool
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ b₁ b₂) = Ok (¬b₁ ∨ b₂)
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqInt64
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ LitInt64₁ LitInt64₂) = Ok (LitInt64₁ ≤ₗ LitInt64₂)
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqDate
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ LitDate₁ LitDate₂) = Ok (LitDate₁ ≤ₗ LitDate₂)
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqTimestamp
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ LitTimestamp₁ LitTimestamp₂) =
          Ok (LitTimestamp₁ ≤ LitTimestamp₂)
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqText
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ LitText₁ LitText₂) = Ok (LitText₁ ≤ₗ LitText₂)
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqParty
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ LitParty₁ LitParty₂) = Ok (LitParty₁ ≤ₗ LitParty₂)
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqNumeric
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ LitNumeric₁ LitNumeric₂) =
          Ok (LitNumeric₁ ≤ LitNumeric₂)
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqStructEmpty
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩) = Ok 'True'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @τ₀ v₀ v₀') = Err t
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqStructNonEmptyHeadErr
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ f₀: τ₀,  f₁: τ₁, …,  fₙ: τₙ ⟩
                   ⟨ f₀= v₀,  f₁= v₁, …,  fₘ= vₘ ⟩
                   ⟨ f₀= v₀', f₁= v₁', …, fₘ= vₘ' ⟩) = Err t
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @τ₁ v₀ v₀') = Ok 'False'
    ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqStructNonEmptyHeadBigger
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ f₀: τ₀,  f₁: τ₁, …,  fₙ: τₙ  ⟩
                   ⟨ f₀= v₀,  f₁= v₁, …,  fₘ= vₘ  ⟩
                   ⟨ f₀= v₀', f₁= v₁', …, fₘ= vₘ' ⟩) = Ok 'False'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @τ₀ v₀ v₀') = Ok 'True'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @τ₀ v₀' v₀) = Ok 'False'
    ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqStructNonEmptyHeadSmaller
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ f₀: τ₀,  f₁: τ₁, …,  fₙ: τₙ  ⟩
                   ⟨ f₀= v₀,  f₁= v₁, …,  fₘ= vₘ  ⟩
                   ⟨ f₀= v₀', f₁= v₁', …, fₘ= vₘ' ⟩) = Ok 'True'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @τ₀ v₀ v₀') = Ok 'True'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @τ₀ v₀' v₀) = Ok 'True'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ f₁: τ₁, …,  fₙ: τₙ  ⟩
                   ⟨ f₁= v₁, …,  fₘ= vₘ  ⟩
                   ⟨ f₁= v₁', …, fₘ= vₘ' ⟩) = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqStructNonEmptyTail
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ f₀: τ₀,  f₁: τ₁, …,  fₙ: τₙ ⟩
                   ⟨ f₀= v₀,  f₁= v₁, …,  fₘ= vₘ ⟩
                   ⟨ f₀= v₀', f₁= v₁', …, fₘ= vₘ' ⟩) = r
      'enum' T ↦ E₁: σ₁ | … | Eₘ: σₘ  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqEnum
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ Mod:T:Eᵢ Mod:T:Eⱼ) = OK (i ≤ j)
      'variant' T α₁ … αₙ ↦ V₁: σ₁ | … | Vₘ: σₘ  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod     i ≠ j
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqVariantConstructor
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (Mod:T:Vᵢ @σ₁ … @σₙ v) (Mod:T:Vⱼ @σ₁' … @σₙ' v') =
          OK (i ≤ j)
      'variant' T α₁ … αₙ ↦ V₁: τ₁ | … | Vₘ: τₘ  ∈  〚Ξ〛Mod
      τᵢ  ↠  τᵢ'    𝕆('LESS_EQ' @(τᵢ'[α₁ ↦ σ₁, …, αₙ ↦ σₙ]) v v') = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqVariantValue
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (Mod:T:Vᵢ @σ₁ … @σₙ v) (Mod:T:Vᵢ @σ₁' … @σₙ' v')) = r
      'record' T (α₁:k₁) … (αₙ:kₙ) ↦ { f₁:τ₁, …, fₘ:τₘ }  ∈ 〚Ξ〛Mod
      'τ₁  ↠  τ₁'  …   τᵢ  ↠  τᵢ'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ f₁: τ₁'[α₁ ↦ σ₁, …, αₙ ↦ σₙ],
                       …, fₙ: τₙ'[α₁ ↦ σ₁, …, αₙ ↦ σₙ]⟩
                   ⟨ f₁= v₁, …,  fₘ = vₘ ⟩
                   ⟨ f₁= v₁', …, fₘ = vₘ' ⟩) = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqRecord
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (Mod:T @σ₁  … @σₙ  { f₁ = v₁ , …, fₘ = vₘ  })
                     (Mod:T @σ₁' … @σₙ' { f₁ = v₁', …, fₘ = vₘ' })) =  r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqListNil
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (Nil @τ) v) = Ok 'True'
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqListConsNil
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (Cons @τ vₕ vₜ)  (Nil @τ')) = Ok 'False'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ h:τ,    t: 'List' τ ⟩
                   ⟨ h= vₕ,  t= vₜ       ⟩
                   ⟨ h= vₕ', t= vₜ'      ⟩) = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqListConsCons
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (Cons @τ vₕ vₜ) (Cons @τ' vₕ vₜ)) = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqOptionNoneAny
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (None @τ) v) = Ok 'True'
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqOptionSomeNone
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (Some @τ v)  (None @τ')) = Ok 'False'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @τ v v') = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqOptionSomeSome
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ (Some @τ v) (Some @τ' v')) = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqGenMapEmptyAny
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' σ 〚〛v) = Ok 'True'
      n > 0
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqGenMapNonEmptyEmpty
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' σ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; …; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛〚〛) = Ok 'FALSE'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @⟨ hₖ: σₖ,  hᵥ: σᵥ,  t: 'GenMap' σₖ σᵥ ⟩
                   ⟨ hₖ= v₀,  hᵥ= wₒ , t= 〚v₁  ↦ w₁ ; …; vₙ  ↦ wₙ 〛⟩
                   ⟨ hₖ= v₀', hᵥ= wₒ', t= 〚v₁' ↦ w₁'; …; vₙ' ↦ wₙ'〛⟩ = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqGenMapNonEmptyNonEmpty
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @('GenMap' σₖ σᵥ)
                   〚v₀  ↦ w₀ ; v₁  ↦ w₁ ; …; vₙ  ↦ wₙ 〛
                   〚v₀' ↦ w₀'; v₁' ↦ w₁'; …; vₙ' ↦ wₙ'〛) = r
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @('GenMap' 'Text' σ)
                   〚t₁  ↦ v₁ ; …; tₙ  ↦ vₙ 〛
                   〚t₁' ↦ v₁'; …; tₙ' ↦ vₙ'〛) = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqTextMap
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @('TextMap' σ)
                    [t₁  ↦ v₁ ; …; tₙ  ↦ vₙ ]
                    [t₁' ↦ v₁'; …; tₙ' ↦ vₙ']) = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqTypeRep
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ ('type_rep' @σ₁) ('type_rep' @σ₂)) = Ok (σ₁ ≤ₜ σ₂)
      τ <ₜ τ'
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqAnyTypeSmaller
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ ('to_any' @τ v) ('to_any' @τ' v')) = OK 'True'
      τ' <ₜ τ
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqAnyTypeGreater
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ ('to_any' @τ v) ('to_any' @τ' v')) = OK 'False'
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @τ v v') = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqAnyValue
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @σ ('to_any' @τ v) ('to_any' @τ v')) = r
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqAbs
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @(σ → τ) v v' = Err 'Try to compare functions'
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqTyAbs
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @(∀ α : k . σ) v v' = Err 'Try to compare functions'
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqUpdate
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @('Update' σ) v v' = Err 'Try to compare functions'
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvLessEqScenario
      𝕆('LESS_EQ' @('Scenario' σ) v v' = Err 'Try to compare functions'
  • GREATER_EQ : ∀ (α:*). α → α → 'Bool'

    The builtin function GREATER_EQ returns 'True' if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument, 'False' otherwise. The function raises a runtime error if the arguments are incomparable.

    [Available in version >=]

    Formally the function is defined as a shortcut for the function:

    'GREATER_EQ' ≡
        Λ α : ⋆. λ x : α . λ y : b.
        'LESS_EQ' @α y x
  • EQUAL : ∀ (α:*). α → α → 'Bool'

    The builtin function EQUAL returns 'True' if the first argument is equal to the second argument, 'False' otherwise. The function raises a runtime error if the arguments are incomparable.

    [Available in version >=]

    Formally the function is defined as a shortcut for the function:

    'EQUAL' ≡
        Λ α : ⋆. λ x : α . λ y : b.
        'case' 'LESS_EQ' @α x y 'of'
                'True' → 'GREATER_EQ' @α x y
        '|' 'False' → 'False'

    [Available in version >=]

  • LESS : ∀ (α:*). α → α → 'Bool'

    The builtin function LESS returns 'True' if the first argument is strictly less that the second argument, 'False' otherwise. The function raises a runtime error if the arguments are incomparable.

    [Available in version >=]

    Formally the function is defined as a shortcut for the function:

    'LESS' ≡
        Λ α : ⋆. λ x : α . λ y : b.
        'case' 'EQUAL' @α x y 'of'
               'True' → 'False'
           '|' 'False' → 'LESS_EQ' α x y
  • GREATER : ∀ (α:*). α → α → 'Bool'

    The builtin function LESS returns 'True' if the first argument is strictly greater that the second argument, 'False' otherwise. The function raises a runtime error if the arguments are incomparable.

    [Available in version >=]

    Formally the function is defined as a shortcut for the function:

    'GREATER' ≡
        Λ α : ⋆. λ x : α . λ y : b.
        'case' 'EQUAL' @α x y 'of'
              'True' → 'False'
          '|' 'False' → 'GREATER_EQ' α x y

Boolean functions

  • EQUAL_BOOL : 'Bool' → 'Bool' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the two booleans are syntactically equal, False otherwise.

    [Available in version <]

Int64 functions

  • ADD_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Int64'

    Adds the two integers. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • SUB_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Int64'

    Subtracts the second integer from the first one. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • MUL_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Int64'

    Multiplies the two integers. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • DIV_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Int64'

    Returns the quotient of division of the first integer by the second one. Throws an error if the first integer is −2⁶³ and the second one is -1.

  • MOD_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Int64'

    Returns the remainder of the division of the first integer by the second one.

  • EXP_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Int64'

    Returns the exponentiation of the first integer by the second one. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • LESS_EQ_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first integer is less or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • GREATER_EQ_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first integer is greater or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • LESS_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first integer is strictly less than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • GREATER_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first integer is strictly greater than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • EQUAL_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Int64' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first integer is equal to the second, 'False' otherwise.

    [Available in version <]

  • TO_TEXT_INT64 : 'Int64' → 'Text'

    Returns the decimal representation of the integer as a string.

  • FROM_TEXT_INT64 : 'Text' → 'Optional' 'Int64'

    Given a string representation of an integer returns the integer wrapped in Some. If the input does not match the regexp [+-]?\d+ or if the result of the conversion overflows, returns None.

    [Available in versions >= 1.5]

Numeric functions

  • ADD_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α

    Adds the two decimals. The scale of the inputs and the output is given by the type parameter α. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • SUB_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α

    Subtracts the second decimal from the first one. The scale of the inputs and the output is given by the type parameter α. Throws an error if overflow.

  • MUL_NUMERIC : ∀ (α₁ α₂ α : nat) . 'Numeric' α₁ → 'Numeric' α₂ → 'Numeric' α

    Multiplies the two numerics and rounds the result to the closest multiple of 10⁻ᵅ using banker's rounding convention. The type parameters α₁, α₂, α define the scale of the first input, the second input, and the output, respectively. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • DIV_NUMERIC : ∀ (α₁ α₂ α : nat) . 'Numeric' α₁ → 'Numeric' α₂ → 'Numeric' α

    Divides the first decimal by the second one and rounds the result to the closest multiple of 10⁻ᵅ using banker's rounding convention (where n is given as the type parameter). The type parameters α₁, α₂, α define the scale of the first input, the second input, and the output, respectively. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • CAST_NUMERIC : ∀ (α₁, α₂: nat) . 'Numeric' α₁ → 'Numeric' α₂

    Converts a decimal of scale α₁ to a decimal scale α₂ while keeping the value the same. Throws an exception in case of overflow or precision loss.

  • SHIFT_NUMERIC : ∀ (α₁, α₂: nat) . 'Numeric' α₁ → 'Numeric' α₂

    Converts a decimal of scale α₁ to a decimal scale α₂ to another by shifting the decimal point. Thus the ouput will be equal to the input multiplied by 1E(α₁-α₂).

  • LESS_EQ_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first numeric is less or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise. The scale of the inputs is given by the type parameter α.

  • GREATER_EQ_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first numeric is greater or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise. The scale of the inputs is given by the type parameter α.

  • LESS_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first numeric is strictly less than the second, 'False' otherwise. The scale of the inputs is given by the type parameter α.

  • GREATER_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first numeric is strictly greater than the second, 'False' otherwise. The scale of the inputs is given by the type parameter α.

  • EQUAL_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Numeric' α → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first numeric is equal to the second, 'False' otherwise. The scale of the inputs is given by the type parameter α.

    [Available in version <]

  • TO_TEXT_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Text'

    Returns the numeric string representation of the numeric. The scale of the input is given by the type parameter α.

  • FROM_TEXT_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) .'Text' → 'Optional' 'Numeric' α

    Given a string representation of a numeric returns the numeric wrapped in Some. If the input does not match the regexp [+-]?\d+(\.d+)? or if the result of the conversion cannot be mapped into a decimal without loss of precision, returns None. The scale of the output is given by the type parameter α.

    [Available in versions >= 1.5]

String functions

  • APPEND_TEXT : 'Text' → 'Text' → 'Text'

    Appends the second string at the end of the first one.

  • EXPLODE_TEXT : 'Text' → List 'Text'

    Returns the list of the individual codepoint of the string. Note the codepoints of the string are still of type 'Text'.

  • IMPLODE_TEXT : 'List' 'Text' → 'Text'

    Appends all the strings in the list.

  • SHA256_TEXT : 'Text' → 'Text'

    Performs the SHA-256 hashing of the UTF-8 string and returns it encoded as a Hexadecimal string (lower-case).

    [Available in versions >= 1.2]

  • LESS_EQ_TEXT : 'Text' → 'Text' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first string is lexicographically less or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • GREATER_EQ_TEXT : 'Text' → 'Text' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first string is lexicographically greater or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • LESS_TEXT : 'Text' → 'Text' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first string is lexicographically strictly less than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • GREATER_TEXT : 'Text' → 'Text' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first string is lexicographically strictly greater than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • EQUAL_TEXT : 'Text' → 'Text' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first string is equal to the second, 'False' otherwise.

    [Available in version <]

  • TO_TEXT_TEXT : 'Text' → 'Text'

    Returns string such as.

  • TEXT_TO_CODE_POINTS: 'Text' → 'List' 'Int64'

    Returns the list of the Unicode codepoints of the input string represented as integers.

    [Available in versions >= 1.6]

  • TEXT_FROM_CODE_POINTS: 'List' 'Int64' → 'Text'

    Given a list of integer representations of Unicode codepoints, return the string built from those codepoints. Throws an error if one of the elements of the input list is not in the range from 0x000000 to 0x00D7FF or in the range from 0x00DFFF to 0x10FFFF (bounds included).

    [Available in versions >= 1.6]

Timestamp functions

  • LESS_EQ_TIMESTAMP : 'Timestamp' → 'Timestamp' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first timestamp is less or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • GREATER_EQ_TIMESTAMP : 'Timestamp' → 'Timestamp' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first timestamp is greater or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • LESS_TIMESTAMP : 'Timestamp' → 'Timestamp' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first timestamp is strictly less than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • GREATER_TIMESTAMP : 'Timestamp' → 'Timestamp' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first timestamp is strictly greater than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • EQUAL_TIMESTAMP : 'Timestamp' → 'Timestamp' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first timestamp is equal to the second, 'False' otherwise.

    [Available in version <]

  • TO_TEXT_TIMESTAMP : 'Timestamp' → 'Text'

    Returns an ISO 8601 compliant string representation of the timestamp. The actual format is as follows. Note that both "T" and "Z" appear literally in the string. On the one hand "T" separates the date part from time part, while on the other hand, "Z" indicates the zero UTC offset. :



    • YYYY = four-digit year
    • MM = two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
    • DD = two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
    • hh = two digits of hour (00 through 23)
    • mm = two digits of minute (00 through 59)
    • ss = two digits of second (00 through 59)
    • S = zero to six digits representing a decimal fraction of a second. In case of zero digits the preceding full stop (".") is omitted.

    Note the exact number of digits used to represent the decimal fraction of a second is not specified, however, it is guaranteed:

    • The output uses at least as many digits as necessary but may be padded on the right with an unspecified number of "0".
    • The output will not change within minor version of DAML-LF 1.

Date functions

  • LESS_EQ_DATE : 'Date' → 'Date' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first date is less or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • GREATER_EQ_DATE : 'Date' → 'Date' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first date is greater or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • LESS_DATE : 'Date' → 'Date' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first date is strictly less than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • GREATER_DATE : 'Date' → 'Date' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first date is strictly greater than the second, 'False' otherwise.

  • EQUAL_DATE : 'Date' → 'Date' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first date is equal to the second, 'False' otherwise.

    [Available in version <]

  • TO_TEXT_DATE : 'Date' → 'Text'

    Returns an ISO 8601 compliant string representation of the timestamp date. The actual format is as follows. :



    • YYYY = four-digit year
    • MM = two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
    • DD = two-digit day of month (01 through 31)

Party functions


Since version 1.1, DAML-LF provides four built-in comparison functions, which impose a total order on party literals. This order is left unspecified. However, it is guaranteed to not change within minor version of DAML-LF 1.

For this reason, it is recommended to not store lists sorted using this ordering, since the ordering might change in future versions of DAML-LF.

  • LESS_EQ_PARTY : 'Party' → 'Party' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first party is less or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise. [Available in versions >= 1.1]

  • GREATER_EQ_PARTY : 'Party' → 'Party' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first party is greater or equal than the second, 'False' otherwise. [Available in versions >= 1.1]

  • LESS_PARTY : 'Party' → 'Party' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first party is strictly less than the second, 'False' otherwise. [Available in versions >= 1.1]

  • GREATER_PARTY : 'Party' → 'Party' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first party is strictly greater than the second, 'False' otherwise. [Available in versions >= 1.1]

  • EQUAL_PARTY : 'Party' → 'Party' → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first party is equal to the second, 'False' otherwise.

    [Available in version <]

  • TO_QUOTED_TEXT_PARTY : 'Party' → 'Text'

    Returns a single-quoted Text representation of the party. It is equivalent to a call to TO_TEXT_PARTY, followed by quoting the resulting Text with single quotes.

  • TO_TEXT_PARTY : 'Party' → 'Text'

    Returns the string representation of the party. This function, together with FROM_TEXT_PARTY, forms an isomorphism between PartyId strings and parties. In other words, the following equations hold:

    ∀ p. FROM_TEXT_PARTY (TO_TEXT_PARTY p) = 'Some' p
    ∀ txt p. FROM_TEXT_PARTY txt = 'Some' p → TO_TEXT_PARTY p = txt

    [Available in versions >= 1.2]

  • FROM_TEXT_PARTY : 'Text' → 'Optional' 'Party'

    Given the string representation of the party, returns the party, if the input string is a PartyId strings.

    [Available in versions >= 1.2]

ContractId functions

  • EQUAL_CONTRACT_ID : ∀ (α : ⋆) . 'ContractId' α → 'ContractId' α → 'Bool'

    Returns 'True' if the first contact id is equal to the second, 'False' otherwise.

    [Available in versions <]

  • COERCE_CONTRACT_ID : ∀ (α : ⋆) (β : ⋆) . 'ContractId' α → 'ContractId' β

    Returns the given contract ID unchanged at a different type.

    [Available in versions >= 1.5]

List functions

  • FOLDL : ∀ (α : ⋆) . ∀ (β : ⋆) . (β → α → β) → β → 'List' α → β

    Left-associative fold of a list.

  • FOLDR : ∀ (α : ⋆) . ∀ (β : ⋆) . (α → β → β) → β → 'List' α → β

    Right-associative fold of a list.

  • EQUAL_LIST : ∀ (α : ⋆) . (α → α → 'Bool') → 'List' α → 'List' α → 'Bool'

    Returns 'False' if the two lists have different length or the elements of the two lists are not pairwise equal according to the predicate give as first argument.

Text map functions

Entry order: The operations below always return a map with entries ordered by keys.

  • TEXTMAP_EMPTY : ∀ α. 'TextMap' α

    Returns the empty TextMap.

    [Available in versions >= 1.3]

  • TEXTMAP_INSERT : ∀ α. 'Text' → α → 'TextMap' α → 'TextMap' α

    Inserts a new key and value in the map. If the key is already present in the map, the associated value is replaced with the supplied value.

    [Available in versions >= 1.3]

  • TEXTMAP_LOOKUP : ∀ α. 'Text' → 'TextMap' α → 'Optional' α

    Looks up the value at a key in the map.

    [Available in versions >= 1.3]

  • TEXTMAP_DELETE : ∀ α. 'Text' → 'TextMap' α → 'TextMap' α

    Deletes a key and its value from the map. When the key is not a member of the map, the original map is returned.

    [Available in versions >= 1.3]

  • TEXTMAP_LIST : ∀ α. 'TextMap' α → 'List' ⟨ key: 'Text', value: α ⟩

    Converts to a list of key/value pairs. The output list is guaranteed to be sorted according to the ordering of its keys.

    [Available in versions >= 1.3]

  • TEXTMAP_SIZE : ∀ α. 'TextMap' α → 'Int64'

    Return the number of elements in the map.

    [Available in versions >= 1.3]

Generic map functions

Validity of Keys: A key is valid if and only if it is equivalent to itself according to the builtin function EQUAL. Attempts to use an invalid key in the operations listed under always result in a runtime error.

Of particular note, the following values are never valid keys:

  • Lambda expressions λ x : τ . e
  • Type abstractions Λ α : k . e
  • (Partially applied) built-in functions
  • Update statement
  • Any value containing an invalid key

Entry order: The operations below always return a map with entries ordered by keys according to the comparison function LESS.

  • GENMAP_EMPTY : ∀ α. ∀ β. 'GenMap' α β

    Returns an empty generic map.

    [Available in versions >=]

  • GENMAP_INSERT : ∀ α. ∀ β. α → β → 'GenMap' α β → 'GenMap' α β

    Inserts a new key and value in the map. If the key is already present according the builtin function EQUAL, the associated value is replaced with the supplied value, otherwise the key/value is inserted in order according to the builtin function LESS applied on keys. This raises a runtime error if it tries to compare incomparable values.

    [Available in versions >=]

    Formally the builtin function GENMAP_INSERT semantics is defined by the following rules. :

    𝕆('EQUAL' @σ v v) = Err t
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapInsertReplaceErr

    𝕆('GENMAP_INSERT' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v w) = Err t

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapInsertEmpty

    𝕆('GENMAP_INSERT' @σ @τ 〚〛 v w) = 〚v ↦ w〛

    𝕆('EQUAL' @σ vᵢ v) = Ok 'True' for some i ∈ 1, …, n

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapInsertReplace
    𝕆('GENMAP_INSERT' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; …; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v w) =

    'Ok' 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; …; vᵢ₋₁ ↦ wᵢ₋₁; vᵢ ↦ w; vᵢ₊₁ ↦ wᵢ₊₁; …; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛

    𝕆('LESS' @σ v v₁) = Ok 'True'

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapInsertInsertFirst
    𝕆('GENMAP_INSERT' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; …; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v w) =

    'Ok' 〚v ↦ w; v₁ ↦ w₁; …; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛

    𝕆('LESS' @σ vᵢ₋₁ v) = Ok 'True' 𝕆('LESS' @σ v vᵢ) = Ok 'True' for some i ∈ 2, …, n-1

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapInsertInsertMiddle
    𝕆('GENMAP_INSERT' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v w) =

    'Ok' 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vᵢ₋₁ ↦ wᵢ₋₁; v ↦ w; vᵢ ↦ wᵢ; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛

    𝕆('LESS' @σ vₙ v) = Ok 'True'

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapInsertInsertLast
    𝕆('GENMAP_INSERT' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; …; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v w) =

    'Ok' 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; …; vₙ ↦ wₙ; v ↦ w〛

  • GENMAP_LOOKUP : ∀ α. ∀ β. α → 'GenMap' α β → 'Optional' α

    Looks up the value at a key in the map using the builtin function EQUAL to test key equality. This raises a runtime error if it try to compare incomparable values.

    [Available in versions >=]

    Formally the builtin function GENMAP_LOOKUP semantics is defined by the following rules. :

    𝕆('EQUAL' @σ v v) = Err t
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapInsertReplaceErr

    𝕆('GENMAP_LOOKUP' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v) = Err t

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapLookupErr

    𝕆('GENMAP_LOOKUP' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v) = Err t

    𝕆('EQUAL' @σ vᵢ v) = Ok 'True' for some i ∈ 1, …, n

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapLookupPresent
    𝕆('GENMAP_LOOKUP' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v) =

    'Ok' (Some wᵢ)

    𝕆('EQUAL' @σ vᵢ v) = Ok 'False' for all i ∈ 1, …, n

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapLookupAbsent
    𝕆('GENMAP_LOOKUP' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v) =

    'Ok' None

  • GENMAP_DELETE : ∀ α. ∀ β. α → 'GenMap' α β → 'GenMap' α β

    Deletes a key and its value from the map, using the builtin function EQUAL to test key equality. When the key is not a member of the map, the original map is returned. This raises a runtime error if it try to compare incomparable values.

    [Available in versions >=]

    Formally the builtin function GENMAP_DELETE semantics is defined by the following rules. :

    𝕆('EQUAL' @σ v v) = Err t
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapDeleteErr

    𝕆('GENMAP_DELETE' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v) = Err t

    𝕆('EQUAL' @σ vᵢ v) = Ok 'True' for some i ∈ 1, …, n

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapDeletePresent
    𝕆('GENMAP_DELETE' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v) =

    Ok' 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vᵢ₋₁ ↦ wᵢ₋₁; vᵢ₊₁ ↦ wᵢ₊₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛

    𝕆('EQUAL' @σ vᵢ v) = Ok 'False' for all i ∈ 1, …, n

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapDeleteAbsent
    𝕆('GENMAP_DELETE' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛 v) =

    'Ok' 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛

  • GENMAP_KEYS : ∀ α. ∀ β. 'GenMap' α β → 'List' α

    Get the list of keys in the map. The keys are returned in the order they appear in the map.

    [Available in versions >=]

    Formally the builtin function GENMAP_KEYS semantics is defined by the following rules. :

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapKeysEmpty
      𝕆('GENMAP_KEYS' @σ @τ 〚〛) = 'Ok' (Nil @σ)
      𝕆('GENMAP_KEYS' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛) = 'Ok' vₗ
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapKeysNonEmpty
      𝕆('GENMAP_KEYS' @σ @τ 〚v₀ ↦ w₀; v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛) =
        'Ok' (Cons @σ v₀ vₗ)
  • GENMAP_VALUES : ∀ α. ∀ β. 'GenMap' α β → 'List' β

    Get the list of values in the map. The values are returned in the order they appear in the map (i.e. sorted by key).

    [Available in versions >=]

    Formally the builtin function GENMAP_VALUES semantics is defined by the following rules. :

    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapValuesEmpty
      𝕆('GENMAP_VALUES' @σ @τ 〚〛) = 'Ok' (Nil @τ)
      𝕆('GENMAP_VALUES' @σ @τ 〚v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛) = 'Ok' wₗ
    —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— EvGenMapValuesNonEmpty
      𝕆('GENMAP_KEYS' @σ @τ 〚v₀ ↦ w₀; v₁ ↦ w₁; … ; vₙ ↦ wₙ〛) =
        'Ok' (Cons @τ w₀ wₗ)
  • GENMAP_SIZE : ∀ α. ∀ β. 'GenMap' α β → 'Int64'

    Return the number of elements in the map.

    [Available in versions >=]

Type Representation function

  • EQUAL_TYPE_REP : 'TypeRep' → 'TypeRep' → 'Bool'Returns'True'if the first type representation is syntactically equal to the second one,'False'`` otherwise.

    [Available in versions = 1.7]

Conversions functions

  • INT64_TO_NUMERIC : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Int64' → 'Numeric' α

    Returns a numeric representation of the integer. The scale of the output and the output is given by the type parameter α. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • NUMERIC_TO_INT64 : ∀ (α : nat) . 'Numeric' α → 'Int64'

    Returns the integral part of the given numeric -- in other words, rounds towards 0. The scale of the input and the output is given by the type parameter α. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • TIMESTAMP_TO_UNIX_MICROSECONDS : 'Timestamp' → 'Int64'

    Converts the timestamp in integer.


    Converts the integer in a timestamp. Throws an error in case of overflow.

  • DATE_TO_UNIX_DAYS : 'Date' → 'Int64'

    Converts the date in integer.

  • UNIX_DAYS_TO_DATE : 'Int64' → 'Date'

    Converts the integer in date. Throws an error in case of overflow.

Error functions

  • ERROR : ∀ (α : ⋆) . 'Text' → α

    Throws an error with the string as message.

Debugging functions

  • TRACE : ∀ (α : ⋆) . 'Text' → α → α

    Returns the second argument as is. This function is intended to be used for debugging purposes, but note that we do not specify how ledger implementations make use of it.

Program serialization

DAML-LF programs are serialized using Protocol Buffers. The machine-readable definition of the serialization for DAML-LF major version 1 can be found in the daml_lf_1.proto file.

For the sake of brevity, we do no exhaustively describe how DAML-LF programs are (un)serialized into protocol buffer. In the rest of this section, we describe the particularities of the encoding and how DAML-LF version impacts it.

Specificities of DAML-LF serialization

Required fields

As a rule of the thumb, all non oneof fields are required in the serialization. Similarly among fields within the same oneof definition at least one must be defined. Exceptions are exhaustively indicated in the daml_lf_1.proto file with comment:

// *Optional*

The deserialization process will reject any message in which a required field is missing.

Package hash

In order to guarantee the integrity when stored on the drive or communicated through the network, a package is paired with the hash of its contents. The function used to produce the hash is specified explicitly. Currently only SHA256 is supported. Software consuming the serialized package must recompute the hash and make sure that it matches with the serialized hash.

Package reference

As commented in the Identifiers section, the package identifier is actually the hash of the serialized package's AST. To circumvent the circular dependency problem when computing the hash, package identifiers are replaced by the so-called package references in serialized AST. Those references are encoded by the following message:

message PackageRef {
  oneof Sum {
    Unit self = 1;
    string package_id_str = 2;

One should use either the field self to refer the current package or package_id_str to refer to an external package. During deserialization self references are replaced by the actual digest of the package in which it appears.

Template precondition

The precondition of a template is serialized by an optional field in the corresponding Protocol buffer message. If this field is undefined, then the deserialization process will use the expression True as default.

Data structure compression

In order to save space and to limit recursion depth, the serialization generally “compresses” structures that are often repeated, such as applications, let bindings, abstractions, list constructors, etc. However, for the sake of simplicity, the specification presented here uses a normal binary form.

For example, consider the following message that encodes expression application :

message App {
  Expr fun = 1;
  repeated Expr args = 2;

The message is interpreted as n applications (e e₁ … eₙ) where eᵢ is the interpretation of the iᵗʰ elements of args (whenever 1 ≤ i ≤ n) and e is the interpretation of fun.

Note that the DAML-LF deserialization process verifies the repeated fields of those compressed structures are non-empty. For instance, the previous message can be used only if it encodes at least one application.

Message fields of compressed structure that should not be empty - such as the args field of the App message - are annotated in the daml_lf_1.proto file with the comments:

// * must be non empty *


The program serialization format does not provide any direct way to encode either TextMap or GenMap. DAML-LF programs can create such objects only dynamically using the builtin functions prefixed by TEXTMAP_ or 'GENMAP_'

Serialization changes since version 1.0

As explained in Version history section, DAML-LF programs are accompanied by a number version. This enables the DAML-LF deserialization process to interpret different versions of the language in a backward compatibility way. During deserialization, any encoding that does not follow the minor version provided is rejected. Below we list, in chronological order, all the changes that have been introduced to the serialization format since version 1.0

Optional type

[Available in versions >= 1.1]

DAML-LF 1.1 is the first version that supports option type.

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.0 program using this data structure.

Party ordering

[Available in versions >= 1.1]

DAML-LF 1.1 is the first version that supports the built-in functions LESS_EQ_PARTY, GREATER_EQ_PARTY, LESS_PARTY, and GREATER_PARTY to compare party literals.

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.0 program using those functions.

Function type vs arrow type

[Changed in version 1.1]

Version 1.1 introduces a change in the way function types are represented.

  • In version 1.0, functional type are encoded in a "compressed" way using the message message Type.Fun. :

    message Fun {
      repeated Type params = 1;
      Type result = 2;

    This message is interpreted as:

    ('TArrow' τ₁ ('TArrow … ('TArrow' τₙ τ)))

    where τᵢ is the interpretation of the iᵗʰ elements of the field params (whenever 1 ≤ i ≤ n) and τ is the interpretation of the result field. Note that in this version, there is no direct way to encode the built-in type 'TArrow'.

  • In version 1.1 (or later), the primitive type 'TArrow' is directly encoded using the enumeration value PrimType.ARROW.

The deserialization process will reject:

  • any DAML-LF 1.0 program that uses the enumeration value PrimType.ARROW;
  • any DAML-LF 1.1 (or later) program that uses the message Type.Fun.

Flexible controllers

[Available in versions >= 1.2]

Version 1.2 changes what is in scope when the controllers of a choice are computed.

  • In version 1.1 (or earlier), only the template argument is in scope.
  • In version 1.2 (or later), the template argument and the choice argument are both in scope.

The type checker will reject any DAML-LF < 1.2 program that tries to access the choice argument in a controller expression.


To prevent the engine from running buggy, damaged, or malicious programs, serialized packages must be validated before execution. Two validation phases can be distinguished.

  • The first phase happens during deserialization itself. It is responsible for checking the following points:

    The reader may refer to the daml_lf_1.proto file where those requirements are exhaustively described as comments between asterisks (*).

  • The second phase occurs after the deserialization, on the complete abstract syntax tree of the package. It is concerned with the well-formedness of the package.

An engine compliant with the present specification must accept loading a package if and only if the latter of these two validation passes.

SHA-256 Hashing

[Available in versions >= 1.2]

DAML-LF 1.2 is the first version that supports the built-in functions SHA256_TEXT to hash string.

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.1 (or earlier) program using this functions.

Contract Key

[Available in versions >= 1.3]

Since DAML-LF 1.3, a contract key can be associated to a contract at creation. Subsequently, the contract can be retrieved by the corresponding key using the update statements fetch_by_key or lookup_by_key.

DAML-LF 1.3 is the first version that supports the statements fetch_by_key and lookup_by_key. The key is an optional field key in the Protocol buffer message DefTemplate

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.2 (or earlier) program using the two statements above or the field key within the message DefTemplate .


[Available in versions >= 1.3]

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.2 (or earlier) program using the builtin type TEXTMAP or the builtin functions TEXTMAP_EMPTY, TEXTMAP_INSERT, TEXTMAP_LOOKUP, TEXTMAP_DELETE, TEXTMAP_LIST, TEXTMAP_SIZE,

'TextMap' was called 'Map' in versions < 1.8.


[Available in versions >= 1.6]

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.5 (or earlier) program using the field enum in DefDataType messages, the field enum in CaseAlt messages, or the field enum_con_str in Expr messages.

String Interning

[Available in versions >= 1.6]

To provide string sharing, the so-called string interning mechanism allows the strings within messages to be stored in a global table and referenced by their index.

The field Package.interned_strings is a list of strings. A so-called interned string is a valid zero-based index of this list. An interned string is interpreted as the string it points to in Package.interned_strings.

  • An interned package id is an interned string that can be interpreted as a valid PackageId string.
  • An interned party is an interned string that can be interpreted as a valid Party string.
  • An interned numeric id is an interned string that can be interpreted as a valid numeric literal.
  • An interned text is an interned string interpreted as a text literal
  • An interned identifier is an interned string that can be interpreted as a valid identifier

Starting from DAML-LF 1.6, the field PackageRef.package_id_interned_str [Available in versions >= 1.6] may be used instead of PackageRef.package_id_str and it must be a valid interned packageId.

Starting from DAML-LF 1.7, all string (or repeated string) fields with the suffix _str are forbidden. Alternative fields of type int32 (or repeated int32) with the suffix _interned_str must be used instead. Except PackageRef.package_id_interned_str which is [Available in versions >= 1.6], all fields with suffix _interned_str are [Available in versions >= 1.7]. The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.7 (or later) that does not comply with this restriction.

Name Interning

[Available in versions >= 1.7]

To provide sharing of names, the so-called name interning mechanism allows the names within messages to be stored in a global table and be referenced by their index.

InternedDottedName is a non-empty list of valid interned identifiers. Such message is interpreted as the name built from the sequence the interned identifiers it contains. The field Package.interned_dotted_names is a list of such messages. A so-called interned name is a valid zero-based index of this list. An interned name is interpreted as the name built form the name it points to in Package.interned_dotted_names.

Starting from DAML-LF 1.7, all DottedName (or repeated string) fields with the suffix _dname are forbidden. Alternative fields of type int32 with the suffix _interned_dname [Available in versions >= 1.7] must be used instead. The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.7 (or later) that that does not comply this restriction.

Nat kind and Nat types

[Available in versions >= 1.7]

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.6 (or earlier) that uses nat field in Kind or Type messages.

Starting from DAML-LF 1.7 those messages are deserialized to nat kind and nat type respectively. The field nat of Type message must be a positive integer.

Note that despite there being no concrete way to build Nat types in a DAML-LF 1.6 (or earlier) program, those are implicitly generated when reading as Numeric type and Numeric builtin as described in the next section.

Parametric scaled Decimals

[Available in versions >= 1.7]

DAML-LF 1.7 is the first version that supports parametric scaled decimals. Prior versions have decimal number with a fixed scale of 10 called Decimal. Backward compatibility with the current specification is achieved as follows:

On the one hand, in case of DAML-LF 1.6 (or earlier) archive:

  • The decimal fields of the PrimLit message must match the regexp:


    The deserialization process will silently convert any message that contains such field to a numeric literal of scale 10. The deserialization process will reject any non-compliant program.

  • PrimType message with a field decimal set are translated to (Numeric 10) type when deserialized.
  • Decimal BuiltinFunction messages are translated as follows :
    • ADD_DECIMAL message is translated to (ADD_NUMERIC @10)
    • SUB_DECIMAL message is translated to (SUB_NUMERIC @10)
    • MUL_DECIMAL message is translated to (MUL_NUMERIC @10)
    • DIV_DECIMAL message is translated to (DIV_NUMERIC @10)
    • ROUND_DECIMAL message is translated to (ROUND_NUMERIC @10)
    • LESS_EQ_DECIMAL message is translated to (LESS_EQ_NUMERIC @10)
    • GREATER_EQ_DECIMAL message is translated to (GREATER_EQ_NUMERIC @10)
    • LESS_DECIMAL message is translated to (LESS_NUMERIC @10)
    • GREATER_DECIMAL message is translated to (GREATER_NUMERIC @10)
    • GREATER_DECIMAL message is translated to (GREATER_NUMERIC @10)
    • EQUAL_DECIMAL message is translated to (EQUAL_NUMERIC @10)
    • TO_TEXT_DECIMAL message is translated to (TO_TEXT_NUMERIC @10)
    • FROM_TEXT_DECIMAL message is translated to (FROM_TEXT_NUMERIC @10) [Available in versions >= 1.5]
    • INT64_TO_DECIMAL message is translated to (INT64_TO_NUMERIC @10)
    • DECIMAL_TO_INT64 message is translated to (NUMERIC_TO_INT64 @10)
  • Numeric types, literals and builtins cannot be referred directly. In other words numeric fields in PrimLit and PrimType messages must remain unset and Numeric BuiltinFunction (those containing NUMERIC in their name) are forbidden. The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.6 (or earlier) that does not comply those restrictions.

On the other hand, starting from DAML-LF 1.7:

  • The numeric field of the PrimLit message must match the regexp:


    with the addition constrains that it contains at most 38 digits (ignoring a possibly leading 0). The deserialization process will use the number of digits on the right of the decimal dot as scale when converting the message to numeric literals. The deserialization process will reject any non-compliant program.

  • Decimal types, literals and builtins cannot be referred directly. In other words decimal fields in PrimLit and PrimType messages must remain unset and Decimal BuiltinFunction (those containing DECIMAL in their name are forbidden). The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.7 (or later) that does not comply those restrictions.

Any type and type representation

DAML-LF 1.7 is the first version that supports any type and type representation.

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.0 program using this data structure.

Generic Map

[Available in versions >=]

The deserialization process will reject any DAML-LF 1.7 (or earlier) program using the builtin type GENMAP or the functions GENMAP_EMPTY, GENMAP_INSERT, GENMAP_LOOKUP, GENMAP_DELETE, GENMAP_KEYS, GENMAP_VALUES, GENMAP_SIZE.